
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


تسهیلات تکلیفی و اثرات اقتصاد کلان آن به ویژه اثر آن بر تورم، همواره از موضوعات موردبحث اقتصاددانان در ایران بوده است. در پژوهش حاضر بر سنجش اثر تسهیلات تکلیفی بر تورم پرداخته شده است. جهت انجام برآورد از داده های 29 ساله 1369-1397 استفاده شده و با استفاده از روش خودرگرسیون برداری (VAR) این داده ها موردسنجش قرار گرفته اند. طبق آزمون های صورت گرفته مشاهده شد که یک درصد افزایش در نرخ تسهیلات تکلیفی اعطایی، شاخص قیمت مصرف کننده را به میزان 0.4 درصد افزایش خواهد داد؛ افزایش یک درصدی نرخ بهره اسمی نیز منجر به افزایش 1.25 درصدی شاخص قیمت مصرف کننده می شود. همچنین اثر شوک آنی نرخ تسهیلات تکلیفی اعطایی بر شاخص قیمت مصرف کننده و نرخ بهره اسمی معنادار نیست. در ادامه در روش تجزیه واریانس، سهم تکانه های واردشده بر متغیرهای مدل مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت و مشخص شد در 5 دوره اول (از 10 دوره) بیشترین خطای پیش بینی متغیر نرخ شاخص قیمت مصرف کننده را خود متغیر LCPI توضیح می دهد. از دوره 6 تا دوره 8 اما سهم توضیح دهندگی نرخ بهره اسمی بیشتر است. در دوره های 9 و 10 نیز نرخ تسهیلات تکلیفی اعطایی بیشترین سهم را در توضیح خطای پیش بینی متغیر نرخ شاخص قیمت مصرف کننده دارد. باتوجه به نتایج پژوهش پیشنهاد می شود سیاست اعطای تسهیلات تکلیفی با سایر سیاست های موجود ازجمله کالابرگ و حواله خرید در حوزه حمایت از خانوار ضعیف و تأمین مالی زنجیره ای در افزایش تولید جایگزین شود.

Investigation the Effect of Mandatory Facilities on Inflation in the Iranian Economy by using the VAR model

  1- INTRODUCTION Compulsory loan and its macroeconomic effects, especially its effect on inflation, have always been discussed by economists in Iran. In the current research, the effect of credit compulsory loan on inflation has been evaluated. In order to estimate the model we used data from 1990-2018.  The data have been measured by using vector autoregression (VAR) method. According to the results of the research, it is suggested to replace the policy of granting compulsory loan with other existing policies such as product coupon and purchase remittance in the field of supporting weak households and value chain financing to increasing supply.   2- THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK Compulsory loan is a loan that is imposed on the banking system according to the notes of the budget laws and other laws. In other words, banks are responsible for granting assigned loans based on the approvals of authorities outside the banking system. These loans are one of the government's policies to support the vulnerable sections of the society. Every year, in note 16 of the country's budget, a decision is made by the government and the parliament in relation to the debt relief.   3- METHODOLOGY In this research, the data is time series. To analyze the data we choose from various models of the vector autoregression (VAR), which is actually an unrestricted method in econometrics. the vector of variables is a function of its own intervals and other endogenous variables. The vector autoregression method has the following feature: all variables in this model are endogenous, the results of the model in many cases are better than the results of complex models; It is like simultaneous equations, estimation of the model is simple.   4- RESULTS & DISCUSSION According to the tests, it has observed that a one percent increase in the compulsory loan will increase the consumer price index by 0.4 percent; one percent increase in the nominal interest rate also leads to a 1.25% increase in the consumer price index. Also, the effect of the instant shock of the loan facility rate on the consumer price index and the nominal interest rate is not significant. Next, in the analysis of variance method, the contribution of impulses entered on the model variables was evaluated and it was found that in the 5 first periods (of 10 periods) the largest prediction error of the consumer price index rate variable is explained by the LCPI variable. From the 6th period to the 8th period, however, the explanatory contribution of the nominal interest rate is higher. In the 9th and 10th periods, the compulsory loan rate has the largest contribution in explanation the variable prediction error of the consumer price index.   5- CONCLUSIONS & SUGGESTIONS The budgeting system directly and indirectly affects monetary policies. One of the channels of this influence can be followed in the budget notes. Every year, in some laws of the country, especially in the annual budget laws, the banking system is burdened with tasks, and in some of these cases, due to the preferential rate of these loans, or in other cases, due to the high default of these loans, the country's banking system has suffered imbalance. In this regard, increasing of the monetary base was not only through the growth of banks' balance sheets. Rather, the financial dominance of the government and the impact of financial rulings on the balance sheet of the central bank in the form of borrowing from the central bank, buying government bonds has also caused the expansion of the government's debt and the net foreign assets of the central bank, as well as the monetary base.
