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احمد شاملو در شعر کیفر که بازتابی از واقعیت موجود زندگی اوست و این شعر را در زندان قصر در سال 1334 سروده است، به توصیف فضای زندان می پردازد. راوی در این شعر، دیگر زندانیان را قاتل و دزد معرفی می کند و خود را مبرا از آن صفات و ویژگی ها می بیند. نگارندگان در این پژوهش برآنند ایدئولوژی حاکم بر این سروده را بررسی کنند. بر اساس نظریه مربع ایدئولوژیک ون دایک که یک نظریه در حوزه تحلیل انتقادی گفتمان محسوب می شود با روش تحلیلی توصیفی به شگردها و تمهیدات به کاربسته شده از جمله، تمهیدات بلاغی، گزینش واژگان و تعدی در نحو برای برجسته کردن عیوب دیگری و فروکاستن عیوب خود و رفع آن عیوب از خود بپردازند. برآیند این پژوهش نشان می دهد، راوی در این سروده نه تنها تمام کاراکترهای روایت را با صفاتی که دارای بار معنایی منفی هستند، توصیف و ویژگی های منفی را از خود رفع می کند، بلکه با به کارگیری شگردهای فوق بر آن ها تأکید می کند و شخصیت های فرعی موجود در سروده را نیز با ویژگی های منفی به تصویر می کشد.

Analysis of Keifar Ahmad Shamlou's poem based on vandjik's ideological square theory

In the poem of Keifar, by using rhetorical devices, Shamlou has described and highlighted other defects and fixed these defects from himself. Among these cases, we can point out the secondary purpose of the textual coherence being an indefinite, which is made indefinite in order to humiliate and show the importance of the indefinite, thus highlighting the flaws and negative characteristics of the other, and one of the characters The killer portrays himself in the narrative. In the description of another murder, he even describes the character of the victim with the ironic phrase "round teeth" in order to highlight the flaws of one of the secondary characters in the narrative, and in this way, he projects and absolves himself of those flaws. The poet introduces the dream of other prisoners as a place of killing and terror and compares his dream to a mountain in order to eliminate the negative characteristics and defects that he puts forward about others and emphasize it. By using rhetorical devices and using Sanate Estekhdaam, the poet intends to use the word "hated" to have two meanings, so that this word in connection with the soil also evokes the meaning of the devourer. Extended 1-Introduction Van Dijk is one of the influential figures in the field of critical discourse analysis. Van Dijk emphasized the role of cognition, communication and social interactions in the critical analysis of the discourse. In Van Dijk's approach, which is known as socio-cognitive approach, it has three concepts: discourse, knowledge and community. Van Dijk's discourse here means the general meaning of a communication event. Among them are dialogue interaction, written text, body movements, head and hands, page design, images and semiotic aspects. What he means by cognition is: individual, social cognition, beliefs, goals, as well as evaluations and feelings, or all structures, representations and ideas related to mind and memory that are related to discourse and interaction (Van Dijk, 2001: 98). Van Dijk sees ideology as a basis for common social representations in a specific group, in other words, in Van Dijk's view, ideologies are inherently social. In Van Dijk's view, by emphasizing our positive points and their negative points and downplaying our bad points and their good points, it is possible to enter people's thinking system and gradually bring about changes in it (Van Dijk, 2003:359). Van Dijk formed a mental quadrilateral in the form of four principles and called it an ideological square. He names these four principles as follows: 1. Emphasize the positive points about us. 2. Downplay our negative points. 3. Emphasize the negative points about them. 3. Downplay their positive points (Van Dijk, 2003: 44). Considering that it has been suspected before, because Shamlou was in the prison of ordinary prisoners, then it is natural that he describes other prisoners by attributing negative characteristics and emphasizing it, but the point is that when he is completely in the same type it deals with characteristics and sees people in an absolute form, one color, it goes back to the issue that Shamlou starts to choose about those people and only expresses their negative characteristics. This research, while changing our previous perceptions, aims to explain and interpret Shalom's methods for inducing the concept of negativity about others. The questions that will be answered in this research are: 1. What rhetorical techniques does Shamlou rely on to speak negatively about others? 2. Does Ahmad Shamlou choose to describe the existing facts in order to absolve himself of the negative characteristics of others? 