
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


اینترنت و پیشرفت تکنولوژی موجب ایجاد زیرساخت های بسیار پیشرفته برای تعامل میان سازمان ها و مشتریان شده است که در این میان، هم آفرینی ارزش و هم تخریبی ارزش دو جزء تفکیک ناپذیر از ارتباط مشتری با سازمان و فرآیند تعاملی بین این دو است. در پژوهش حاضر دو موضوع کلی بررسی شده است: اول، دیدگاه یکپارچه و جامع درباره هم تخریبی و هم افزایی ارزش وجود ندارد و دوم، تعریف هم تخریبی ارزش مشتری که ناکارایی هم آفرینی تعریف می شود باید تغییر یابد تا باز تعریف این اصطلاح صورت پذیرد. در این پژوهش با بررسی 157 مقاله به روش فراترکیب بر اساس مدل Hoon این نتایج حاصل شد که هم تخریبی ارزش مشتری مقدم بر هم آفرینی ارزش مشتری است و سازمان ها برای ایجاد هم آفرینی ارزش مشتری ابتدا نیاز است که عوامل بازدارنده آن، یعنی عوامل ایجاد کننده هم تخریبی ارزش مشتری را شناسایی و سپس با استفاده از استراتژی های مناسب مهار این عوامل در راستای بهبود ارزش ادراک شده ازسوی مشتری گام بردارند تا در نهایت، هم آفرینی ارزش مشتری ایجاد شود. در همین راستا، می توان هم آفرینی و هم تخریبی ارزش مشتری را باز تعریف کرد و سپس اقدام های مقتضی را در راستای کاهش هدر رفت منابع مالی، زمانی و اعتباری در دستور کار قرار داد.    

A Meta-Synthesis of the Integrated Model of Customer Value Co-Destruction and Co-Creation

With the advent of the Internet and technological advancements, the interaction between organizations and customers has been facilitated through advanced infrastructures. This relationship entails both value creation and value destruction, which are interconnected components. However, there are two key issues that have not been comprehensively addressed in the existing research. Firstly, there is a lack of an integrated and comprehensive perspective on the co-destruction and synergy of value. Secondly, the definition of co-destruction of customer value, which currently refers to the inefficiency of co-creation, requires redefinition. This study addressed these issues by employing a meta-combination method based on the Hoon Model to analyze 157 articles. The findings revealed that co-destruction of customer value preceded co-creation of customer value. Consequently, in order for organizations to foster co-creation of customer value, it was crucial to first identify the inhibiting factors that led to co-destruction and subsequently implement appropriate strategies to mitigate these factors. This approach aimed to enhance the perceived value by customers, ultimately enabling co-creation of customer value. Through this research, it became possible to redefine both the creation and destruction of customer value and implement measures that effectively minimized the waste of financial, time, and credit resources.   Introduction In today's competitive world, value creation in networks and provision of services in sharing economy platforms have become increasingly complex and sensitive. The advent of information technology has brought about significant transformations in various industries. Therefore, it is crucial to adopt a comprehensive approach to understanding sharing economy services and recognizing the key elements that influence the process of co-creation and co-destruction of value in social networks. Such understanding can greatly enhance organizational productivity in delivering these services. Co-creation of value in the Internet-based services and social networks presents numerous challenges further compounded by the complexity of intelligent services. Market players must adopt a comprehensive perspective on this matter to achieve optimal outcomes for marketers. In the context of Iran's sharing economy platforms, value co-creation is often overlooked and car rental companies are no exception to this trend. The key question is how to establish a constructive interaction with customers that results in value co-creation. This inquiry highlights the significance of the issue at hand. Failure to effectively address customer desires and demands may lead to co-destruction of value in the digital space and social networks, undermining the organization's brand and diminishing its legitimacy and acceptability among customers (Engen et al., 2020).   Methodology Meta-composite research utilizes various methods, including the approaches developed by Walsh and Dunn in 2005, Sandolski and Barroso in 2003 (with an updated version in 2007), and the model introduced by Hohn in 2013, which builds upon Walsh and Dunn's model. For this study, the Hohn Model was selected due to its utilization of contemporary methods and comprehensive incorporation of previous models. This choice enhanced the research validity and reliability through a systematic and logically sound approach (Laud et al., 2019). The research process involved several stages: Development of research questions Review of articles in scientific databases Specification of inclusion criteria Coding of data and extraction of information Analysis and review at the case level Review and synthesis at intermediate study levels Presentation of meta-composite findings   Findings This study employed the updated Hohn Model to systematically analyze the studies and research conducted between 2000 and 2023 to investigate the integrated effects of both customer value destruction and creation on customers. Through a rigorous screening process, the relevant research was synthesized to develop the following theoretical framework. The research outcomes were encapsulated in the following model, which encompassed two levels: customers and organizations. The model included the variables of factors contributing to "customer value co-destruction", "customer value co-destruction", "strategies to mitigate customer value co-destruction", "customer-perceived value", and ultimately, "customer value co-creation". "Customer-perceived value" was the only variable specific to the customer level. It is important to note that all variables appeared at both levels, but their impacts were most pronounced within the mentioned levels. Conclusion This study aimed to provide a comprehensive examination of both value creation and customer value destruction, a topic that had not been explored in previous research. The main contribution of this study was the development of an integrated conceptual model that encompassed both the creation and destruction of value. Unlike previous research, which primarily focused on the factors contributing to customer value co-destruction, this study recognized co-creation as a vital factor in the process. It emphasized that organizations, by addressing the factors that led to co-destruction of value and implementing appropriate strategies, could foster co-creation of value. The traditional definition of value destruction would undergo a transformation based on the findings of this research. According to the new definition, co-destruction of value was characterized as the inability to generate shared value with customers in terms of investment, credit, and organizational performance. From an organizational standpoint, co-destruction reduced competitiveness, led to resource wastage, and ultimately resulted in negative outcomes for the organization. In light of these insights, it became possible to effectively address customer value destruction. By identifying and mitigating various factors that contribute to co-destruction, organizations can pave the way for value co-creation. Consequently, value co-creation is redefined as the outcome of organizations successfully identifying and eliminating factors that contribute to co-destruction, thus enabling the creation of shared value. .  
