مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه
حوزههای تخصصی:
This study investigated the relationship between teaching L2 semantic tasks (collocation vs. definition) in vocabulary achievement of Iranian intermediate English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners. To this end, 60 students at intermediate level studying in the Simin Institute were selected from a total number of 100 participants based on their performance on Oxford Placement Test (OPT). After ensuring the criterion of homogeneity, they were randomly assigned to two experimental and one control group each comprising 20 participants. Before starting the treatment, a pretest was administered to find out learners’ vocabulary knowledge. Then the experimental groups were instructed to use collocation and definition in vocabulary learning for 5 sessions while the control group received no treatment. After the end of the treatment, the same pre-test was administered to all groups as a post-test. Analysis of the results of three paired sample T-test and a one way ANOVA showed that the experimental group that received collocation task outperformed the other two groups (control group and second experimental group) in the post-test. It was concluded that teaching collocation task had a positive effect on learners’ vocabulary knowledge.
The Impact of Collocation Activities on Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners’ Knowledge of Vocabulary
حوزههای تخصصی:
The primary aim of this study was to open up new ways with which teachers could help learners improve their knowledge of vocabulary via collocation activities. This study investigated the effect of collocation activities on Iranian intermediate EFL learners’ vocabulary knowledge in order to solve their vocabulary problems. To this end, 60 female students from Pardis Institute in Lahijan, Iran participated in this study. They were divided into two groups of 30, one as an experimental group that received collocation activities as the treatment and a control group which received traditional method of vocabulary instruction. The researchers used a quasi-experimental, pre-test/post-test control group design. The data were analyzed using an Independent Samples T-test and a series of paired Samples T-tests. The findings of this study showed that collocation activities improved significantly participant learners’ vocabulary knowledge. The findings from paired-sample t-test indicated that the learners in the experimental group outperformed the control group in vocabulary knowledge.
Appropriation Based -Syllabus and Advanced EFL Learners’ Speaking Skill: The Case of Chunks-on-Card Activities(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
The impetus for conducting the present study came from Thornbury's (2005) approach to teach speaking in which he claimed that awareness-raising techniques, along with appropriation strategies, facilitate the process of teaching and learning speaking. Therefore, the present study attempted to explore the impact of the appropriation-based syllabus to teach speaking by using chunks-on-card activity. Accordingly, 60 female and male Iranian advanced EFL learners were selected from a private language institute and were assigned to four groups. The four groups were male experimental and control groups as well as female experimental and control groups. To examine the effect of the treatment, the participants were pre- and post-tested on speaking skill. They took part in 14 treatment sessions in which the experimental group practiced the chunks-on-card method through drilling while the control group practiced the conventional approach. The results of one-way ANOVA revealed significant differences among the posttest scores of the four groups. According to the findings, the mean score for male learners in the experimental group differed significantly from female and male learners in the control groups. Similarly, the mean score of female learners in the experimental group differed significantly from female and male learners in the control groups. The results of paired-samples t-test for each group also indicated that the appropriation-based teaching of lexical chunks had significant impacts on both genders’ speaking skills.
Searching for Cross-Domain Mappings in the Corpus: an Analysis of Conceptual Metaphors’ Usage Patterns in Farsi(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
In this study, corpus method was used to test an assumption of Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT) that systematic and conventionally fixed metaphorical expressions have literal meaning in the source domain. The conceptual metaphors LIFE IS A JOURNEY and IDEAS ARE PLANTS were selected for analysis and three keywords from source domain of the metaphors were chosen and matched with their English equivalents. Hamshahri 2 collection of Farsi texts was selected as the corpus of the study. For ease of processing, one third of the corpus comprising of fifty million word tokens was randomly sampled as the working corpus. Collocates of the source-domain keywords, as realizations of fixed metaphoric expressions, were extracted using AntConc software and their concordances were examined. It was found that 1) in conventionally fixed metaphorical expressions, when source-domain keywords were used metaphorically they had collocates that rarely appeared with the same source-domain keywords used literally, and 2) source-domain keywords had gradable degrees of metaphoricity. The findings were interpreted as suggesting that the meaning of fixed metaphoric expressions may not be systematically connected to the metaphor's source-domain meaning.