3. In selecting words, which methods does Shamlou use to express the negative characteristics of others in his poem?   2-Research Methodology       In this research, the four pillars of Van Dijk's ideological square are discussed with the analytical-descriptive method and relying on three methods of negation, namely, rhetorical devices, lexical selection, and excess in sentence syntax, and under each of the devices in question, the pillars of the ideological square are analyzed and examined. It is possible, of course, it should be kept in mind that by examining the factors that lead to negation, we should not confuse the implicit author with the real author. In other words, in this poem, there is a literary character, who, in the context of the poem, deals with negativity about others and mentions positive qualities in himself. Although the influence of the real author on the implied author cannot be ignored. "The concept of the implicit author or the mentality governing the entire work, shows us well Foucault's understanding of the interdiscourse of the author; Because the implied author is the source of the existing norms in the narrative work" (Peyghambarzadeh et al., 1396: 110) and this poem by Shamlou is also a narration of a part of the socio-political context. In fact, the real author is a part of the implied author, not all of it and vice versa.   3-Discussion Among the rhetorical factors that Shamlou has used to speak negatively about others is the use of semantics, analogy, irony, and the art of hiring. The sentences of this poem are long and descriptive. In other words, one of the rhetorical aspects related to the syntax of sentences is the characteristic of ropes in images. One of the aesthetic reasons for the length of the sentences in this poem can be in line with the truthfulness of the events, in such a way that the accurate description and atmospheres of that event are presented to the audience. In other words, in this poem, Shamlou shows instead of talking and relies on long sentences to show this. By using two types of words and combinations, the poet has expressed and described the negative characteristics of others, removed the negative characteristics from himself and expressed the positive characteristics about himself. In the words and combinations of the first type, the poet has used context and context to express the ideological square elements. For example, the word "dark" in the phrase "One of these Zanjirians killed his wife with a dagger in the dark fever of slander" (Shamlou, 2017: 333). The words of the second type are those words and compounds that are not related to the context, but are directly related to the negative action performed.   4-Conclusion In the poem of Keifar, by using rhetorical devices, Shamlou has described and highlighted other defects and fixed these defects from himself. Among these cases, we can point out the secondary purpose of the textual coherence being an indefinite, which is made indefinite in order to humiliate and show the importance of the indefinite, thus highlighting the flaws and negative characteristics of the other, and one of the characters The killer portrays himself in the narrative. In the description of another murder, he even describes the character of the victim with the ironic phrase "round teeth" in order to highlight the flaws of one of the secondary characters in the narrative, and in this way, he projects and absolves himself of those flaws. The poet introduces the dream of other prisoners as a place of killing and terror and compares his dream to a mountain in order to eliminate the negative characteristics and defects that he puts forward about others and emphasize it. By using rhetorical devices and using Sanate Estekhdaam, the poet intends to use the word "hated" to have two meanings, so that this word in connection with the soil also evokes the meaning of the devourer. In this poem, the narrator describes and portrays all other characters by attributing attributes that have a negative value. Among the poet's other measures in choosing words is to use two different categories of words. In the first category, words and combinations are used to prepare the ground for describing, depicting and highlighting the faults of others. The second category are words and compounds that are directly and indirectly related to the action performed, such as theft or murder, which have a negative value, in order to eliminate positive characteristics about others and negative characteristics about oneself. The narrator has also tried to implicitly attribute what contains negative points to others by making mistakes in the syntax such as changing the axis of word substitution, avoiding the norm and moving in the syntax of the sentences.   5-References Ahmadi, B. (2015).<em>Structure and interpretation of the text</em>, 12th edition, Tehran: Center.  Anvari, H. (2011). <em>Farhang Bozor Sokhn, eight volumes</em>, Tehran: Sokhn.  Anvari, H. (2013). <em>Farhang Kanayat Sokhn</em>, Tehran: Sokhn. Goli, A. (2017). <em>Ma'ani wa Bayan</em>, Tabriz, Aydin Publications. Jorgensen, M. Phillips, L. (2010), <em>Theory and Method in Discourse Analysis</em>, translated by Hadi Jalili, Tehran: Ney Publishing. Kazazi, M. J. 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