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با توجه به اهمیت عامل کیفیت زندگی در نظام برنامه ریزی شهری، توجه به مفهوم هوشمندی و گسترش تأثیر آن بیش ازپیش مطرح می گردد که توجه اندیشمندان بسیاری را به مفهوم شهر هوشمند جلب کرده که نتیجه آن بازنگری و ارائه عوامل و شاخص های موثر در تحقق شهر هوشمند است. یکی از عوامل موثر ظهور استارت آپ ها هستند. ازاین رو هدف پژوهش حاضر ارائه الگوی شهر هوشمند با استفاده از استارت آپ ها است که ازلحاظ هدف، کاربردی و ازلحاظ نحوه تجزیه وتحلیل داده ها، آمیخته می باشد. جامعه آماری در فاز کیفی شامل خبرگان در حوزه های برنامه ریزی شهری و مدیریت شهری در نظر گرفته شدند که با استفاده از روش نمونه گیری، 11 نفر از خبرگان انتخاب شدند. در فاز کمّی نیز، مدیران ارشد، میانی شهرداری های شهر تهران به عنوان جامعه آماری و از میان آن ها، 350 نفر به عنوان نمونه آماری انتخاب شدند. جهت انجام تجزیه وتحلیل های توصیفی و استنباطی، از نرم افزارهای Spss و PLS Smart استفاده شد. نتایج تحقیق منجر به مدل تحقیق شامل نه تم فراگیر و بیست ویک تم سازنده گردید. تجزیه وتحلیل صورت گرفته بین این دو متغیر با عدد معنی داری (809/17) و ضریب مسیر (ضریب 945/0) نشان داد استارت آپ ها تأثیر معنادار مثبت و نسبتاً قویی بر شهر هوشمند دارد. با توجه به یافته های پژوهش باید گفت امروزه برای تحقق شهر هوشمند از معماری های جدید سازمانی، تغییر استراتژی ها و استارت آپ ها بهره گرفت. چراکه شهر هوشمند بر مبنای داده مدیریت می شود و استفاده از سیستم های پیچیده فناوری اطلاعات برای یکپارچه سازی خدمات و زیرساخت های شهری در آن به کار می رود و عمده ترین محور تحول و توسعه در شهر هوشمند فناوری اطلاعات است بنابراین استارتاپ ها و نوآوری های شهری در راستای پیاده سازی و تحقق شهر هوشمند جایگاه ویژه ای دارند.

Presenting Smart City Model using Startups The Case Study of District 20 of the Tehran Metropolis

Due to the importance of the quality of life factor in the urban planning system, attention to the concept of intelligence and the expansion of its influence is brought up more and more, which has drawn the attention of many thinkers to the concept of a smart city, which results in the review and presentation of factors and indicators effective in the realization of a smart city. One of the effective factors is the emergence of startups. Therefore, the current research aims to present a smart city model using startups, which is mixed in terms of purpose, practicality and terms of data analysis. The statistical population in the qualitative phase was considered to include experts in the fields of urban planning and urban management, and 11 experts were selected using the sampling method. In the quantitative phase, the senior and middle managers of the municipalities of Tehran were selected as the statistical population and 350 people were selected as the statistical sample. To perform descriptive and inferential analyses, Spss and PLS Smart software were used. The research results led to a research model including nine comprehensive themes and twenty-one constructive themes. The analysis between these two variables with a significant number (17.809) and path coefficient (coefficient 0.945) showed that startups have a positive and relatively strong significant effect on the smart city. According to the research findings, it should be said that nowadays new organizational architectures, changing strategies and start-ups are used to realize the smart city. Because the smart city is managed based on data and the use of complex information technology systems to integrate services and urban infrastructure. The main axis of transformation and development in the smart city is information technology, startups and urban innovations in line with the implementation and realization of the smart city They have a special place. Introduction Urban population growth has put wide issues in front of urban planners and managers, and it is obvious that if they are not controlled and managed, serious crises and instability will arise in urban spaces. The key to solving these problems in cities is developing and implementing advanced technologies to improve the quality of life. In such a situation, searching for new approaches relying on technology to reduce environmental, economic, physical, and social issues becomes more necessary. In this regard, a smart city is one of the new approaches to urban planning with a smart environment, smart citizens, smart government, smart life, smart economy, and smart transportation in order to achieve urban sustainability, development of network infrastructure, development Entrepreneurship is increasing residents' access to public services. Therefore, this research takes a special look at the discussion of the smart city, the position of startups in the country and Tehran, and specifically District 20 of Tehran. District 20 is the southernmost urban district of Tehran Municipality. Appropriate access coverage due to the Tehran (Azadegan) ring road crossing from the north of the district, the existence of an active metro station, and the possibility of quick communication with the center of Tehran and its other main points, the slope of the land is less than ten percent, the existence of transport companies in the district having a population of over 453,740 people and skilled, efficient and expert human capital, the existence of various universities with various disciplines, the presence of barren lands inside and within the district, the height difference of Tehran city from north to south,  and flow sewage of urban areas to the southern districts and District 20; these items are among the desirable features of the district to create startups and achieve a smart city. This article tries to provide a model of a smart city with the help of startups by examining the smart city indicators and identifying startups in different fields. Moreover, it seeks to answer the following question: - What is the role of urban startups in the smart city?    