EFL Learners’ Writing Progress through Collocation Awareness-raising Approach: An analytic assessment(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۵, Issue ۱۷, Spring ۲۰۱۷
69 - 84
حوزههای تخصصی:
There is insufficient rigorous research examining which features of EFL/ESL learners’ writing can be improved through their awareness/knowledge of collocation. This study, therefore, addressed this issue and examined the effect of this awareness on Iranian EFL learners’ writing performance with respect to the specific features of each writing sub-component (i.e., content, organization, vocabulary and language use) in the short and long term. The study was a quasi-experimental using a within- and between-group approach utilizing a pre-test/post-test design with a control group supplemented with the qualitative information obtained from the interviews with the writing raters. The results showed that developing knowledge/awareness of collocations effectively improved the participants’ quality of writing in terms of ‘vocabulary’, ‘organization’ and ‘language use’. A deeper analysis of the results revealed that the observed improvements in these sub-components were in terms of some particular features: the range of sophistication, lexical choice and usage; succinctness, fluency and clarity of the expressed ideas; and the accuracy of agreement, tense and prepositions. In addition, the sub-findings emerging from the results accentuated the significance of instructional intervention, in general, and first language-second language contrastive analysis, in particular, in helping L2 learners notice, note and incorporate collocations in their output.
Effect of Spaced Repetition on Iranian EFL Learners’ Form Recall of English Single Words and Collocations(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
international Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۵, Issue ۱۹, Autumn ۲۰۱۷
51 - 60
حوزههای تخصصی:
Acquiring vocabulary has always been recognized as a significant and challenging part of language learning process. In this study, the researcher examined the extent to which form recall of target lexical items by learners of English as a foreign language (EFL) is affected by a) repetition and b) by the type of target item; single words versus collocations. The treatment consisted of non-communicative, (partly) decontextualized activities, in which the target items were taught and examined. For this purpose, 27 Iranian intermediate EFL learners were chosen and divided into two groups of A with 14 and B with 13 participants. In all activities, the participants had to supply the target items’ forms. Data were collected in a classroom setting in two groups, differing only in the type of target item. In class A, the research focused on single words and in class B the focus was on collocations. A pre and post test was administered to the participants before and after the treatment. The findings show a large effect of spaced repetition on form recall of single words and collocations. However, the participants in class A who were treated with single words outperformed the other group.
Semantic Prosody: Its Knowledge and Appropriate Selection of Equivalents(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
international Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۶, Issue ۲۲, Summer ۲۰۱۸
73 - 88
حوزههای تخصصی:
In translation, choosing appropriate equivalent is essential to convey the right message from source-text to target-text, and one of the issues that may have a determinative role in appropriate equivalent choice is the semantic prosody (SP) behavior of words and the relation existing between the SP of a word and semantic senses (i.e. negativity, positivity or neutrality) of its collocations in the context. This research explored the impact of Iranian translator trainees' semantic prosody knowledge on the appropriate selection of equivalents in translation. The probable influence of proficiency level or fields of study on the appropriate selection of equivalents with respect to SP was concentrated as well. To fulfill the aims of the study, a translation test including a number of near-synonym pairs with different SPs was administered among participants with different fields of study as well as different proficiency levels. Findings were analyzed based on Sinclair's (1996) hypothesis of SP as well as Stubbs' (1995) model of SP classification. The study showed where there is more than one equivalent of a word in another language, having the knowledge and being aware of the conditions of semantic prosody is necessary to select the appropriate, accurate equivalents and thus to convey the exact message from a source text to the target one. The results also revealed that proficiency level and field of study among language learners can have an influence on choosing appropriate equivalents with respect to SP. The findings of the present study can be beneficial for the instructors and learners in both fields of translation and Teaching English as a Foreign Language to improve equivalent choice appropriateness. Also, this study by highlighting the essential role of semantic prosody in selecting appropriate equivalents can be beneficial to dictionary compilers to include semantic prosody behaviors in the definition and information of words.
