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هدف: دستیابی به سیاست گذاری خبری در تولید اخبارتلویزیونی نوجوانان، به منظور جامعه پذیرکردن آنها بر اساس آرمان های انقلاب اسلامی ایران. برای رسیدن به این هدف در این پژوهش ،در صدد کشف راهبردها و خط مشی ها و بایسته های محتوایی و ساختاری اخبار تلویزیونی نوجوانان بوده ایم.روش شناسی پژوهش: روش تحقیق کیفی از طریق مصاحبه با صاحب نظران عرصه خبر و رسانه و تحلیل داده ها براساس تحلیل مضمون انجام شده است.یافته ها: اخبار برای نوجوانان به جهت رشد استقلال فکری و شخصی در کنار دیگر عوامل غیر رسانه ای برای نوجوانان ضرورت دارد. خبر تلویزیون نوجوان توسط نوجوانان تهیه و روایت اول و برتر را داشته باشد. محتوای اخبار با زبان امروزی و کوتاه و قابل فهم باشد .اخبار با سیر منطقی به تقویت هویت ومعرفت نوجوان بپردازد. درخبرنوجوانان ازسبک های نوین خبری و موضوعات مورد علاقه آن ها استفاده شود. ظاهر و فرم و ساختار باید متناسب با روحیه ی نوجوانی باشد. اخبار بر اساس اصول خبری روان شناسی شده و بر اساس واقعیت باشد. اخبار رویکرد شاد و جذاب و امیدوار کننده باشد. اخبار پاسخگوی نیاز هایشان باشد. اخبار در ارائه ارزش ها غیر مستقیم باشد.نتیجه گیری: اخبار تلویزیونی نوجوانان با به کارگیری نظرات متخصصین رسانه و ارتباطات ، تعلیم و تربیت و روانشناسان، بستر مهمی وظرفیت قابل توجهی در جهت آماده سازی نسل جدید برای جامعه ی ایرانی، اسلامی و انقلابی است. و همراهی تخصص در کنار تعهد در امر جامعه پذیری از طریق اخبار تلویزیونی نوجوانان اثرگذار خواهد بود.

Politicization of youth news on television based on the ideals of the Islamic Revolution

Objective: News policy in general can be defined as a set of decisions whose framework includes all parts of the news from news packages to the way announcers are covered. Therefore, news policy is conventionally divided into six stages; 1. Goals and general policies 2. Strategies 3. Implementation of policies 4. Policy makers 5. Policy audiences 6. Policy time. Also, news policy making should be appropriate to the social, cultural, psychological characteristics of the audience. Because the purpose of communication tools is to meet the needs of different audiences in different age groups.  Our target audience age group is teenagers. Because; Adolescence is one of the most important periods of human growth and development, and the transfer of cultural heritage and the creation and development of social solidarity takes place in this age period and is of special importance. In this era, teenagers have not achieved the stability of their personality and identity and they are trying to find an identity for themselves. This period, which is our sensitive period between childhood and youth, teenagers should prepare themselves to be in the society by acquiring knowledge and skills while being a child. A media policymaker should be familiar with the characteristics of this period. News and television news specific to teenagers can be one of the areas and approaches of television programs in order to socialize teenagers. Production of news specific to the adolescent audience, which is appropriate to the age and mental characteristics of this period and based on the ideals of the Islamic Revolution, in order to socialize the adolescents. In the present research, by examining the above-mentioned documents and analyzing them and the opinions of experts, we examine how to politicize the youth news based on the ideals of the Islamic Revolution. These documents are above the constitution, grand policies and approvals of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, and the policies of preparing and publishing news on television.Methods: And further, by using the in-depth interview method, we will collect data from experts and experts in the field of politics, news, and thinkers familiar with the values and ideals of the Islamic Revolution. Then, by analyzing the data, we will extract important and effective themes through theme analysis. To finally achieve news policy in the production of television news for teenagers in the Islamic Republic of Iran based on the ideals and values of the Islamic Revolution. Based on these indicators, the audience of teenagers will be receptive to Iranian Islamic society. This issue has not been investigated by any researcher with this research method.Results: By examining the upstream documents, it is possible to state the major and important goals of the Islamic Revolution in the cultural field as follows: negation of tyranny, exploitation and colonialism, creation of a holy system based on Islam with the decisive presence of the people, independence of all On the one hand, in social, political, economic and defense-security aspects, establishment and implementation of social justice, implementation of divine and Shariah laws based on pure Islam, establishment and preservation of high human values and dignity, Freedom along with the responsibility of humans before the Almighty God, creating the right environment and space for the growth of moral virtues, constant struggle against all manifestations of corruption and corruption, paying attention to the comprehensive rights of the oppressed sections of the society based on human and Islamic values, negation and constant struggle with Colonialism and foreign domination, supporting Muslims and the oppressed all over the world and trying to spread pure Islam all over the world, a comprehensive effort for the unity of Muslims in the world.Conclusions: Based on the results of the theme analysis and theories used such as: "Socialization Theory" and "Impact Theory" as well as "Traditional Media Policy Approach" in this research, the obtained data are divided in this way:Strategies for the production of television news for teenagers based on the ideals of the Islamic Revolution of Iran. 1. The presence of news for teenagers in order to develop intellectual and personal independence, along with other non-media factors, can work for the benefit of the teenage audience.2. Youth news should be appropriate to the characteristics of youth and its recognition in line with the preparation of youth for the goals of the revolution.3. Teen TV news by teenagers and have the first and best narration.The content requirements of television news for teenagers based on the ideals of the Islamic Revolution of Iran.1. The content of the news should be short and understandable in today's language.2. Teen news should be accompanied by analysis.3. News should strengthen the identity and knowledge of teenagers with a logical flow.4. New news styles and topics of interest to teenagers should be used in youth news.The structural necessity of television news for teenagers based on the ideals of the Islamic Revolution of Iran.The appearance, form and structure of the teenager should be in accordance with the spirit of the teenager and the relationship with the teenager.Television news policies for teenagers based on the ideals of the Islamic Revolution of Iran.1. The news should be based on psychological news principles and based on reality.2. The news should be a happy, attractive and promising approach for teenagers.3. The news should meet the needs of teenagers.4. Indirect direction to the news5. The news should be in accordance with the religious, national, intellectual and revolutionary identity.Youth television news as one of the news sub-branches of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting Organization by following the laws and statutes approved in the above documents and also by using the opinions of education and communication experts and psychologists, in the field of youth news. It is an important platform for the preparation of the new generation for the Iranian, Islamic and revolutionary society. The last word is that in the politics of youth television news, expertise is useful in the socialization of youth news along with commitment to youth news.
