The International Journal of Humanities

The International Journal of Humanities

The International Journal of Humanities, Volume 11, Issue 3 (2004) (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)



Bilingualism as a cognitive phenomenon in psycholinguistics Political Theory(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۱۹۸ تعداد دانلود : ۱۷۰
This paper attempts to introduce the dimensions of bi/multi-lingualism as a cognitive linguis-tic phenomenon, which can be thought over in sociological, biolinguistic, cultural and psy-cholinguistic perspective. The main research question being asked as how bi/multilingualism is a cognitive phenomenon and what are the bilinguality problems and how do they repre-sents in linguistics? Linguistic interference, bilingual acquisition, and mental lexicons notions and multi lingual representation in the brain are the main problems of the subject. There are, at least, two dif-ferent types of linguistic transfer, positive and negative or interference. The mental lexicon is the constituent of the grammar consisting of phonological, morphological, semantic, syntac-tic, and pragmatics information which speakers have stored about individual words and morphemes in their minds.The paper, therefore, is an attempt to answer and deschibe the above questions.

Khatami’ Dialogue among Civilizations as International Political Theory(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۱۳۳ تعداد دانلود : ۱۱۸
Many academics, worldwide have considered Khatami’s Dialogue of Civilizations as a pow-erful rhetoric and antithesis of the so-called ‘Clash of Civilization’ theory. This article, how-ever, tries to show the originality and depth of Khatami’s vision, framed against the back-ground of ‘the end of history’ and clash of civilization’ theories, political frames used by po-litical actors in the post cold war international order. Citing quotations from the number of speeches delivered by Khatami’s author tries to identify the notions behind the dialogue, which according to him has been influenced by many philosophical and religious trends, and which more of less justifies Iranian foreign policy and protect national interest rather a genu-ine vision to construct peaceful and just world. Further, the present article raises many ques-tions regarding the intellectual indifference and liberal west as non receptive to the dialogue, and thus, specially in the wake of recent unease around the globe.

Temporal Properties of Persian and English(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۳۲۵ تعداد دانلود : ۲۰۳
This study compares and contrasts tense and inherent aspect in English and Persian lan-guage from a semantic and syntactic point of view. The aspectual verb system in both English and Persian are semantically interpreted alike. However, in Persian a group of stative verbs are grammaticalized by the imperfective obligatory morpheme mi-, while in English all sta-tive verbs perfective. Furthermore, while in Persian all accomplishment verbs can be shifted into activity verbs by deleting their direct object markers (i.e. by means of noun-incorporation), in English accomplishment verbs cannot be shifted into activity verbs2 . Fi-nally, while English has six tense forms such as present, present perfect, past, past perfect, future, and future perfect, Persian has only five tense forms; it lacks future perfect tense and present perfect tense is being used instead. Inherent aspect and tense are syntactically instan-tiated in both English and Persian. The model that has been followed is based on Arad's (1996) and Borer's (1994) views that the interface between the lexicon (i.e. meaning) and syn-tax is aspectually determined. Based on event-predicated based approach, telic events are projected by the aspectual projection of measurer where accusative case is also checked, at-elic events are projected by the aspectual projection of originator, where an agent interpreta-tion is determined, and non-dynamic situations are projected by neither the aspectual project tion of measurer nor originator; they are base-generator in the VP, because they are aspectually contentless. However, independently of these factors tense is uniform ally projected in the IP.

Foreign Investment in the Mineral Sector of Iran: Results of a Survey Conducted am International Mining Companies(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۳۱۲ تعداد دانلود : ۱۸۸
Mining and metallurgical projects are among those that require the most sizeable invest-ments undertaken in Iran. One target of the current development plan and the Ministry of Mines and Industries has been to attract foreign investment in mining projects. A survey of world-class mining companies was conducted to determine their expectations and in order to recommend a frame work for Iran aimed at attracting foreign investment This paper exam-ines and reports on the important factors and issues influencing major mining companies’ decision to invest in the mineral sector of Iran, and other developing countries, by extension.

Applying Artificial Intelligence to Career Consultation: A Case Based Reasoning Paradigm for Knowledge Management(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۱۵۴ تعداد دانلود : ۱۶۷
Human resource plays a key role in a society and also for all kind of organization, therefore offering a reasonable and intelligent way for selection of a suitable and essential career. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is used today in science, engineering, business, manufacturing, management and many other fields. Expert systems as a branch of AI have attracted the at-tention of mostly large and medium organizations for doing some human’s activities. Case Based Reasoning (CBR) is also a new problem solving paradigm that in many ways is fun-damentally different from other major AI approaches. Instead of relying solely on general knowledge of a problem domain, or making associations along generalized relationships be-tween problem descriptors and conclusions, CBR is able to utilize the specific knowledge of previously experienced situations. This research work presents a model for designing an intelligent career consultation system using case-based reasoning which recommends suitable jobs for applicants. This system, as a sample, has been implemented in an Iranian organization.

Scientific Approach in the Reign of Buveyhid Dynasty(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۳۷۴ تعداد دانلود : ۲۲۳
This paper discusses the number of scholars and their scientific interests in the reign of Bu-veyhid. Buveyhid the most important Iranian-Shi ‘it dynasties appeared in the early era of Islam. They were so powerful that the Abbasid Caliphs had to obey them. According to their Shi ‘it religion, they practiced the idea of democracy and all sects were free in their reign. According to the survey more than 350 scholars were prominent in this period, during 320/900- 450/1050. If we count their specialty, the number increases to about 714. What is in-teresting is that we can find all fields specialists at that time. They are from all religions and also Islamic sects. The number of Shi ‘it scholars is outstanding among them.

