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مقاله پیش رو به تدوین مدل نظری مشارکت مردم برای مقابله با آسیب های اجتماعی براساس مداخلات اجتماع محور بر پایه مساجد می پردازد. روش پژوهش کیفی است و از روش تحلیلی نظریه پردازی داده بنیاد برای انجام عملیات تحقیق استفاده شده است. پرسش اصلی آن است که چه مدل نظری مشارکت مردم برای مقابله با آسیب های اجتماعی براساس مداخلات اجتماع محور بر پایه مساجد را تبیین می کند. یافته ها نشان می دهد مدل پیشنهادی براساس مسجد شامل چندین مقوله عمده به این شرح است: متعین های ایمان و اعتماد به خدا،بی اعتنایی به بهره مندی های مادی و هدف قرار ندادن آن ها به عنوان بستر فرهنگی رجوع به مساجد برای کاهش آسیب های اجتماعی معرفی می شود. وجود مساجد با جمعیت 15هزار نفر اطراف مسجد به عنوان نهادسازی، اصلاح ساختار کنونی مساجد و آموزش امامان مساجد با رویکردهای مداخلات محله محور به عنوان ظرفیت سازی و مدیریت مساجد براساس مشارکت از پایین به بالا به عنوان بستر سازی معرفی خواهد شد. مشارکتِ حداکثری تمام کنشگران و ذی نفعان و تعامل آنان با امام محله و ارتقای سلامت و بهداشت جسمی و روانی در کنار تغییرات کالبدی و اعتمادسازی از طریق مشارکت مردم در مساجد با شناسایی خیران و بر مبنای منطق دینی صورت خواهد گرفت و در نهایت، با پایدارسازی برنامه ها براساس مشارکت مردم و اقدامات به صورت هم افزا و یکپارچه به پایان می رسد.

The theoretical model of people's participation to deal with social harms based on mosques and neighborhood imams

Subject and method: :The upcoming article deals with developing a theoretical model of people's participation to deal with social harms based on mosques and neighborhood imams. The research method is qualitative and the analytical method of database theorizing has been used to conduct the research. The main question is what theoretical model explains people's participation to deal with social harm based on community-oriented interventions based on mosques. The findings show that the proposed model based on the mosque includes several major categories as follows: Determinants of faith and trust in God, disregarding material benefits and not targeting them are introduced as a cultural platform to refer to mosques to reduce social harm. The existence of mosques with a population of 15,000 people around the mosque is introduced as institution building, reforming the current structure of mosques and training imams of mosques with the approaches of neighborhood-based interventions as capacity building and management of mosques based on participation from the bottom up as foundation. The maximum participation of all actors and beneficiaries and their interaction with the imam of the neighborhood and the promotion of physical and mental health and health along with physical changes and confidence building through people's participation in mosques will be done by identifying benefactors and based on religious logic, and finally, by stabilizing the programs. Based on people's participation and actions, it ends in a synergistic and integrated way.Goals : This article, along with the pathological review of previous neighborhood-based interventions, presents the reasons that explain the necessity of using mosques for neighborhood-based interventions to reduce social harm. Finally, it presents the mosque-centered model to explain this issue. The overall goal of this research is to formulate a theoretical model of people's participation to deal with social harms based on community-centered interventions based on mosques. In fact, the purpose of this research study is to investigate the relationship between mosques and social harms by using the perspectives of people-oriented participation, focusing on key informants who are familiar with mosques.Findings:The main question of the research was what theory explains the non-participation of people to solve social problems in mosques. To answer this question, the core category of "social structural barriers" was counted from the research data and became the center of gravity of the paradigm model. In the presented paradigmatic model of the country's general problems, the country's inappropriate cultural infrastructure and mosques' governmental problems as "background conditions"; The internal problems of mosques, the lack of specific and documented planning regarding mosques and the weakness of human capital in mosques as "causal conditions"; The weakness of mosque trustees in the country, the problems of mosques in the extra-neighborhood arena, the lack of necessary networking and the legal problems of mosques as "mediating conditions"; The short-term view of mosques, the emergence of abnormal interactions and damage to the structure of mosques as "processes"; The failure of mosques and the emergence of distrust caused by the failure of mosques are the "consequences" of the underdevelopment of mosques. The lack of specific and documented planning regarding mosques and the weakness of mosque trustees are effective in the emergence of internal problems in mosques. The relationship between the general problems of the country and the internal problems of the mosques can be explained in this way that the general economic problems in the country have led to financial problems and lack of investment in mosques and the weakness of basic equipment and the problems of lack of necessary facilities in social development through mosques. 
