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به اعتقاد جودیت باتلر، و متأثر از عقاید میشل فوکو، ساختار قدرت به شکل شبکه ای پیچیده در جامعه گسترده است و زنان در این ساختار، در پایین ترین سطح قرار دارند. در واقع ساختار پیدا و پنهان قدرت، زنان را از حقوق بدیهی خود محروم می کند. مقاله حاضر با رویکرد تحلیلی- انتقادی به نقد مجموعه داستان «دورنمای کاسل راک» اثر مونرو و «رازی در کوچه ها» از فریبا وفی می پردازد. نتایج این بررسی حاکی از این است که هر دو نویسنده چنین شبکه های پیچیده ای از قدرت را آشکار کرده، نشان می دهند چگونه زنان در جامعه پس رانده می شوند. مونرو با روایتی ساده، مصادیق و نشانه های گفتمان قدرت را در لایه های زیرین اجتماع بازنمایی می کند و از زنان می خواهد تا بر حقوق خود پافشاری کنند. وفی نیز از استیلای قدرت مردانه می گوید. ادبیات از نظر مونرو یکی از عرصه هایی است که این مبارزه پنهان اجتماعی و مدنی را عینیت می بخشد. وفی، این مسئله را با نشان دادن استعدادها، قابلیت ها و توانایی ایستادگی ذهنی و عملی زنان مطرح می کند. ذهنیت فمنیستی مونرو و وفی در این داستان ها از دستاوردهای معروف به سه موج فمینیسم بهره می برد ولی بیشتر وامدار تأملات فیلسوف پساساختارگرا، جودیت باتلر از موج سوم فمینیسم است.

A Butlerian Reading of Gender Narratology and Power Discourse in Alice Munro’s The View from Castle Rock and Fariba Vafi’s Razi dar Koucheh-ha

Inspired by Foucault, Judith Butler suggests that the structure of power is constructed and socially interconnected in a way that women are on its lowest layer. The overt and covert power systems distributed in the society deprive women of their rights. Adopting a descriptive-analytical approach, the present paper studies Alice Munro’s The View from Castle Rock and Fariba Vafi’s Razi dar Koucheh-ha ( A Secret in the Allies ). The findings of the article demonstrate that Munro and Vafi expose complicated dynamic networks, revealing how women are driven back through stereotypical women’s affairs. In a straightforward narration, Munro provides explanations and signs of power discourse in the lower strata of the society, inspiring women to focus on their rights. Vafi discusses the boundaries of male domination. According to Munro, literature is one of the areas which redefine hidden social and civil conflicts that have political, cultural, and even theological dimensions. In Vafi’s work, this is made possible by demonstrating the skills, strengths, and abilities of women, both mentally and socially. The feminist mindset of Munro and Vafi in these collections is compatible with what is known as the three waves of feminism, but owes much to the feminist reflections of the post-structuralist scholar Judith Butler who is associated with the third wave of feminism.   Extended Abstract 1.Introduction Feminist movements and discussions on gender form one of the new critical perspectives in the twentieth century, which have been influenced by Ferdinand de Saussure’s structuralist ideas. From Virginia Woolf and Sylvia Plath to Rosa Luxemburg and Hannah Arendt, women writers and activists have attempted to connect literature, philosophy, and politics to gender issues as well as to the critique of male-dominated discourses. The present article tries to offer a feminist reading of Alice Munro’s The View from Castle Rock and Fariba Vafi’s Razi dar Koucheh-ha ( A Secret in the Allies ). Both Munro and Vafi seem to try to reveal complicated social structures that have marginalized women through stereotypical feminine frameworks.   2.Theoretical Framework The concept of power plays a significant role in feminist narratology. Foucault, Kristeva, and Butler believed that power is always faced with resistance and, in fact, power needs resistance in order to continue to exist. In the present article, we have adopted Judith Butler’s viewpoints on feminist narratology in order to conduct a comparative research on Alice Munro’s The View from Castle Rock and Fariba Vafi’s Razi dar Koucheh-ha .    