نور و ظلمت در حکمت خسروانی با متافیزیک هانری کُربن و عرفان بایزید بسطامی (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
درجه علمی: نشریه علمی (وزارت علوم)
جهان دو بخشی نور و ظلمت، قدمت زیادی دارد. در تصور ایرانیان باستان دو اصل در ابدیت وجود دارد؛ یکی اهورامزدا و دیگری اهریمن نام داشت. پرسش جستار این است که شالوده نور و ظلمت در حکمت خسروانی چیست؟ و این دو مفهوم در اقوال و احوال بایزید و متافیزیک هانری کربن چگونه تببین شده اند؟ هدف این پژوهش تبیین ماهیت نور و ظلمت در عرفان بایزید و پیوند آن با حکمت خسروانی و انعکاس این مقوله با عوالم هانری کربن در گستره ایران باستان است. یافته های پژوهش این است که دوگانه های نور و ظلمت دو جوهر مجزا با ماهیت متفاوت هستند که درحکمت خسروانی و عرفان بایزید بسطامی درستیز بوده اند. هانری کُربن متافیزیک تفکر سهروردی را با رمانتیسم آلمانی، مزدائیسم، مانوی، هرمسی و تصوف روزبهان بقلی، نجم الدین کبری، نجم الدین رازی به هم پیوند می دهد. جهان بینی مزدیسنا هم بر نور و ظلمت است. نور ظاهرِ فی نفسه و مُظهِرِ غیر است. ظلمت هم جوهر غاسق است وهیئت ظلمانی دارد. قهرمان تفکر عرفانی، مرد نورانیِ دربند تاریکی است که در اندیشه رهایی است. ایده و تجربه او نیز در پیوند انسان نور و راهنمای او به هم می پیوندند. بایزید نیز خود نور خداوند و نیل به آن را در تفکر عرفانی خود منظور داشته است.Light and darkness in Khosravani's wisdom with Henry Corben's metaphysics and Bayazid Bastami's mysticism
The two-part world of light and darkness has a long history. In the imagination of ancient Iranians, there are two principles in eternity; One was called Ahura Mazda and the other Ahriman. The research question is, what is the foundation of light and darkness in Khosravani's wisdom? And how are these two concepts explained in Bayezid's sayings and Hanry Corben's metaphysics? The purpose of this research is to explain the nature of light and darkness in Bayezid's mysticism and its connection with Khosravani's wisdom and to reflect this category with Hanry Corben's worlds in the ancient Iran. The findings of the research are that the dualities of light and darkness are two separate essences with different natures, which were correct in the wisdom of Khosravani and the mysticism of Bayazid Bastami. HanryCorben connects the metaphysics of Suhrawardi's thought with German romanticism, Mazdaism, Manichaeism, Hermesis, and the Sufism of Rozbehan Baghli, NajmuddinKobra, and NajmuddinRazi. Mazdasna's worldview is based on light and darkness. Light is the appearance of the self and the appearance of others. Darkness is also the essence of dark and has a dark aspect. The hero of mystical thought is a light man trapped in darkness who is thinking of liberation. His idea and experience are also connected in the connection of light man and his guide. Bayezid also meant God's light and the achievement of it in his mystical thinking. Keywords: light and darkness, Hekmat Khosravani, Hanry Carben, Irfan, Bayazid Bastami.. The light of good and the darkness of evil is a myth that has been with mankind. It is one of the most important topics in the wisdom of Iranian Khosravani and the works of Henry Carben. The main theme is a kind of cosmology in which the existential truth of things is explained in a continuous law of self-conscious and independent essence, which is the basis of existence. And it is called Noor, and the top of its pyramid is Noor al-Anwar. One of the goals of Iranian Sufi literature is to find the Noor region of the East in the celestial pole. The space of light that cannot be achieved by human means and is ultimately the outermost dimension and interior of light, which is achieved only as a result of mystical discovery and intuition. In fact, it is a transcendental dimension that forms the totality of the way of knowledge. It has two aspects; One is the darkness that is thinking about the captivity of light, and the other is reaching for the light that passes through the darkness, and from the point of view of the human soul, it is the appearance of superconsciousness on the horizon of consciousness, which appears in different contexts in the mysticism of later periods, but in any case It is related to metaphysics or the mystical experience of light. Orientation towards the light of the east(which people like Sohrvardi thought of reviving the wisdom that the sages of ancient Iran have been the representatives and guardians of this wisdom above all) It is an essential nature and a general power that when the lover is at the peak of love, a unity It forms a double that is both a lover and a beloved. Light is an appearance by nature, so it is the agent itself, and nothing exists for it, it has no gender, no limit, and no manifester. There is an ancient and extensive connection between light and divine presence, and it is found in many ancient rituals of the world. According to Henry Carbon, the philosophy of illumination is the philosophy of presence. Light is the source of secrets and mysteries of Bayezid's mysticism, which is neither comparable nor measurable with the sense light, and in Bayezid's condition, it was accompanied by his ascension. Existence is light and absence is darkness and darkness is the veil of selfishness. The luminosity of the world is due to the presence of light, and its darkness is the result of the lack of light. God is absolute light and calls people to him in the spectrum of light. A kind of epistemo