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همسو با رشد شهرنشینی و افزایش تقاضا برای زیر ساخت رفتن زمین ها به منظور تأمین نیازهای شهروندان و به تبع افزایش قیمت زمین، در سال های اخیر بروز تخلفات ساختمانی در شهرها با روندی تصاعدی رو به افزایش بوده است. احداث مجتمع های تجاری چند منظوره [مگامال ها] دارای اثرات و پیامدهای اقتصادی، اجتماعی، فرهنگی و فضایی-کالبدی بر شهرها هستند. یکی از این پیامدها بروز تخلفات ساختمانی گسترده در طول فرایند اخذ مجوزها و احداث مگامال هاست. از این رو، پرداختن به چرایی و چگونگی وقوع تخلفات ساختمانی در احداث مگامال ها خاصه در بستر برنامه ریزی و مدیریت شهری ایران با توجه به گستردگی ابعادِ اثرات و پیامدهای احداث آن ها و همچنین روند افزایشی این دسته تخلفات، حائز اهمیت است. هدف مقاله حاضر، ارائه یک تبیین نظری از چرایی و چگونگی وقوع تخلفات ساختمانی در مگامال ها در شهر تهران است. بر این اساس با استفاده از رویکرد برساخت گرا در روش نظریه زمینه ای، تجارب و دیدگاه های برنامه ریزان، متخصصین، صاحب نظران و حرفه مندان حوزه شهری در قالب 16 مصاحبه عمیق نیمه ساختاریافته مورد پرسش و تحلیل قرار گرفته است. نتایج مقاله حاضر حاکی از آن است که «قانونی سازی تخلفات» و عادی سازی رویه های ناصواب را می توان از جمله ابزارهای اصلی مشروعیت بخشی به تخلفات ساختمانی در روند احداث مگامال ها برشمرد.

Legalization: A Look at the Legitimation of Violations in the Construction Phase (Case Study: Megamalls in the City of Tehran, Iran)

As urbanization grows and the demand for infrastructure increases to meet the needs of citizens, land prices rise up consequently. Hence, in recent years, construction violations in cities are increasing exponentially. The construction of multi-purpose commercial complexes (megamalls) has economic, social, cultural and spatial-physical consequences on cities. One of these consequences is the occurrence of widespread construction violations during the process of obtaining permits and constructing megamalls. Therefore, it is important to address the reasons for the occurrence of construction violations in building the megamalls. Given the wide range of effects and consequences of their construction and the increasing occurrence of these violations, it is especially important to consider these violations in the context of urban planning and urban management in Iran. Also, finding the root cause of such violations in such constructions will help to identify solutions and the way to deal with construction violations appropriately and effectively. Despite various studies conducted on rooting out the occurrence of violations, few studies have dealt with such violations from the viewpoint of planners, specialists and professionals, especially in Iran. The present study aims to provide a theoretical explanation of the "why" of construction violations in the process of building megamalls in the city of Tehran. In this paper, using a multi-case study, the focus is on the process of obtaining a permit to construct megamalls in Tehran in order to identify the causes of construction violations and the reasons of not dealing with them appropriately. Accordingly, using a constructivist grounded theory, the experiences and views of urban planners, experts, specialists and professionals are questioned and analysed in the form of 16 in-depth semi-structured interviews. The results of the research indicate that continuous changes in the criteria of urban development plans, as well as monopoly and centralism in decision making procedures within spatial planning and urban management in Iran, has provided the basis for "legalization of violations". In other words, in addition to the urgent need of municipalities to obtain financial resources, as well as the weakness and lack of effective and efficient monitoring procedures and tools, instability occurs consequently in the rules of the plans. Also, due to the lack of transparency in procedures and instructions, the possibility of interpretation and personal taste increases, which as a result creates a ground for creating and increasing corruption, as well as legalizing issued permits. Therefore, normalization of improper procedures and legalization of violations can be considered as the main reason for the occurrence of construction violations. Also, the lack of appropriate treatment for such violations doubles the issue. Accordingly, the main strategy to deal with violations in this area is a fundamental review of the procedures and instructions in the pillars of urban management, such as the municipality and the Iranian Article 5 Commission. In such a way as to prevent the recognition of violations under the guise of legalizing them.
