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در پژوهش حاضر تکنولوژی واقعیت افزوده از دیدگاه تجربه جریان با تکیه بر تئوری آستانه مجازی (لیمینوئید) بررسی می شود. در این پژوهش کوشش شده است تا به این پرسش پاسخ داده شود که که آیا جریان القا شده ازسوی تئوری آستانه مجازی در سیستم خرید واقعیت افزوده تأثیری در نتایج مصرف کننده، سودمندی اطلاعات، لذت بردن و رضایت دارد؟ برای دستیابی به این هدف و همچنین، برای انجام دادن یک آزمایش شبیه سازی شده با 300 شرکت کننده که با روش نمونه گیری غیر احتمالی در دسترس انتخاب شده بودند از یک اپلیکیشن در زمینه پوشاک ازنوع کفش استفاده شد. از میان 300 پرسشنامه استاندارد توزیع شده بین شرکت کنندگان 290 پرسشنامه قابل استفاده در دسترس پژوهشگر قرار گرفت. جامعه آماری پژوهش کلیه دانشجویان دانشگاه خوارزمی واحد تهران-کرج بودند که حداقل یکبار از تکنولوژی واقعیت افزوده در صنعت پوشاک استفاده کرده اند. پژوهش حاضر از نظر هدف کاربردی و از نظر روش توصیفی-پیمایشی است. داده ها با استفاده از روش مدل سازی معادلات ساختاری تحلیل و روش حداقل مربعات جزئی در نرم افزار  SmartPLS 3 انجام شد. نتایج نشان داد که تئوری آستانه مجازی به طور کلی و دو مؤلفه احساس مالکیت و کنترل مالکیت هر کدام به صورت جداگانه تأثیر مثبت و معناداری بر تجربه جریان دارد؛ ولی تأثیر مؤلفه تعامل خود اکتشافی به صورت جداگانه بر تجربه جریان تأیید نشد. همچنین، جریان بر دو نتایج مصرف کننده شامل سودمندی اطلاعات و لذت بردن هرکدام به صورت جداگانه تأثیر مثبت و معناداری دارد و در نهایت، دو نتایج مصرف کننده، سودمندی اطلاعات و لذت بردن، هرکدام به صورت جداگانه بر رضایت از تجربه واقعیت افزوده تأثیر مثبت و معناداری دارد. در پایان، پیشنهاد های کاربردی در حمایت از بازاریابان و طراحان برای ایجاد و اجرای فناوری واقعیت افزوده در زمینه های مصرف کننده نیز ارائه شده است.

Exploring Flow Experience in Augmented Reality Technology Based on the Virtual Liminoid Theory Dimensions

This study examines augmented reality technology from the perspective of flow experience based on virtual liminoid theory. It seeks to determine whether the flow induced by virtual liminoid theory in augmented reality purchasing systems affects consumer outcomes. An augmented reality application in the clothing field, specifical footwear, was used to perform a simulated experiment between individuals with 300 participants selected by a non-probabilistic sampling method to achieve this goal. Out of 300 standard questionnaires distributed among the participants, 290 usable questionnaires were made available to the researcher. The study's statistical population is all Kharazmi University (Tehran-Karaj Branch) students who have used augmented reality technology in the clothing industry at least once. This research is a descriptive survey in terms of practical purpose. Data analysis was performed using the partial least squares method of structural equation modelling in SMART PLS 3 software. The results showed that the virtual liminoid theory, in general, and the two components include a sense of ownership and ownership control each having a positive and significant effect on the flow experience. However, the effect of the self-exploratory interaction element on the flow experience was not confirmed separately. Flow has also a positive and significant impact on two consumer outcomes, including information usefulness and enjoyment. Finally, two consumer outcomes include information usefulness and enjoyment, each positively and significantly affecting satisfaction with augmented reality experience. The managerial and practical conclusions of marketers and designers to support the creation and implementation of augmented reality technology in the consumer field are also presented. IntroductionThe huge advancements in technology worldwide have created challenging competition among companies in which each company tries to attract customers by using different techniques. One of the recent techniques is augmented reality. Augmented reality is a new technology that can provide facilities that are difficult to offer and fulfill for other technologies. In other words, it enables the development of new enriched environments to expand the physical world, combining real-world and virtual-world objects (Barhorst et al., 2021). Azuma (1997) defines augmented reality as a real-time representation of the physical world while augmented with virtual computer information such as text, images, video, or other computer-generated interactive media (Azuma, 1997). Today, numerous applications of augmented reality are used in different types of industries. Augmented reality will change people's view of the world. Augmented reality begins to occupy its place in