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مقاله پیش رو تلاشی است در راستای تحلیل آیات سوره مزّمّل بر اساس نظریه نقشگرای نظام مند هلیدی. هدف اصلی پژوهش حاضر بررسی ساز و کار های مربوط به بازنمایی مقولات وجه نمایی، یافتن انواع نقش های گفتاری به کار رفته در متن این سوره، مشخص ساختن انواع فرایند های به کاررفته و در پایان، یافتن انواع ساخت های آغازگری است. نتایج پژوهش حاکی از این است که بر اساس فرانقش بینافردی، وجه غالب در اکثر بند های این سوره وجه خبری است و این نتیجه مبیّن این نکته است که  بیشتر آیات جنبه واقع گرایانه و توصیف حقایق دارند و همچنین، خداوند می خواهد با استفاده بیشتر از این وجه، قطعیّت سخن خود را برساند و نوعی حسّ اطمینان در مخاطب ایجاد کند. همچنین، زمانِ حال، زمان غالب در متن سوره مزبور است و ازآنجا که  زمان حال زمانی است که دامنه آن وسیع و درواقع شامل همه زمان ها نیز می تواند باشد، گوینده در متن این سوره بیشتر افعالی با زمان حال را به کار برده است. بررسی قطبیّت بند ها حاکی از درصد بالای قطبیتِ مثبت نسبت به قطبیت منفی است و این غالب بودن قطبیت مثبت درکنار غالب بودن وجه خبری،  قطعیت سخن گوینده را بیشتر می کند. به علاوه، بر اساس فرانقش بازنمودی، فرایند مادی بیشترین بسامد را در متن سوره دارد. فراوانی بالای فرایند مادی به دلیل عینی بودن کلام در متن سوره است؛ هرچه سخن عینی تر باشد، متن تأثیرگذار تر است. بر اساس فرانقش متنی، ساخت آغازگر بیشتر بند ها بی نشان است و این غالب بودن نشان می دهد که گوینده در تلاش است تا از همان سازوکار متداول در زبان روزمره، در ساخت اطلاعی بهره بگیرد.

A Linguistic Analysis of Surah al-Muzammil: A Functional Perspective

This paper analyzes Surah al-Muzammil via Halliday’s Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL). The study mainly aims to investigate the mechanisms related to the representation of the modality, to specify the process types, and finally, to find the types of thematic structure. In terms of interpersonal metafunction, the theme is the dominant aspect in most of the clauses of Surah al-Muzammil; this result shows that most of the verses have a realistic aspect and description of facts, and also God wants to make his words firm by using more of this mood, delivering and creating a sense of confidence in the audience as well. Moreover, the present tense is the dominant tense in Surah al-Muzammil. Since the scope of the present tense is vast and can include all tenses, the speaker has used chiefly present tense verbs in the surah. Examining the polarity of clauses indicates a high percentage of positive polarity compared to negative polarity, and this predominance of positive polarity, along with the predominance of theme, increases the speaker’s confidence. In addition, based on the ideational metafunction, the material process has the highest frequency in the surah. The high frequency of the material process is due to the objectiveness of the word in the text of the surah- the more objective the speech, the more influential the text. As to the textual metafunction, most of the clauses’ thematic structure is unmarked, indicating that the speaker tries to use the same typical mechanism in everyday language to construct information structure.   Keywords: Holy Quran, Surah al-Muzammil, interpersonal metafunction, ideational metafunction, textual metafunction Introduction Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) is a widely used linguistic approach that can effectively analyze the Qur’anic texts despite the structural differences between English and Arabic (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2014). Based on this linguistic school, language structure is affected by the functions it performs in the context of communication and the outside world (social settings) (Bazobuandi & Sahrai, 2015: 2). Halliday points out that the primary purpose of human communication is the exchange of meaning. For this reason, the semantic system of a natural language can be divided into several separate semantic components that are related to the most general functions of the language, which Halliday calls metafunctions by which Halliday means “that part of the language system, the special semantic and lexical/grammatical properties that have evolved to form the discussed metafunction” (Safaei et al., 2017: 118). Halliday states that three ideational, interpersonal, and textual meta-functions constitute the SFL. According to the general communicative view of the SFL, the present study examines all three ideational, interpersonal, and textual meta-functions in Surah al-Muzzammil. Research Questions The present study seeks to answer the following questions via a descriptive-analytical method within SFL: 1- Based on the interpersonal metafunction, what mechanisms are used to represent modality in Surah al-Muzzammil, and how are the temporality and polarity in Surah al-Muzzammil distributed? 2- Based on ideational metafunction, what kind of processes are used in Surah al-Muzzammil, and which has the most frequency in Surah al-Muzzammil? 