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مدیریت استعداد و جانشین پروری در سطوح بالای بلوغ سازمانی و اغلب در سازمانهای پیشرو مورد توجه قرار می گیرد. مدیران سازمانهای پیشرو برای تقویت منابع انسانی، به سنجش استعداد و شناسایی کارکنان مستعد سازمان، اهتمام می ورزند. در راستای این تلاش ها، پژوهش حاضر برای تدوین و اعتباریابی مقیاس سنجش استعداد کارکنان سازمان طراحی و اجرا شد. پس از مطالعه ادبیات ناظر بر مفهوم مدیریت استعداد در سازمان، شاخص های استعدادهای برتر سازمان استخراج شد. شاخص های استخراج شده در یک کانون دلفی متشکل از خبرگان مورد بازبینی قرار گرفت. ویرایش سوم ابزار، به مقیاسی حاوی 45 شاخص تبدیل و در میان مدیران و کارشناسان سازمان بورس و اوراق بهادار، به صورت آزمایشی اجرا شد. برای بررسی روایی مقیاس سنجش استعداد از تحلیل عاملی استفاده شد. تعدادی از مواد پرسشنامه که بارهای عاملی کوچکتری داشتند، حذف شد. 35 ماده باقی مانده در سه مؤلفه یا خرده مقیاس(انگیزش برای یادگیری و عملکرد بالاتر، دلبستگی و تعلق سازمانی، مهارت مدیریت و روحیه رهبری) قرار گرفت. ضرایب پایایی برای سازه های «انگیزش برای یادگیری و عملکرد بالاتر»، «دلبستگی و تعلق سازمانی»، «مهارت مدیریت و روحیه رهبری» به ترتیب 94/0، 93/0 و 97/0 بود. در این مقاله، فرایند تدوین، اجرای آزمایشی و اعتباربخشی ابزار موردنظر،گزارش شده و ضمن اشاره به محدودیت های کاربرد چنین ابزاری، مزیت ها و شرایط اجرای آن مورد بحث قرار گرفته است.

Developing and Validating of the Talent Assessment Scale (TAS): A case study of the Securities and Stock Exchange Organization (SEO)

In spite of much attention on Talent management, it should be considered as an "emerging phenomenon." The desire of leading organizations to strengthen human resources by attracting and retaining talented people has led to the adoption of methods for measuring talent and identifying talented people. In line with these efforts, the "Talent Assessment Scale" (TAS) was developed and after conducting an experiment among managers and experts of the Securities and Stock Exchange Organization (SEO), evidence on the validity and reliability of the tool was provided. In this article, the process of compiling, experimental implementation and validation of the mentioned tool is reported with reference to its psychometric properties while pointing out the limitations of using such a tool, the advantages and its limitations are discussed.IntroductionIn the past few decades, "talent management" has been conceptualized in the field of management. Then, it is an "emerging phenomenon". McKenzie Consulting Group mentioned it for the first time in 1990 in a report titled "War for Talent" (Michaels, Handfield-Jones, & Axelrod, 2001). In the knowledge-based economy, traditional resources lose their competitive advantage, while human talent is a renewable resource that is not easily copied or stolen by competitors. Therefore, the presence of talents in sensitive and key jobs is one of the most important factors in gaining competitive advantage (Salehi, Perkan, & Soltani, 2017).Talent management includes the continuous practice of discovering, developing, using and maintaining those employees of the organization who have potential abilities to solve the practical problems of the organization (Orlova, Afonin, Voronin, 2015). Berger (2004) considers talent to be a small group of people who inspire others to achieve superior success and have a great impact on the current and future performance of the organization.SEO is one of the organizations that need creative, innovative, active and learning people. For this reason, identifying, attracting, maintaining and improving the human resources of this organization is very important.The current research was implemented in order to improve talent management. The product of this research is a relatively reliable tool for assessing talent and identifying employees with high potential in the SEO and other similar organizations.Case studyThe population of this study consists of employees of the SEO in Iran, a non-governmental public institution with about 340 employees.Methodology and Methods The research process is summarized as follows:a) Discovering components and indicators (qualitative part of the study): After reviewing the related literature, the top talent indicators were extracted. Interview and Delphi method were used to evaluate the extracted indicators. The initial version of the extracted indicators was discussed in a focus group. The third edition of the indicators, after sufficient discussion, was converted into a questionnaire containing 45-item and prepared for implementation.b) Implementation of the initial version of the questionnaire (quantitative part of the study): The result of the qualitative part of the present study was a 45-item questionnaire that was administered to 171 people (65% men and 35% women). Exploratory factor analysis was performed with principal component extraction and varimax rotation. The sampling adequacy criterion of Keyser-Meyer-Elkin was 0.96. After the analysis, 10 items of the questionnaire that had smaller factor loadings were removed and the number of factors constituting the talent assessment scale was limited to 3 factors and the questionnaire items were limited to 35.Results and Discussion The 35-item scale for assessing the top talents of the organization consists of three components or subscales:1- Organizational Engagement, 2- Management skills and leadership spirit,3- Drive for Learning & High Performance. These 3 factors explain 71% of the total variance. The criteria for retaining the factors were their eigenvalues (values greater than 1 Keyser-Gutman).Reliability of the TAS was investigated by Cronbach's alpha for each scale and the entire questionnaire. The reliability coefficients are greater than 0.90. The construct validity of the TAS was investigated by factor analysis and the result of the analysis indicates the validity of the instrument.Talent management and succession are considered at high levels of organizational maturity and often in progressive organizations, and it has a special place in the 34000standard (Gholipour, Mohammad Ismaili & Dabiri, 2016). Despite this, measuring talent management and succession is very difficult due to the complexity of this process. Therefore, the current research was designed and implemented by adopting a pragmatic approach to develop a usable tool that can be used in the SEO and similar organizations.The three components (Drive for Learning & High Performance, Organizational Engagement, and leadership spirit) constituting the intended tool are compatible with the theoretical foundations and content of the existing literature. Those who are eager to learn and those who seek progress, always have the potential to improve themselves and their organization, and if such people belong and have attachment to their organization, they can play a key role in their organization. Having these people's leadership spirit puts them in the list of managers' successors. Juhdi et al. (2012) reported that high-potential employees were described by high performance, eagerness to learn, and leadership spirit.ConclusionThe application of the TAS depends on the conditions, including existence of a strong motivation in the managers to move towards high levels of organizational maturity and clear understanding about the concepts of talent management among executives and the stakeholders. By using the TAS, about 71% of the variance of talent can be predicted. This amount of predictive power is satisfactory. In order to go beyond this point, continuous study and evaluation of the process and result of assessing the talented employees in the organization and development of complementary tools are needed. It is recommended to evaluate the criterion validity of the TAS after three implementation periods.The first step in using the scale to identify employees with superior talent is to form the "Top Talent Evaluation Committee of the Organization". It is recommended to evaluate the top talents of the organization once a year. The initial evaluation of the talent of the organization's employees using the tool introduced by the heads of the units and the first stage candidates are introduced to the evaluation committee for the final evaluation. The main purpose of measuring talent and identifying people with high potential and key employees of the organization is to empower them to improve the level of competence of the organization.
