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شناخت ویژگی ها و مؤلفه های شخصیتی افراد خاص همچون نوابغ، مشاهیر، علما و ادبا، یکی از نیازهای اساسی فرهنگ هر ملّت است و این مهم، در حوزه روان شناسی بر عهده روان شناسان شخصیت است. هدف نهایی در این مقاله، کشف و شناسایی مؤلّفه های بارز شخصیت صائب تبریزی -شاعر سبک هندی- از دیدگاه روان شناسان انسان گراست. برای دست یابی به این مقصود، از سخنان و اشعاری که شاعر با توجه به دو خصیصه مهم سبک هندی یعنی بسیارگویی و کشف مضمون های تازه، در دیوان غزلیاتش به طور مستقیم یا غیرمستقیم به خود پرداخته، استفاده شده است. در این روش، 364 غزل از دیوان مذکور براساس جدول مورگان و با استفاده از روش نمونه گیری تصادفی ساده از بین 6995 غزل، انتخاب و بررسی شده است. بر همین اساس، بعد از بیان معنا و مفهوم شخصیت و ذکر رویکرد انسان گرایان در این زمینه، مفهوم خودشکوفایی توضیح داده شده و پس از آن، دوازده ویژگی بارز شخصیت صائب به عنوان فردی خودشکوفا از غزل های منتخب او استخراج و تحلیل شده است. در این تحقیق که رویکردی توصیفی- تحلیلی دارد، ضمن تبیین ویژگی های بارز شخصیت شاعر، سعی شده است به این پرسش اساسی پاسخ داده شود که آیا صائب تبریزی انسانی خودشکوفاست؟

Personality Features of Saeb Tabrizi from the Point of View of Humanistic with regard to the Poet's Sonnets

Recognizing the personality traits and features of individuals such as the geniuses, celebrities, scholars, scholars, literati and etc. Is one of the basic needs of every nation's culture which is the job of personality psychologists in the field of psychology. The ultimate goal of the current study is to discover and identify the prominent personality features of Saeb Tabrizi, the Indian poet, from human psychologists' point of view. To achieve the goal, the poet's speeches and poems which are directly and indirectly based on the two features of Indian style, the exaggeration and the new themes discovery, in his Diwan were collected as the research data. 364 sonnets among 3995 in mentioned Diwan were chosen randomly based on Morgan's table. According to this matter, after defining the concept of personality based on the humanists (Maslow-Rogers) approach, the concept of self-actualization was defined and twelve prominent features of Saeb's personality as a self-actualized person were identified. In this research, which has a descriptive-analytical approach, while explaining the salient features of the poet's personality, the basic question has been answered whether Saeb Tabrizi is a self-fulfilling human being?   Introduction According to a common belief, every piece of art shows the personality characteristics of its creator, every piece of art demonstrates realization patterns, behavior an emotion of its creator, or as it is believed it depicts the personality or the “self” of the creator. Among these, “great” literature art works plays as a mirror which manifest s the social life of its age with all the difficulties, complexities and extensiveness’s of the period in which it is born and due to the fact that artistic piece has lived in such society with all its strong and weak points, beauty and ugliness and also ups and downs, so it shows itself in such a mirror." (Motaman and Shear 1371; p.8). In this paper we intend to reflect and examine the personality characteristics of Saeb from the point of view of humanistic psychologists and with regard to Maslow and Rogers's theories: of course, by looking at date the poet himself has written in his Sonnets. Saeb Tabrizi is the symbol of Indian style in literature. He is a well-known poet who looks at different aspects of economic, social, cultural, geographical and moral conditions of his age and society living in besides discovering pure concepts. Associated with these two stylistic features, that is red ardency and discovering new and pure ideas and concepts, it is expected that we can also discover the personality features of the poet himself through the pages of his poems and art according to what humanistic s have needed and have accounted in their theories knowing the personality of the famous people, besides being important during the history of literatures a requirement, is also an important, significant part of psychology. Despite the various research done about Saeb and his life, there can't be found any certain research about the personality characteristic s of Saeb himself. As a result, it seems to be necessary and vital to do research about this aspect of his life. The vital purpose of this paper is to introduce the reason why Saeb had a self-growth in this field by looking at his own Sonnets. The present paper intends to find answers to the following inquires: 1- What are the most important personality characteristic of Saeb according to his poems? 2- With regard to the theories by humanists does Saeb have a self-growth? Research methodology The method used in this paper is a descriptive analysis and library sources have been used in conducting this research. In this paper, twelve personality features of Saeb poems and are in accordance with humanists’ theories and ideas about individuals who possess self-population selected for this study has been extracted from six books of Sonnets of Saeb (Ghahraman Version) including 6005 Sonnets in which the researcher selected a mixed sample of 364 Sonnets based on Morgan Table. Due to the fact that all the poems were from the same poet and Divan and poetic style and were collected from the same source, then a random selection took place. Discussion Concerning morphology, personality is originated from the Latin word “Person” which means “mask” and from historical point of view, it refers to the mask that actors and actress in Ancient Greece used and put on their face when they performed in theatres this term in fact refers to the outer treats and behaviors that the individual performed in different situations through which the players real intents could be anticipated. (Feast and Feast.1998: P.120). Having a brief look at the various definitions presented in different places, we can claim that we can't reach a definite utterance through one single theory, but in fact the definition depends wholly on the theories him/ herself. In the realm of personality, there are seven types of personalities presented by psychologists, looking at which, Saeb personality is more similar to what humanistic theories have claimed. Prominent humanists like Maslow and Rogers have put their emphasis on phenomenology in which mental experiences have a gained more attention and have focused a totalism and self-growth humanists have defined some features for describing people with self-growth. It is assumed that such individuals show the following characteristics more or less whenever and wherever they exist. 1) Deep understanding about the truth around them 2)acceptance of themselves, the others, and the nature in general 3) simpleness and self-belief 4) focusing on the difficulties and problems instead of on themselves 5) needing to independence and having privacy 6) Having a feeling of new ideas and emotions 7) Having the experiences of feelings of theologism 8) Social eagerness 9) interactional relationships 10) beings creative 11) Democratic morphology 12) resistance against accepting foreign cultures. (Showltz, 1389: P.P 370-373). Concerning the fact that Saeb was extremely reporting in the majority of fields, we can conclude that he put the influence of his personality in his poems. Conclusion Saeb had a huge eagerness to the human kind and his happiness. If not so, he couldn’t have such a great book full of moral and religious point to assist human kind to overcome the challenges of the life. It is outstanding feature was his awareness about the conditions of the lives of people around in his time. He not only was a true reporter of his time events and people, but also was events more as to move through his time of existence. He sometimes travels into his childhood, youth or even elder age, and sometimes even more. He frequency record his experiences of life. He attributes all the roots of problems in moral deviations and that is why he tries to solve the problems of society by demolishing the origins of such moral definitions. He once claims that his attitude toward solitude and loneliness is the mere consequence of having pure self-pride, calmness and happiness. He always refers to his creator as his God and claims to be obedient to him and his creatures base done the results of the present study, it can be concluded that Saeb personality is similar to the twelve characteristics that humanists have appointed in their theories. Regarding Saeb poems it can be said that theology experiences has had the most important part and being spontaneous populism has had the least significant part in his poems according to these findings, it could be claimed that theological experiences, creativeness, the need to independence and privacy, and self-acceptance were some of his major personality features which are more or less some of the personality traits of people with self-growth. 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