Effects of Form-focused, Meaning-focused, and Forms-focused Instruction on Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners' Development of Collocations(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
international Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۶, Issue ۲۴, Winter ۲۰۱۸
157 - 186
حوزههای تخصصی:
The current study was an attempt to investigate the effect of performing Focus on Form (FoF), Focus on Meaning (FoM), and Focus on Forms (FoFs) instructions on the development of collocational knowledge among Iranian intermediate EFL learners, and to explore any significant difference on the achievement of the participants' collocational knowledge among three groups. In so doing, 107 female intermediate EFL learners were selected for this research. They all took the Nelson proficiency test and 90 students who had gotten the higher scores were randomly divided into three groups of FoF, FoM, and FoFs. Before the treatment they were pretested and the results of the three groups did not have any significant difference, thus all of the learners were at the same level of knowledge. After the treatment, they were posttested and their scores in FoM group were considerably higher than the learner' scores in FoF and FoFs groups but the learners' scores in FoF and FoFs groups did not have any significant difference with each other. The findings of this study offer beneficial implications for EFL teachers, learners, and materials developers which are finally discussed.
The Reflection and Function of Geographic Names in Persian Poetry(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
فنون ادبی سال دوازدهم تابستان ۱۳۹۹ شماره ۲ (پیاپی ۳۱)
117 - 128
حوزههای تخصصی:
The relation between geographic knowledge (particularly geographic names) and Persian poetry is one of the important literary categories which is studied in this article. This category has been talked about less up to now and has been rarely under research and evaluation. There is no doubt that a noticeable part of the poetry themes and Persian poets' witticism is about the names which are mentioned. The familiar appendices which are regulated and published under the title of "list of places" on the final pages of most of the Persian poetry Diwans are briefly clear confirmation of this claim. In this article, there will be an endeavor to familiarize and introduce different forms of reflection of "geographic names" in Persian poetry including a various spectrum of poetic themes, figurative speech, inspiring symbolic and mystical meanings, melodious compounds, proverbial quotations, and wisdom, description, praise, expressing erudition, and developing geographic knowledge. Keywords: Persian poetry, geographical names, poetic theme, literary geography, collocation
Effect of Individually-Generated, Teacher-Generated, and Cooperatively-Generated Graphic Organizer Activities on EFL Learners' Collocation Knowledge and Retention(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
international Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۱۰, Issue ۴۲, Autumn ۲۰۲۲
119 - 134
حوزههای تخصصی:
Graphic organizers have been employed to facilitate second language learners' vocabulary knowledge development; however, the examination of the effects of these graphic organizer options on learners' collocation knowledge development has remained unexplored. This research investigated the effects of using teacher-generated, individually-generated, and cooperatively generated graphic organizers on Iranian English language learners' collocation knowledge. The present study examined these effects by studying 80 intermediate second language learners who were selected based on convenience sampling. The participants were assigned to four groups randomly. The collocations were provided on the board in the control group, and explanations were provided orally. In the teacher graphic organizer group, the teacher provided the learners with pre-filled graphic organizers with collocations. In the individually-generated group, the teacher provided the learners with a list of words in groups, and they had some minutes to generate their graphic organizers. In the cooperatively-generated group, the participants had some minutes to generate their graphic organizers cooperatively with their peers. Using a pre-test, immediate post-test, and delayed post-test, the researchers examined the effects of these conditions on learners' collocation knowledge. The findings showed that all graphic organizer groups were more successful than the control group in developing learners' collocation knowledge. In addition, the mean value of the participants’ scores in the cooperative group was significantly more than that of the teacher-generated and individually-generated groups, and there was no significant difference between the mean scores of the teacher and individual-generated graphic organizer groups.
