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توسعه رسانه های نوین به ویژه شبکه های اجتماعی تعاملی را می توان یکی از پدیده های ارتباطی دهه های اخیر در ایران و جهان دانست؛ رسانه هایی که با پررنگ نمودن نقش کاربران در روابط اجتماعی توانسته تغییرات محسوسی در حوزه فرهنگی، سیاسی و اقتصادی آنان ایجاد نماید. اما اینکه در کنار پررنگ شدن نقش کاربران، این شبکه ها در مناطق کمتر برخوردار که با شکاف های اجتماعی زیادی مواجهند می توانند بر انسجام اجتماعی نیز تاثیرگذار باشند مسئله ای است که پژوهش حاضر با هدف پاسخ به آن انجام شده است. با گردآوری نظرات جوانان کاربر واتساپ در مناطق کمتر برخوردار شهر تهران به روش گلوله برفی و تحلیل آماری داده ها با آزمون آماری پیرسون این نتیجه حاصل شد که استفاده از واتساپ با هر دو مولفه انسجام اجتماعی (پایبندی اجتماعی و برابری اجتماعی) رابطه مثبت و معناداری دارد و می تواند بر آنها اثرگذار باشد. البته در این بین در مولفه احساس برابری بیشتری رابطه را با احساس مشارکت و در مولفه پایبندی اجتماعی بیشترین رابطه را با احساس پذیرش دارد و نتوانسته بر احساس هم سطحی در این مناطق نیز تاثیری بگذارد. بنابراین در کنار تقویت نقش آفرینی فردی لازم است آثار انسجام بخشی این شبکه نیز در سیاستگذاری های عمومی مورد توجه قرار گرفته و از این ظرفیت برای کاهش هزینه اجرای سیاست های فرهنگی- اجتماعی بهره لازم برده شود.

The impact of New Media on Social Cohesion in the Less Privileged Areas of Tehran (Case of Study: WhatsApp)

The development of new media, particularly interactive social networks, has been one of the most significant digital phenomena over the past few decades both in Iran and globally. The media, via its emphasis on user participation in social relationships, has brought about considerable changes to cultural, political, and economic landscapes. However, while highlighting the critical role of users in social relations, these networks may also impact social cohesion in less privileged areas, which often face stark social disparities. Among the social networks, WhatsApp is one of the most popular platforms and is widely adopted due to its interactive capabilities and lack of restrictions. Its use has also grown in Iran, especially given its high capacity for user interaction. The researcher has employed a descriptive-analytical methodology and a theoretical framework to review the impact of WhatsApp on social cohesion among less privileged areas of Tehran through a survey-based approach. Based on the data collection through the snowball method and statistical analysis using Pearson's test, it was concluded that there is a positive and significant relationship between the use of WhatsApp and both components of social cohesion (social adherence and social equality) among young users in less privileged areas of Tehran. Although the use of WhatsApp has been found to be positively associated with social equality, the impact is primarily felt with the feeling of participation. On the social cohesion component, the feeling of acceptance is heavily influenced by the use of WhatsApp, but the feeling of equality remains unchanged in less privileged areas of Tehran. Therefore, in light of this finding, it is warranted to consider the holistic and cohesive effects of this network in societal policies to effectively utilize its capabilities for enhancing the individual role-playing and to employ that potential towards reducing the cultural-social policy implementation costs. IntroductionModern media and communication platforms can be regarded as critical tools for the expression of various subcultures, ethnic groups, and less-privileged economic and societal groups. They serve to amplify their voices, increase their social awareness, and represent their demands. In Iran, mobile social networks like Telegram, WhatsApp, and Instagram have gained prominence and have had a significant impact on various populations, especially the youth.Among the social networks, WhatsApp has become increasingly popular among Iranian users due to the ease of voice communication, low internet requirements, and the ability to manage voice messages; its unfiltered nature, in particular, has garnered significant support among Iranian users. However, WhatsApp usage among less privileged areas remains understudied, especially in relation to its influence on social cohesion. This social network has allowed its users to play a significant role in the interactive space and has opened up powerful possibilities for two-way communication. However, despite the diverse roles that WhatsApp plays in different societal spheres and user functions, it is unclear whether its increased individual roles, particularly in the social, economic, and political spheres, would be effective in less privileged areas, especially in relation to the sense of social equality of young users and improving their social adherence and increasing the level of social cohesion. The present research has sought to address this issue.Research Question(s):What is the relationship between using WhatsApp and social adherence?1.1. What is the relationship between the use of WhatsApp and the feeling of social belonging?2.1. What is the relationship between the use of WhatsApp and the feeling of social acceptance?3.1. What is the relationship between using WhatsApp and adhering to the law?What is the relationship between the use of WhatsApp and the feeling of social equality?1.2. What is the relationship between using WhatsApp and feeling privileged?2.2. What is the relationship between the use of WhatsApp and the feeling of participation?3.2. What is the relationship between using WhatsApp and feeling equal? Literature ReviewStudies by Shohani and Shohani (Winter 2018) have revealed a significant correlation between social networks and the development of social trust, social cohesion, solidarity, and even political participation, via strengthening the relationships between people in those societies. Gholami and Khaiti (Fall 2013) have found a close relationship between the two variables of physical identity and social cohesion, and Imam Jumezadeh et al. (Spring 2014) have found a significant correlation between media consumption and social cohesion, and according to Farahmand et al. (Spring and Summer 2014) justice variables Social, external media, internal media and age have been able to show 22% of the changes in social cohesion. MethodologyThis study aims to examine the relationship between two variables: WhatsApp use and social cohesion. The study employs a descriptive-analytical methodology and adopts the Theory of Bernard (1999) as its theoretical framework. In order to obtain a measure of social cohesion, Bernard (1999) has outlined several dimensions such as a sense of