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  هر حوزه ای از دانش مانند دانش تصمیم گیری راهبردی که در پی ورود به واقعیت تجربی برای ایجاد تغییر است، ریشه در جهان بینی حاکم بر آن دارد و نمی تواند بدون توجه به مبانی زاویه فکری خود طراحی و اجرا شود. بدین سان برای دستیابی به دانش تصمیم گیری راهبردی قرآن بنیان، چاره ای جز تنظیم معرفتی آن از سطح مبانی زاویه فکری تا سطح تجربی، مبتنی بر آموزه های وحیانی نیست. در این راستا، در پژوهش پیش رو، مبنی بر سازوکار ترکیبی روش دلالت پژوهی و منطق دلالت در پیشینه علم اصول، با استناد به سوره انفال کوشش شده است تا با استفاده از تحلیل تم و تحلیل محتوا در نرم افزار atlas.ti، نمونه هایی از دلالت های مبتنی بر مبانی معرفت شناسی مرتبط با موضوع تصمیم گیری راهبردی فهم و تبیین شود. حاصل این فرآیند استخراج 192 کد اولیه، 14 مضمون پایه و 6 مضمون سازمان دهنده شامل نقش و کیفیت پیوستگی ادراکات حقیقی، اعتباری و وجدانی در تصمیم گیری راهبردی، تبلور فاعل تصمیم گیرنده از جنبه نظری و کاربردی، دانش گفتمان آفرین تغییر و تحول در تصمیم گیری راهبردی، جایگاه ارزش ها در تصمیم گیری راهبردی، منابع معرفت در تصمیم گیری راهبردی و اعتبار منابع معرفت در تصمیم گیری راهبردی، در ذیل یک مضمون دلالی فراگیر، یعنی نمونه مبانی معرفت شناسی تصمیم گیری راهبردی بوده است. گفتنی است نتایج تحقیق در مبانی معرفت شناسی قرآن بنیان در حوزه تصمیم گیری راهبردی است و این مهم، زمینه ساز تولید، فرآوری تدوین جامع نظریه و دانش تصمیم گیری راهبردی قرآن بنیان از سوی پژوهشگران این حوزه و بدین سان ارائه مدل های کاربردی خودویژه برای مدیران راهبردی، از چشم انداز جریان فکر دینی (قرآنی) در عینیت تحقیق و توسعه ای است.

The Fundamentals of the Quran’s Epistemology of Strategic Decision-Making

Introduction The emergence and processing of thought, theory, conceptual, and operational model of theological management of development, and thus the production of Quranic strategic decision-making knowledge, and solving strategic social and civilizational problems and challenges of Islamic-Iranian society depend on their methodical production and processing from revelatory teachings. Like any other scientific structure, the proper establishment of the epistemological structure of strategic decision-making knowledge based on the Quran requires attention to its "nature of paradigm fundamentals". Thus, every field of knowledge, such as the knowledge of strategic decision-making that seeks to enter the empirical reality for change, is rooted in the dominant world-view, and it cannot be designed and implemented without considering its paradigmatic principles. Therefore, to acquire the Qur'an-based knowledge of strategic decision-making, there is no option to adjust it epistemologically from the level of paradigm principals to the empirical level, based on revelatory teachings.MethodologyBased on the combined mechanism of the implication research method and implication logic in the literature of the science of principles and according to AL - ANFAL Surah, the present research sought to understand and explain examples of implications based on fundamentals of Epistemology related to the subject of strategic decision-making using thematic analysis and content analysis in ATLAS.ti software.Results and DiscussionThe research process led to the extraction of  192 primary codes, 14 basic themes, including1. The role of true and credible perceptions in strategic decision-making; 2. The role of the conscientious perceptions in strategic decision-making; 3. The role of the perceptions system in strategic decision making; 4. The decision-maker and in terms of subjectivity and objectivity; 5. The flow of thought elite knowledge in strategic decision making; 6. Discourse knowledge in contrivance and situation of management; 7. Discourse in the field of public knowledge and socio-cultural affairs; 8. Level of tendency (in the field of faith) in strategic decisions; 9. The level of action (in the field of piety) in strategic decisions; 10. The role and place of revelation, intuition, sense and reason in strategic decision making; 11. Credibility of intuitive and face-to-face resources in strategic decision making; 12. Credibility of product resources in strategic decision making, and 6 organizing themes, including: 1. The role and quality of the continuity of true, credible and conscientious perceptions in strategic decision-making; 2. Crystallization of the decision-maker in terms of subjectivity and objectivity; 3. discourse-creating knowledge of change in strategic decision-making; 4. the position of values in strategic decision-making; 5. resources of knowledge in strategic decision-making; 6. validity of knowledge resources in strategic decision-making, under an inclusive implication theme, namely the fundamentals of the Epistemology of strategic decision-making. The results of the present manuscript included an example of the fundamentals of Quran-based Epistemology in the field of strategic decision-making. The connection of this field of knowledge with religious sciences, on the one hand, gives a better and deeper understanding and analysis of events and problems, and consequently a more appropriate action, gives strategic decision-makers, and on the other hand  underlies the production, processing, and development of the theory and knowledge of strategic decision-making of the Quran by researchers, and thus the presentation of specific applied models for strategic managers from the perspective of religious (Quranic) thoughts in research and development objectivity.ConclusionParadigms and models are realized in epistemic, historical, cultural, and social tools and contexts, and even in territorial and regional, and it is required to pay attention to their ecology. If progress is considered as an approach and style of life and specific life world that a school - for example, Islam - has provided for human perfection and life; in addition to inherent features embedded in this lifestyle, the situation of time and place should also be taken into account to implement it and then, an instance should be designed from that life-world and lifestyle so that it can be implemented in that situation of time and place. Accordingly, it is necessary to seriously modify the ideological and practical foundations of macro level decision makers as well as the educational and research system of the country in accordance with the requirements of an Iranian - Islamic culture to respond to the current strategic issues of the country and scientifically and practically update the academic textbooks in the field of strategic management (and particularly strategic decision making). Hence, while enjoying the achievements of today’s knowledge, the epistemic foundations of this knowledge should naturally be adopted from the Quranic teachings and the prophetic tradition - administrators and compatible with Iranian culture.   