The Effect of Reading Humorous Texts on Iranian EFL Learners’ Collocations Learning
Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Translation Studies, Vol. ۵, No. ۳, September ۲۰۲۰
63 - 88
حوزههای تخصصی:
The issues of humor and collocation are among the themes that have recently attracted the attention of researchers in language pedagogy. In line with this current trend of research, this study investigated the effect of reading humorous texts on learning collocations by Iranian EFL learners. To achieve this end, 59 Iranian EFL students majoring English Literature and English Translation were selected as the participants, and their language proficiency and knowledge of collocation were determined via Success Test and Collocation tests. They were given a pre-test (in order to determine their knowledge of specific collocations used in humor texts), five tests with five humor texts, and a post-test (in order to find the effect of reading humor texts on learning collocations). Paired sample t-tests and ANOVA were then employed to analyze the collected data. The findings of the study revealed that humor texts can bear positive impacts on collocation learning of Iranian EFL learners. The findings of the study can have implications for teaching collocations.
Creating Lexical Phrases within Construction Grammar and their Application in Persian Dictionaries(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
زبان پژوهی سال پانزدهم زمستان ۱۴۰۲ شماره ۴۹
119 - 147
حوزههای تخصصی:
Idioms and collocations are part of lexical phrases which are of high importance in lexicography. One of the criteria for distinguishing these two types of phrases from each other is the inflexibility of their constituent elements. Idioms, unlike collocations, are not flexible in terms of word order and are always used in a fixed and specific form. The purpose of the present article was to show firstly whether all Persian idioms are inflexible against syntactic changes or some are flexible; secondly, to indicate how a new lexical phrase is created as a result of converting an idiom into a collocation. To illustrate this phenomenon, a new and practical definition for idioms and collocations, based on syntactic criteria not merely semantic, was provided. According to Construction Grammar, idioms were analyzed based on four syntactic tests: ‘passivization’, ‘clefting’, ‘dislocation’, and ‘interrogation’. Two hundred idioms were collected from two of the most up-to-date and comprehensive sources, namely Farsi Amiyaneh Dictionary (Abolhassan Najafi, 2008) and the two-volume Dictionary of Kenayat-e Sokhan (Hassan Anvari, 2019). Some idioms were flexible to syntactic changes, and behaved similarly to collocations. The flexibility of idioms led to introducing a new definition of these phrases based on syntactic criteria. Thus, such phrases were considered a kind of collocation, not an idiom. The result showed that converting an idiom into a collocation always creates a lexical phrase or lexeme with a new meaning. Finally, a plan was introduced to represent such idioms practically in Persian dictionaries.
Cognitive Amplification: Exploring the Impact of Multimodal Input Enhancement on Working Memory and Collocation Acquisition in Iranian EFL Learners across Age Groups(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Acknowledging the critical role of working memory in language acquisition, this study examines the effects of multimodal input enhancement on working memory capacity (WMC) and collocation learning in adolescent and adult EFL learners. A cohort of 117 participants was randomly assigned to either experimental groups, receiving enhanced textual and auditory inputs, or control groups, experiencing standard inputs. Assessments included the Preliminary English Test, n-back test, and immediate and delayed collocation posttests. The results indicated that multimodal input significantly improved WMC and the recall and retention of collocations for all learners. Adolescents, in particular, excelled in both immediate and delayed tests and adapted their WMC more effectively in a multimodal context than adults. Additionally, an interaction between age and WMC was noted, affecting collocation recall and retention. These findings affirm the benefits of multimodal materials in enhancing cognitive functions and memory resources, thus improving language learning. The study offers practical insights for educational practices, advocating for the use of varied modalities in teaching materials to cater to different learning styles and cognitive needs. It also highlights the significance of designing age-appropriate materials and managing cognitive load in curriculum development, providing a tailored approach to language education for diverse learner populations.