belonging-isolation, deprivation-privilege, participating-not participating, accepting-not accepting, law-abiding-not adhering to the law. Within this research, two components of social compliance (feeling of belonging-isolation, acceptance-rejection, law-abiding-not adhering to the law) and feeling of social equality (deprivation-privilege, participation-nonparticipation, equal-unequal level) have been explored.Due to the lack of accurate statistics on young WhatsApp users in the less privileged areas of Tehran, the sampling process employed a convenience sampling method. A research questionnaire was given to 1,200 young people in Tehran's less privileged areas, and a total of 726 participants were included in the study. After the survey was distributed to the intended participants, those who agreed to participate and answered the questions, the collected data was subjected to statistical analysis using Pearson's correlation test. ResultsWith regard to the relationship between WhatsApp use and social adherence, the analysis revealed that the components of social adherence, namely the feeling of acceptance, sense of belonging, and adherence to the law, presented the highest correlations with the use of WhatsApp. In order to examine the sub-hypotheses in detail, Pearson's correlation test was also used to measure the extent of the connection between the WhatsApp usage and the three components under the social adherence variable.The table below presents the findings of the Pearson's correlation test, in which the social adherence variable was taken as the dependent variable and the WhatsApp usage variable was taken as the independent variable. The values and significance levels of each correlation coefficient are also provided. In consideration of the fact that the p-value is lower than the 0.05 significance level, we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is a statistically significant relationship between the usage of WhatsApp and social adherence, with 95% confidence.Symmetric Measures ValueAsymptotic Standard ErroraApproximate TbApproximate SignificanceInterval by IntervalPearson's R.263.0347.345.000cOrdinal by OrdinalSpearman Correlation.260.0387.234.000cN of Valid Cases726   a. Not assuming the null hypothesis.b. Using the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis.c. Based on normal approximation.In terms of the relationship between WhatsApp use and the social equality variables, the analysis reveal that, while social participation and enjoyment present the highest levels of correlation, the feeling of equality can not be imagined. In other words, the feeling of equality cannot be inferred merely from people's WhatsApp usage.The results of the Pearson's correlation analysis shown in the table below reveal that while social participation and enjoyment present the highest levels of correlation with WhatsApp use, the feeling of equality cannot be inferred from WhatsApp usage alone. Furthermore, WhatsApp usage has a low level of correlation with the feeling of equality, indicating that the two variables cannot be deemed to have a strong connection. In light of the statistical findings presented in the table and the fact that the p-value has fallen below the 0.05 significance level, we reject the null hypothesis and concluded that there is a statistically significant relationship between WhatsApp usage and feelings of social equality, with 95% confidence.Symmetric Measures ValueAsymptotic Standard ErroraApproximate TbApproximate SignificanceInterval by IntervalPearson's R.307.0318.677.000cOrdinal by OrdinalSpearman Correlation.301.0358.508.000cN of Valid Cases726   a. Not assuming the null hypothesis.b. Using the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis.c. Based on normal approximation. ConclusionThe emergence and evolution of new media and especially social networks have become a phenomenon of recent years, having altered practically all aspects of modern human society, to the extent that their elimination is hardly imaginable in the aftermath of the COVID-19 outbreak, given their increased prominence. Indeed, the impact of these social networks is categorized on a spectrum of positive and negative effects, depending on the social conditions of the countries involved. However, it is vital to consider how people perceive the usage of these social networks, which is itself influenced by governmental actions, available social facilities, and other relevant factors. It is evident that people, especially the youth in our country, as the leading users of social media, have accepted the effects of various social networks as part of their everyday lives. As traditional values hold prevalence in Iranian society, social networks can have a mixed impact on its cultural fabric. While they are primarily perceived in contrast to the prevailing culture, their positive effects are often overshadowed by their negative aspects. Although widespread cultural resistance toward social media networks has often created a negative impression of their works, such a stance tends to overlook their potential capabilities, some of which remain unexplored. Among those capacities is their potential role in influencing social cohesion and solidarity, as demonstrated by the researcher.Recent economic challenges have exacerbated social inequality between different classes in Iranian society. This solidarity can act as a safeguard against potential unrest in less privileged areas, promote greater youth participation in social activities, and facilitate individual commitment and collective action, thereby forming a more cohesive society. In particular, the social fabric of the south and west areas of Tehran, which present lower levels of social and cultural facilities, as well as economic development, is vulnerable to social and economic inadequacies. This deficit of facilities constitutes a significant contributing factor to social tensions, particularly among the youth in these areas. The engagement of this population can therefore help offset the risk of social unrest.As the collected survey data indicates, the use of WhatsApp by users from less privileged areas of Tehran carries a positive and significant correlation with social adherence and social equality. However, when compared, users who employ WhatsApp extensively seem to possess a stronger social adherence compared to a higher feeling of social equality. This could be explained by the fact that WhatsApp's impact on communication may not sufficiently address the varying demands of social equality, particularly for users who reside in areas facing objective social and economic difficulties.