our visual and audio media. It is used in different areas of our lives in concrete and exciting ways such as news and sports. It is also used in many areas of our lives such as e-commerce, advertising, design, learning facilitation, and marketing and sales. Such growth and expansion of augmented reality applications drive organizations to compete with each other. Finally, each of them tries their best to get customers (AlKhamisi & Monowar, 2013). MethodologyAccording to the classification of scientific research, the current study is descriptive and survey based on the applied purpose and data collection method. It is quantitative in terms of the nature of the data and the research approach. For data analysis, the method of structural equation modeling with the approach partial least squares method was used in Smart PLS 3 software, which is one of the most potent and appropriate multivariate analysis methods. The current research's statistical population was all Kharazmi University (Tehran-Karaj Branch) students who have used augmented reality technology in the clothing industry, such as shoes, at least once. The selection of this statistical population was due to the up-to-dateness of students in the field of technology, fashion, and clothing. The statistical sample was selected using the available non-probability sampling method. We used the Wanna Kicks software to create an environment for our statistical community to easily experience augmented reality technology in the clothing industry, such as shoes.In this study, 300 questionnaires were distributed among the participants, of which 290 were acceptable. To ensure the accuracy and correctness of the research results, the researcher has to evaluate the technical characteristics of the tool used in his research (questionnaire). The technical features of the tool are summarized in two cases: reliability and validity. All the coefficients are within acceptable limits. So, the reliability and validity of the questionnaire are acceptable. FindingsThe coefficient of determination was used to connect the structural part of structural equation modeling, showing the effect an independent variable has on a dependent variable. The values of the coefficient of determination of the dependent variables were in the range between 0.19 and 0.67, which shows that the model's coefficient of determination is average.Another factor that is considered in evaluating the validity of the structural model is the criterion of predictive power. This criterion specifies the predictive power of the model. The value of Q2 for all hidden variables was positive and at a medium and strong level. It indicates that the model's predictive power regarding these variables was acceptable. Path coefficients expressed the existence of a causal, linear relationship and the intensity and direction of this relationship between two variables. It is a number between -1 and +1, which, if equal to zero, indicates the absence of a linear causal relationship between two hidden variables. The fitting of the structural model using significant coefficients is such that these coefficients must be higher than 1.96 to confirm their significance at the 95% confidence level. After checking the fit of the measurement and structural parts of the overall research model, the researcher also controls the overall fit with the GOF criterion. The GOF value for the research model was equal to 0.554, indicating the research model's strong fit. SRMR is the index of the root mean square residual. The value of this index in the current research was equal to 0.07, which is approved. Conclusions The effect of virtual liminoid theory's impact on the flow experience is greater than its individual components. In the following, respectively, the influence of the sense of ownership and control of ownership has the most significant impact on the flow experience, and the self-explorative engagement component does not affect the flow experience. Also, the flow has the most significant impact on enjoyment than the information utility. Finally, the effect of enjoyment on the satisfaction of the augmented reality experience, which is the final variable of the research, is more than the effect of the information utility. Therefore, for designing online shopping scenarios, the role of decorating psychological states cannot be ignored. Online marketers or e-retailers need to create online shopping scenarios that suit the psychological states of virtual decoration of consumers.  