Methodology This research is applied in terms of its purpose and has been carried out using a descriptive and analytical method. This research has been conducted in two general phases; qualitative approach as theme analysis and quantitative approach as structural equation modeling. In the qualitative phase of the research, a group of experts in urban planning was considered the statistical population. The snowball method was used in this research phase, and 11 interviews were conducted. In the quantitative phase of the research, senior, middle, and operational managers in the municipalities of all districts of Tehran, who were familiar with the topic of smart city, were considered the statistical population. Due to the appropriate access of the researcher to the statistical population, 350 statistical samples were involved in the quantitative phase data collection process in this research. In the qualitative phase of the research, the main data collection tool was in-depth and semi-structured interviews with experts since the theme analysis method was exploited. In the quantitative phase, the main data collection tool was a closed and researcher-made questionnaire designed based on the initial conceptual model. In the quantitative phase of the research, SPSS and smart-PLS statistical software were exerted to analyze the data.    Results and discussion The analysis carried out between the two variables of transportation startups on smart transportation showed that the significant number of this effect is equal to (14.044) and (coefficient 0.953) (positive effect on smart transportation). Also, startups related to waste recycling and the environment have a significant impact on the smart environment, and the analysis between these two variables showed that the significant number of this impact is equal to (6.691) and (0.894 coefficient). Smart management and urban planning also significantly impact smart governance and smart economy. The analysis between these two variables showed that the significant number of this effect is equal to (16.465) and (7.715), respectively. The intelligentization of the infrastructure network significantly affects the smart city, and the analysis between these two variables showed that the significant number of this effect is equal to (15.702) and (coefficient 0.686). Finally, based on the analysis, the two variables of startups (transportation, environment, management and planning, infrastructures) and the smart city have an equal effect (17.809) and (0.945 coefficient). According to the findings of the research, it should be said that today, to realize the smart city, new organizational architectures, changing strategies, and startups have been exerted. A smart city is managed through the use of data and complex information technology systems, which integrate various services and urban infrastructures. This makes technology the main focus of development and transformation in a smart city. As a result, startups and urban innovations play a crucial role in the implementation and realization of a smart city.    Conclusion Increasing the level of well-being, preserving the environment, optimal use of urban resources, reducing pollution, etc., are among the most critical goals of cities to prevent problems arising from the development of the urban population. Implementing the smart city should be considered a requirement for the future to achieve this goal. The main aim of the smart city is technology and innovation and the implementation of startups. In the past few years, because the metropolis of Tehran has been the first destination for smart technologies and the creative class, it has witnessed profound changes in the provision of services such as transportation, health, housing, education, etc. Due to new requirements, we face a challenge of inadequate infrastructure, limited access to resources, weak laws, restrictive regulations, legal gaps, and a lack of recognition and understanding of startups. The absence of a startup culture among people, low reception among citizens and officials, and reluctance from city managers to implement smart city technologies pose significant obstacles to achieving a smart city. This is while the smart city is managed based on data and uses new technology in the digital field to ultimately lead to improving citizens' lives and improving people's lives and better living.    Funding There is no funding support.   Authors’ Contribution All of the authors approved the content of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work.   Conflict of Interest Authors declared no conflict of interest.   Acknowledgments We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.