3- What mechanisms are employed to organize the message based on the textual metafunction? Literature Review In recent years, in the SFL framework, several works have been published in various fields; of course, the number of studies related to holy texts, especially the Holy Quran (despite the importance of the related discourse), is insignificant. This section reviews some works done on the holy texts via the SFL principles: Batmani (2010) analyzed the verses of Surah Yaseen from the perspective of the principles of Holliday’s SFL. It mainly aimed to test the mentioned theory and check its applicability in the field of Quranic data. Similarly, Azizkhani et al. (2017) examined the text of Surah Al-Inshirāḥ with a linguistic analysis, based on Halliday’s SFL, in three ideational, interpersonal, and textual metafunctions. In his master’s thesis, Shojaei (2018) employed a descriptive-analytical method to investigate the exchanging meaning in 112 wisdom sayings of Nahj al-Balagheh in terms of interpersonal metafunction. Bazoubandi (2019) using a descriptive-analytical method employed the SFL principles of Halliday and Matthiessen (2014) to investigate the construction of modality in the dialogue between God the Almighty and Iblis in four surahs Al-A’raf, Al-Ḥijr, Al-Isra’ and Ṣād. Then, using the Prototype theory (Rosch, 1978), the markedness hierarchy (Greenberg, 1966), and the frequency criterion (Croft, 2003), the cognitive and typological interpretation of these results were offered for a better understanding of the structural features of the Qur’anic language. Methodology This research used a descriptive-analytical method to examine the Surah al-Muzzammil in the Holy Quran based on the SFL principles; all of its clauses were identified (48 clauses) and analyzed in terms of interpersonal, ideational, and textual metafunctions. To explore the interpersonal metafunction, the modality of each clause was determined by mentioning the subject and tense of each clause in the form of specific tables, and the speech function and dominant modality of each clause were also selected from the declarative and non-volitional mood. In addition, the polarity of each clause and the constituent elements of the remaining clause were also determined. All six processes and their dominant frequency were examined based on the ideational metafunction. Concerning the textual metafunction, the initial structure of the clauses and their markedness were investigated. Conclusion Ideational Metafunction The results show that all kinds of processes are used in this Surah al-Muzzammil, and the material and mental processes are the most frequently used processes in this surah, with a frequency of 31.25 and 25%, respectively. The reason for using the material process more than other processes is that from the very beginning of the Surah, God talks about the heavy mission of the Prophet and the problematic responsibility of prophethood and uses material processes to speak to the Prophet and the believers. This issue makes the blessings more concrete for the Prophet, and he is more affected because the more objective the speech is, the more persuasive it is (c.f., Nabifar, 2014: 22); making the text more understandable. In addition, the frequency of the mental process after the material process indicates that throughout this surah, God invites the Prophet and the believers to things that directly require the understanding and feeling of his audience- verbs used in some clauses of Surah al-Muzzammil, are those that can be understood with sense and perception. 4.2. Interpersonal Metafunction Concerning the distribution of modality types in Surah al-Muzzammil, the results indicate that all modality types are used in the surah. However, the declarative is the dominant modality in the surah, with 62.5%, and the non-volitional mood accounts for 37% of the modality of Surah al-Muzzammil. As to tenses, the results show that the present tense is dominant with 47.91 %, and the past and metatense account for 33.33 and 18.75 percent, respectively. Here, according to the discussion of Greenberg’s markedness hierarchy and Croft’s frequency of occurrence criterion (Bazoubandi, 2019) and using the data of the whole corpus, it can be pointed out that the future tense is the most marked because the frequency of its occurrence compared to other tenses is less. The present tense is considered the least marked tense in the available data due to the highest frequency of occurrence. There is a direct relationship between markedness and frequency of occurrence-the less frequent a particular tense is, the more marked that tense is. As to the distribution of the polarity of clauses, the positive polarity of clauses at 97.91 % surpassed the negative polarity at 2.08 %. This result is also wholly consistent with the discussion of Greenberg’s markedness hierarchy and Croft’s frequency criterion- positive clauses are unmarked due to high frequency, and negative clauses are marked due to low frequency. Textual Meta-function More than 96% of the clauses have unmarked structures, and sometimes marked structures are also evident due to the Qur’anic emphasis. In response to the why of dominant frequency of the unmarked structure in Surah al-Muzzammil, it can be said that the style and language of the surah, in particular, and the text of the Holy Qur’an, in general, is such that it can use the conventional words of the Qur’an and with the most eloquent tone and dialect means to introduce its speech to the audience; complex dialects and linguistic deconstruction are avoided in the text so that the meaning of the words is within the level of ordinary people’s understanding. In comparison, literary texts try to violate language rules using various literary techniques. This issue makes it difficult for the audience to understand, but in the text of Surah al-Muzammil and the Qur’an, several unmarked constructions can be observed, one of the aspects distinguishing it from various literary texts.
