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پژوهش حاضر به بررسی رابطه متقابل بین پیکربندی فضایی و نظام فعالیت ها در مقیاس عرصه های جمعی از طریق دسته بندی فعالیت های جمعی و اندازه گیری داده های نحوی خانه ها می پردازد. برای تعیین خواسته مورد نظر تعداد 110 خانه از سه گونه مسکن کوهدشت به صورت غیر تصادفی با توجه به روش مبتنی بر هدف و ملاحظات انتخاب گردید؛ برای تحلیل فعالیت های جمعی از مصاحبه ابزار–غایت، مشاهده و ثبت فعالیت ها استفاده شد و برای همخوانی و پیدایی مهمترین فعالیت ها از روش تحلیل تناظر استفاده شد. یافته های پژوهش حاکی از آنست، گونه های مسکن پیکربندی های متفاوتی دارند اما با وجود تغییر پیکربندی فضایی، سیستم فعالیت ها تغییر نکرده و ساکنان خود را با فضاهای مورد نظر انطباق داده اند. میزان پاسخ گویی ساکنان به تطبیق پذیری بستگی به تامین نیازهای فضایی-رفتاری آنها دارد؛ بنابراین استمرار سیستم فعالیت ها نشان از قدرت قانونمندی های فرهنگی- اجتماعی است. ساکنان ترجیحات کالبدی خود را با تغییرات تطبیق داده و رفتارها، ارزش ها و نیازهای خود را با آن هماهنگ می کنند. توانایی افراد در انطباق با محیط، نتایج تحلیل های نحو فضا را مورد تردید قرار می دهد، لذا پیشنهاد می شود جهت اعتبار بخشی بیشتر به تحلیل های نحوی سطح رضایتمندی نیز بررسی گردد.

The relationship between system of activities and configuration Kuhdasht houses with space syntax approach

This study examined the effects of spatial configuration of the system of collective activity areas are houses. For this purpose it is necessary degree of integration and resolution of configuration and system houses as collective field activities to be monitored home. The study was based on the analysis from selected samples of 110 traditional and moder4nization of house layouts in Kuhdasht city, through adopting the theory of space syntax and its techniques (gamma analysis method).For the analysis of collective activities of Means-End model and Research Viewing lifestyle between families was used and for greater compatibility and visibility of the activities of collective areas in three neighborhoods of correspondence analysis was used. This study, interpret and identify the relationship between spatial configuration and changes in the field of collective scale through collective activities Categories, the main features of space systems and measurement and numerical data and its impact on the houses is a pattern. Socio-cultural characteristics of inhabitants, housing configuration to affect the day. The system of activities and rules governing the relations between the inhabitants will be configured. So a cultural group with genotype housing should be the same. The results show that by changing the spatial configuration, the system does not change, but inhabitants of the house with your activities to adapt their spaces. Its inhabitants and housing on the basis of the gain relationship between family structures explains the compatibility and adaptation. But the response of residents to adaptability actually to create facilities that are factor or potential in houses and through the forms and meanings to adapt space needs, behavioral and psychological humans depend. Another result of this study was that in all three types of housing, among other of individual sectors and collective sectors of home services sectors, with the highest integration and has the lowest depths of space. This is a testament to adapt the structure of the home space with the system is of activities. This implies that the value of high integration collective space facilitates collaborative activities and social events.So that most the inhabitants relations and social media activities with guests as it happens. The continuity of the power system collective field activities, social and cultural laws Research findings showed that despite the change in the spatial configuration and remove some areas of collective spaces, the system will the continuity of activities in this field. The study suggests the absence of such relationships the continuity of system collective field activities show Correlation events with cultural and social - cultural laws so that configuration changes created space and no significant effect on the events.Inhabitants preferences of your physical adjust to changes and behaviors, values and match it to your needs. Ability of individuals to adapt to the environment, analysis of space syntax doubt, so it suggested to validate the syntax analysis the level of satisfaction to be evaluated the more. In other words, the configuration space, the spatial organization and different means of creating social - cultural, the ultimate goal of all this effort.
