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در مبحث ارزش های منابع میراثی همواره مهم ترین موضوع نحوه ی ارزیابی این ارزش ها بوده است. با این حال به دلیل پراکندگی مولفه های ارزیابی ارزش، طیف وسیع انواع میراث و همچنین ذهنی بودن مبحث ارزش ها، رسیدن به یک روش جامع به منظور این ارزیابی امری چالش برانگیز می باشد. توجه ها به بحث حفاظت از میراث مدرن خصوصا در مبحث ارزش ها به عنوان یکی از ظرفیت های میراثی جدید در سطح بین المللی پیشینه زیادی ندارد، به همین جهت پرداختن به ارزش های خاص این میراث می تواند بینش متخصصان را نسبت به ظرفیت های میراث مدرن ارتقاء دهد. این پژوهش که ماهیتی کیفی دارد، به منظور ورود به مبحث ارزیابی ارزش ها با استفاده از تکنیک استدلال منطقی، نخست چهارچوبی را پیشنهاد می دهد. چهارچوبی مفهومی برای ارزیابی ارزش های میراث که شامل 4 مولفه اصلی (خصیصه ها، مراجع ارزیابی، گونه شناسی و کیفیات ارزش) و زیرمولفه های آن ها می باشد. این پژوهش سپس با ابزار مطالعات کتابخانه ای، اسناد و کنوانسیون ها و نظریه های حفاظت میراث مدرن، ارزش های این گونه ی میراثی را واکاوی کرده و با مبنا قرار دادن یک گونه شناسی جهانی، دسته بندی ارزش های میراث مدرن را تبیین می کند. در نهایت ارزش تازگی، ارزش انعطاف و ارزش جهانی بودن را به عنوان سه وجه تمایز ارزش در میراث مدرن شناسایی و معرفی می نماید.

Typology of Modern Heritage Values through

 Regarding heritage resource values, the most significant issue has always been the way to evaluate these values, and researchers have been looking for comprehensive instructions to perform this stage of the conservation process to date. However, due to the dispersion of value evaluation criteria, the wide range of heritage types, as well as the subjectivity of the value issue, reaching a comprehensive method for this evaluation is challenging. Addressing the conservation of modern heritage as one of the new heritage capacities, specifically in the field of heritage values, has not had a long history at the international level, and there are few studies in this area. Although it is obvious that some kinds of the values in this type of heritage would overlap the standard typologies of heritage value, addressing the specific values of this heritage is a topic that will expand the insights of experts regarding the capacities of modern heritage. This study will answer two questions: a) what are the main and sub-criteria of the conceptual framework for evaluating heritage values? b) What are the distinctive values of modern architectural and urban heritage? This qualitative study has been done using logical reasoning technique; therefore, in the first step, it will attempt to achieve a comprehensive and flexible conceptual framework for this process by examining the requirements for evaluating heritage values. The suggested framework has a Layered structure which in the first layer pursues the concept of heritage in a particular time and place. In the second layer, the required criteria are explained in order to determine the types and qualities of values. The four main determined criteria include; attributes of heritage properties, typology of values and their sub-criteria for quality assessment, Evaluation references or actors, those who involve directly or indirectly in the process and methods or ways of heritage assessment. In the next step, the study will explain the typology of modern heritage values through library study in three categories, i.e., historical documents, international conventions and theories in the field of modern heritage   conservation. History and events relating conservation of modern heritage have been discovered from 1980 to 2020. Moreover, theories of three types of theorists, including; heritage conservation theorists, modern architecture theorists, modern heritage conservation theorists from the late 19 century until 2018, have been explored. Besides, the international documents relative to the issue have been elaborated considering the type of value from 1990 until the last existing document in the area of modern heritage )Madrid-New Delhi, 2017). In fact, the determined Typology is an updated version of the famous typology by Veldpaus and Roders which was published in 2014. In this version which is prepared for Modern Heritage, except for the symbolic and evidential archaeological values, all types of values found in conventional Western typology overlap the modern heritage values. Moreover, values such as newness, flexibility, and cosmopolitanism were specifically discovered as the special values of modern heritage. The discovered values can draw attention to the modern heritage and can further improve its conservation programs.  
