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در عصر جدید منابع انسانی از دارایی های بسیار ارزشمند سازمان ها می باشد. کارشناسان منابع انسانی در سازمان ها دولتی برای حل مشکل کارمندیابی تکیه بر منابع داخلی و مدیریت جانشین پروری را پیشنهاد می کنند. پژوهش حاضر به دنبال بررسی این مسئله است که چه مراحلی برای استقرار نظام مدیریت جانشین پروری در سازمان ها نیاز است. در پژوهش حاضر از روش کیفی استفاده شده است. داده های پژوهش با استفاده از مصاحبه های نیمه ساخت یافته با 19 تن از مدیران ارشد شاغل در سازمان های دولتی جمع آوری گردیده است. تحلیل داده ها از روش تماتیک مبتنی بر کدگذاری( 3مرحله ای) با استفاده از نرم افزار Nvivo انجام شده است. روایی تحقیق مبتنی بر نظر اساتید  وخبرگان حوزه منابع انسانی و پایایی از تکنیک"زاویه بندی" مبتنی بر بازبینی مستمر مورد تایید قرار گرفت. یافته های پژوهش بیانگر این است که استقرار نظام مدیریت جانشین پروری مشتمل بر هفت تم اصلی می باشد که بصورت فرآیندی و تدریجی اتفاق می افتد که شامل فرهنگ سازی سازمانی، بسترسازی در جهت اجرای نظام جانشین پروری، اجرای سیستمی متعهدانه، تعیین خط مشی ها، ارزیابی کاندیداها به منظور استقرار نظام شایسته گزینی، تحلیل شکاف های آموزشی و توسعه کارکنان مبتنی بر رسالت و ارزیابی سیستم نظام مدیریت جانشین پروری است.

Discovering and counting the mechanisms of establishing a succession planning system in governmental organizations

The present study seeks to investigate what are the necessary stages for establishing a succession management system in governmental organizations. The methodology of the present study is qualitative. The research data have been collected using free and semi-structured interviews with 19 senior managers and professors in the field of human resources. Data analysis has been performed thematically based on 3-step coding using Nvivo software.The validity of the research was confirmed based on the opinions of professors and experts in the field of human resources and the reliability of the "angulation" technique based on continuous review. The study results indicate that establishment of succession management system consists of seven main themes that occur gradually and in a process. These themes include: organizational culture-building, providing the ground for implementation of succession planning system, implementation of a committed system, determining the policies, evaluating the candidates in order to establish a meritocracy system, analysis of the educational gaps and development of staff based on the mission, and finally evaluation of the succession management system. Introduction In the strategy of the new millennium organizations there is a great emphasis on intangible assets. More careful studies in this area suggest that to achieve success, one must not only place people in the appropriate positions, but also identify top employees in each position (Brandi &Kall, 2005). According to researchers in the field of organizations, especially large organizations, exploiting their potential capabilities is profitable for employees and the organization. Numerous factors can determine the success or failure of organizations. One of the main factors for success of today’s organizations can be considered human resources. Therefore, research and activity in this field will cause prosperity and self-flourishing of the organization by paying attention to intangible assets. Given the above, the present study aims to design a model of succession management system. Case study In this study, the governmental organizations in question have been large organizations in Tehran province in which the need to establish succession planning for development and excellence of the country seems essential. Theoretical framework In today’s, the supply of young human resources has gradually decreased and on the other hand, the workforce has become older, and when faced with a new change, many organizations have various ambiguities about the ability to replace their employees. With a more comprehensive perspective, succession planning represents a deliberate and systematic effort to ensure continued leadership in key positions, maintain and develop intellectual capital and knowledge in all employees for the future, encourage personal advancement, ensure stability or the “bench power” of the key personnel, provide a holistic approach to the organization’s continued effective performance, and to organize coordinated programs to develop, replace, and influence key individuals to ensure a deep talent pipeline (Schoonover, 2011). To manage their current and future talents, today’s organizations must take effective measures at all levels; Methodology The present study is developmental in terms of the result, applied in terms of purpose, and qualitative in terms of data type and method. The methodology of the present study is qualitative. The research data has been collected by free and semi-structured interviews with 19 senior managers and expert professors in the field of human resources. Data analysis has been performed thematically based on 3-step coding using Nvivo software. Clarke-Braun thematic analysis method based on 3-step coding (free coding, selective coding, and axial coding) has been used for analysis. Discussion and Results In the present study, the analysis of the texts has been done inductively and an attempt has been made to, passing through purely objective and experimental codes and issues provide issues that can explain the whole succession management system. The theoretical literature has been used as a guide to the ultimate categorization. Based on the analysis of the interviews, seven main themes have been counted. These themes are in fact the body of the succession management system in the present study. In this regard, first the basic condition which is the cultural context must be estimated because the importance of culture-building is known to everyone. Providing the context is itself a continuous and comprehensive process that can be the background for turning the succession planning system into a major goal. After preparing the executive conditions, it is necessary to determine the organizational policies so that the whole implementation process, which is a dynamic process, moves within a certain framework and can be responsive and helpful in different conditions. After determining the general policy of the organization, the candidates must be evaluated in order to establish a meritocracy system in the organization. The next step after evaluating the candidates is analysis of the gap and determination of educational needs, educational planning, development of career path and development through different methods based on that along with paying attention to staff motivation so that after development they move toward predetermined goals and be accountable to predetermined goals individually, collectively and systematically. The last step in implementation of any system is to evaluate that system in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. In fact, evaluation determines how successful the organization has been in the field of implementation. In this regard, by determining the evaluation criteria first and determining the evaluation methods and finally establishment of the PDCA cycle, the conditions must be provided to evaluate and eliminate deviations in order to achieve predetermined goals and more success. Conclusion In the current era, the importance of implementing the succession planning system is known to every manager and organization. In this study, the results showed that establishing a succession management system in organizations consists of seven main themes that occur in a process and gradually. It should be noted that each of the mentioned themes are the background of the previous theme in order to establish a system efficiently.
