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به موازات عملیات طوفان الاقصی و شروع مخاصمه حماس و اسرائیل در اکتبر سال 2023 میلادی، رسانه های مختلف ازجمله بی بی سی فارسی و ایران اینترنشنال به صورت برجسته، فعالیت های خبری/ تحلیلی خود را در شبکه های تلویزیونی و نیز بستر سکوهای اینترنتی نظیر اینستاگرام آغاز کردند و با این نگرش که دنبال کنندگان صفحات آن ها میلیونی هستند، سعی کردند از طریق آن، بخش مهمی از هدایت افکار عمومی مخاطبان خود را در خصوص تحولات غزه در اختیار بگیرند. با توجه به همین مسئله، این پژوهش با رویکردی توصیفی/ تحلیلی به دنبال بررسی این مسئله اساسی است که بازنمایی حقوقی مخاصمه غزه در صفحات اینستاگرامی رسانه های فوق از شروع عملیات طوفان الاقصی در 7 اکتبر تا پایان ماه اکتبر 2023 به چه صورت بوده است؟ یافته های پژوهش که بر مبنای شگرد بازنمایی رسانه ای استوارت هال تحلیل خواهد شد، نشانگر آن است که عمدتاً صفحات اینستاگرامی رسانه های فوق، از منظر حقوقی و در واکنش به عملیات طوفان الاقصی، سعی بر آن کرده اند که حمله اسرائیل به نوار غزه را در چارچوب دفاع مشروع بازنمایی کرده و حتی حماس را گروهی تروریستی و مسئول بروز کشتار مردم غزه معرفی کنند. ضمن اینکه تأکید بر مداخله ایران و جبهه مقاومت در معادلات غزه، بخش مهم دیگر بازنمایی مخاصمه غزه به ویژه در صفحه اینستاگرام ایران اینترنشنال بوده است.

Representing the legal aspects of the October 2023 conflict in Gaza on the Instagram pages of BBC Farsi and Iran International

The most significant event of the 20th century is arguably the emergence of the Internet phenomenon, creating a direct communication network among people worldwide. This development has and will continue to bring about changes in the course of time that are incomparable to other events of this period, including world wars. Expanding the scope of virtual communication through social networks has become a key factor influencing political and legal developments both domestically and internationally. With the proliferation of social media in recent years, this emerging discourse has solidified its position and connected a global audience across borders. Events in the political and international arena are now intertwined with developments in the Internet realm and major global social networks like Instagram. One notable event in 2023 was the conflict between Gaza and Israel.   This study aims to explore how the Gaza conflict was portrayed in the legal and media landscapes through the Instagram accounts of BBC Persian and Iran International. The analysis covers posts from the start of Operation Al-Aqsa on October 7, 2023, to the end of that month. The hypothesis posited in this article considers the quantitative and qualitative dimensions of Instagram posts by BBC Persian and Iran International regarding the Gaza conflict. It suggests that these media outlets may represent Hamas as a terrorist group and portray Israel as justified in exercising "legitimate defense." Furthermore, the posts on Iran International's Instagram page not only depict Hamas as a terrorist group but also highlight the role of the resistance axis, particularly the Islamic Republic of Iran, in supporting Hamas and intervening territorially in the Gaza conflict. To evaluate this hypothesis effectively, the study employs the media Representation theory by British sociologist Stuart Hall as a theoretical framework. Hall's theory emphasizes the interplay of Representation, Production, Consumption, Identity, and Regulation in the cultural cycle. Hall's concept of Representation explores the connections between Meaning, Language, and Culture. He categorizes Representation into Reflective, Constructive, and Intentional interpretations, highlighting strategies like Stereotyping and Naturalization. These strategies can lead to polarization and radical separation between different groups. The study examines how the Representation of the Gaza conflict in October 2023 on the Instagram pages of BBC Persian and Iran International focused on legal metaphors. The analysis reveals that the main metaphors in these posts were tailored to influence the audience's mindset, aligning with the media's Representation Project. Out of a total of 3,833 posts on both media pages during the specified period, 1,825 posts (about 47.6%) were related to the Gaza conflict, while 1,428 posts (about 37.1%) were related to Iran. Analyzing these posts yielded key qualitative components and statistical data along specific conceptual axes. The study's findings highlighted four main axes of Representation in the Instagram posts of both media outlets. Firstly, there was an emphasis on Hamas's high violence in violation of conflict laws, contrasting with humanitarian rights principles breached by repeated Israeli attacks and civilian casualties. Secondly, there was a focus on Israel's right to legitimate defense by portraying Hamas as a terrorist group. However, the analysis notes the need for proportional responses in line with international law, even in response to Hamas's military actions. The third axis addressed territorial intervention in the Gaza conflict by Iran and other supporting actors, a claim denied by Iranian officials and lacking substantial evidence according to some foreign officials like US President Joe Biden. Lastly, the Representation analysis highlighted the diminishing legal legitimacy of Hamas among the people of Gaza, with some opinions framing Hamas's actions within the legal rules of armed conflict against colonial domination and foreign occupation.
