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امروزه فساد در حوزه عمومی را پدیده ای پیچیده، سیستمی، نظام یافته و جمعی که گاهی اوقات از نظر اجتماعی عادی سازی شده است، تعریف می کنند. با فراگیری فساد در دو دهه گذشته، یک توافق کلی به وجود آمده است که فساد در برابر تلاش برای مهار آن مقاومت می کند. این در حالی است که تأکید عمده پژوهش های انجام شده معطوف بر شناسایی بسترهای شکل گیری فساد بوده است. بنابراین، تلاش پژوهش حاضر بر این است تا در قالب مفاهیم نوین شبکه ای و نظام مند فساد، ساختار دوام پذیری و تسری فساد را شناسایی کند. از آن جایی که حکومت های محلی یکی از محمل های اصلی فساد به لحاظ حجم کاری، میزان تعاملات، نوع فعالیت و منابع در اختیار هستند، هدف پژوهش حاضر، شناسایی ساختار «دوام و تسری فساد» در شهرداری تهران است. این پژوهش در دسته پارادایم تفسیرگرایی قرار می گیرد و در آن از تحلیل محتوای کیفی برای تفسیر داده های متنی منتج از مصاحبه های عمیق نیمه ساختاریافته استفاده شده است. یافته های این پژوهش بیانگر آن است که «انحصار نظام قدرت» مهم ترین مفهوم شناسایی شده است، به گونه ای که «مرجعیت مراجع قدرت» و «نبود نظام ارزیابی» ناشی از هم پوشانی متقابل اشتراک و تعارض منافع، به ترتیب منجر به «تحکیم و تسری شبکه روابط فاسد» در ساختار شهرداری تهران شده است. 

Exploring the Reasons for the Persistence and Spread of Corruption in Tehran Municipality

Nowadays, corruption in the public sphere is defined as a complex, systemic, organized, and collective phenomenon, often characterized by its "reproduction capability" and "cyclical nature"  that at times turns into a norm. So, one of the issues that has always impacted the lives of communities is corruption. It influences the macro-structures of society,  by hindering its economic, social, cultural and political development and resulting in inequality. , With the spread of corruption in the last two decades, there is a general consensus that corruption continues to resist the effort to curb it. In this respect, the main emphasis of the conducted studies has been on identifying the bases of corruption persistence. This study aims to identify the structure in persistence and consolidation of corruption in the new form of networked and systematic concepts of corruption. Local self-governing institutions are among the main locus of corruption due to workload, amount of relationships and interactions, type of activity, and resources available to them. Therefore, there is a possibility of corruption in municipal processes as a level of local government that is tasked with urban planning and development, implementation of policies, provision of facilities, preparation of procurement and contracts and so on. Therefore, municipalities, tasked with delivering essential services and enacting policies, confront increasingly intricate challenges and heightened expectations compared to previous eras. Municipalities that are important part of the local government structure in Iran, are no exception. The imperative for anti-corruption policies became apparent in the 1990s, as corruption threatened common societal interests.  Despite its detrimental effects, corruption has become ingrained to the extent that progress in various domains often hinges upon it. Hence, this study aimed to identify the structural dynamics shaping the persistence and consolidation of corruptionwithin Tehran's municipality. This research has gone one step further and examined the new features of corruption, including network corruption and organized corruption to identify the processes in persistence and consolidation of corruption using the mentioned concepts. Employing an interpretive paradigm, our qualitative study utilizes a content analysis methodology to delve into the intricate layers of corruption persistence and consolidation. The results show that the "power system monopoly" is the most important category of interest. The power system monopoly has led to the hierarchical and vertical distribution of the power system. Overall, "corruption of authorities" and "the lack of an evaluation system", due to mutual overlapping of "commonality and conflict of interests", have led to relations based on the general agreement of members and relations have expanded because of system supports and these to cause "persistence and consolidation the network of corrupt relations" in the structure of Tehran's municipality, respectively.