Turkman Carpets, Music and Folklore(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۲۶۵ تعداد دانلود : ۲۵۰
The people and nation of Central Asia: Turkmans live in the north of Afghanistan and the east of the Caspian sea and at some parts of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.Iranian Turk-mans live in the north east of Iran in Turkman Sahra.They have a special, rich and indige-nous culture. There are many fables and beliefs on the making of Turkman carpets. Here we recall the tale of “Agh-Morad”3 . Most of the designs used in the “Pazirik”4 carpet are quite similar to those of Turkman. Turkman carpets are weaved by women in a way that differentiate them from other carpets. Up to 25 colors are being used with approximately 40 designs. Turkman carpets resemble paintings of the museums and royal castles. The raw materials used to weave Turkman carpets are wool, fluff, cotton and thread. The weaving tools are hackle, small knife, scissors and Anavich. Today there are two types of carpets in Turkman Sahra: Satligh (for business) and Tootligh (for own use). Another important aspect contributing nation’s cultural heritage is turkman music which is reminiscent of the people’s old traditions and sensational epics, which they singin bitter sweet sorrows and joyous way. This article discusses about the history of Turkman music and the position of the Bakhshies in Turkman Sahra (the desert of Turkman) and their way of living. Turkman music comprises affectionate, serenading, epic and warlike, festive and ceremony. In view of its style of performance, Turkman music is either, instrumental, vocal or instru-mental-vocal. It is also known as field or mountainside music according to its geographical location. The common musical divisions of Turkman are Mokhammas (pentagonal), Navayee, Ghe’re’ghler and Tashnid or Tajnis. With approximately 500 Maghams (tunes) In Turkman music Turkman’s musical instruments are Dotar, Ney (pipe), Kamancheh (vio-lin-like instrument resting on the ground during performance) and Zanboorak (crossbow). There are people called Porkhan who use music in their medical practices. The fables and folklore of the Turkman people also play Iran’s cultural heritage and reflect the depth of their attitudes, thoughts and ideals and even their way of living. The main part of Turkman folklore is made up of oral literature which includes: -Laleh (a lyric sung by Turkman girls) -Artaki and tales -Ataladi Souzi (proverbs) -Zekr (sonnets and the dagger dance) One of the most important Turkman fables is a tale about their ancestors in which a man named Yafes is introduced as the great ancestor of the Turk and Turkman people. According to folklore the people of Turkman originated from 24 tribes, each of them had a special symbol like eagle, falcon and so on. Among them three are in Iran: Tekkeh, Yamout and Googlang. Turkman people believe in lucky and unlucky days. There is a well-known story called “Agh Pamegh” in this regard.

Power & Leadership in Iranian Family; A Sociological Approach(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۲۵۶ تعداد دانلود : ۲۴۲
People usually associate power with military force, multinational corporations, as well as ele-vated political positions. However, marriage and family are not exempted from power strug-gles too; couples often encounter power issues. Present article discusses power in families with focussing on power between married partners or conjugal power.The paper also high-lights some of the questions like, what are the sources of conjugal power? what are the deci-sion-making areas? what are the analytical models of power relation among Iranian fami-lies?and tries to find out answer of these questions. At the beginning, it discusses some classic theories and studies about decision making in marriage and family life and then look at what new generations of social scientists say about conjugal power. Finally, taking advantage of document and comparative analysis as the main methods used in this paper, it tries to exam-ine the structure of power relations in Iranian contemporary family.

Teacher Classroom Research: Reflections on a Nation-Wide Experience In Iran(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۱۷۷ تعداد دانلود : ۱۴۶
In most of the education systems throughout the world, art is viewed as a subject of study with secondary importance. This is while art, understood in light of its profound impact on the development of human cultures, can perform unique educational functions that are out of the reach of other subjects. All-round education, therefore, is only obtained through an art-reach education program. Art education has been subject to a historical isolation and inattention in the education sys-tem of Iran. Recently, though, policy makers have initiated a comprehensive reform in this area. The initiative starts from the elementary school and will cover all the stages of school-ing in a piecemeal style. This article presents the reader with an account of the current situation and reviews the newly adopted art curricula for the elementary school. A critique of the new curricula in light of the author’s version of an ideal curriculum appears in the concluding section of the article.

The Effect of Shyness, Elicitation Task Nature on Iranian EFL Students Use of Oral Communication Strategies(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۳۲۱ تعداد دانلود : ۲۱۸
This work supports the effectiveness of the employment of communication strategies for bet-ter and more efficient communication. Communication strategies varies as a function of dif-ferent factors such as personality traits, pedagogical setting, L2 context, etc. The present re-search aimed at delving into the relationship between shyness, task nature and the frequency and type of communication strategies used by the subjects. The subjects of the study were 168 male and female students at Ilam university and Islamic Azad University of Tehran (South Branch). The subjects took a Michigan test of language proficiency. Out of 168 sub-jects taking the Michigan test, 106 were found to be homogenous and qualified to take part in three different communicative activities: Free Discussion, Translation, and Story Recon-struction. Out of the 106 subjects 102 took part in the above-mentioned activities. They were also given to fill up the Stanford Shyness questionnaire. The statistical procedure of Chi-Square was used for the purpose of the study. It was shown that shyness affects the adoption and choice of communication strategies negatively. i.e. non-shy students use more communication strategies than their shy counterparts, and also that non-shy students use more achievement strategies vis-à-vis their shy friends, while the latter group preferred to use more avoidance strategies. The study, however, couldn’t establish and confirm any relationship between the type of task and the type of communication strategies used by the subjects.


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