3.Methodology In the present article, we have drawn upon a critical-analytical method to study Alice Munro’s The View from Castle Rock and Fariba Vafi’s Razi dar Koucheh-ha . We have collected relevant data on gender narratology and analyzed these two texts comparatively.   4.Findings and Discussion In the narration of her story, Munro represents a permanent coherence in the development of feminine views, which can be similarly seen in Fariba Vafi’s work. Vafi uses an intervening narrator in her Razi dar Koucheh-ha . Munro has also opted for the intervening narrator who seems to exhibit more interaction with the reader. Female characters in both stories give  detailed accounts of their lives and freely express their emotions, making it possible for the reader to easily relate to the story and even show some kind of sympathy.   5.Conclusion Through complex networks, Munro and Vafi demonstrate how women are rejected and marginalized in their societies. Munro represents signs and instances of power discourses in the lower classes of the society and, at the same time, encourages women to resist them. Similarly Vafi exposes the hegemony of masculine power. In Munro’s view, hidden social and civil struggles, with their political and cultural agencies, are re-configured in literature. Vafi tries to depict and underscore women’s power in undermining male hegemony. Munro and Vafi’s feminist mindset relies on the achievements of the three waves of feminism, but it is more indebted to the postulations put forward by the post-structuralist feminist philosopher, Judith Butler, who is associated with the third wave of feminism.   Select Bibliography Allrath, G. and Gymnich. M. 1396 [2017]. “Motaleh’at-e Jensiyat.” Daneshnameh-e Revayat-shenasi . M. Ragheb (ed. trans.). Tehran: Niloufar.       “Gender Studies,“ Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory . McAfee, N. 1384 [2005]. Julia Kristeva . M. Parsa (trans.). Tehran: Markaz. Moran, B. 1389 [2010]. Nazaryeh-ha-e Adabyat va Naqd . N. Davaran (trans.). Tehran: Negah.       Edebiyat Kuramları ve Eleştiri [ Literary Theories and Criticism ]. Munro, A. 2009. “A Conversation with Alice Munro.” Bookbrowse. Retrieved on: 02.06.2009. http://fa.wikipedia.org. Munro, A. 1390 [2011]. Doornama-ye Castle Rock . Z. Naychin (trans.). Tehran: Afraz.       The View from Castle Rock. Shakeri, J. S, Faghfouri. and R, Bahador. 1395 [2016]. “Barresi-e Tatbiqi-e Mo’alefeh-haye Zaman-e Revayi dar Dastan-e Farar Alice Munro va Dastan-e Père Lachaise Zoya Pirzad.” Adabyat-e Tatbiqi 15: 205-223.       Journal of Comparative Literature.       “A Comparative Reading of Narrative Time in Alice Munro’s Runaway and Zoya Pirzad’s Père Lachaise. ” Shakeri, J. and A, Abazar. 1396 [2017]. “Barresi-e Tatbiqi-e Dastan-e Aparteman Zoya Pirzad va Farar Alice Munro az Manzar-e Naqd-e Zan-Mehvar.” The Ninth National Conference of Language and Literature Researches.       “A Comparative Feminist Reading of Zoya Pirzad’s Apartment and Alice Munro’s Runaway .” Taymouri, S. S, Bozorgbigdeli. and Q, Taheri. 1396 [2017]. “Naqd-e Feministi-e Razi dar Koucheh-ha .” Pajouhesh-ha-e Naqd-e Adabi va Sabk-shenasi 29/8: 37-60.       “A Feminist Reading of A Secret in the Allies .” Journal of Literary Criticism and Stylistic Research. Vafi, F. 1387 [2008]. Razi dar Koucheh-ha . Tehran: Markaz.       A Secret in the Allies. Warhol, R. 1391 [2012]. “Revayatshenasi-e Feministi.” In: M, Ragheb. (ed. trans.). Daneshnameh-ye Revayatshenasi . Tehran: Elmi.       “Feminist Narratology.“ Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory.
