
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


    حضرت علی(ع) طبق آیات قرآن و روایات اسلامی، دارای فضائل بسیاری است و نگارگران ایرانی، در مقاطع تاریخی مختلف، تصویر ایشان را مصور کرده اند. در نسخه های خطی آثار الباقیه بیرونی و جامع التواریخ رشیدی متعلق به دوره ایلخانی، نگاره هایی از ایشان دیده می شود. از آنجا که آثار الباقیه بیرونی و جامع التواریخ رشیدی، به ترتیب دارای محتوایی علمی تاریخی و تاریخی است، شخصیت پردازی های گوناگونی از حضرت علی(ع) ارائه شده است که اهمیت موضوع، ضرورت انجام پژوهش را ایجاب کرده است. اهداف پژوهش، شناخت ویژگی های شخصیتی حضرت علی(ع) در نگاره های نسخه های خطی آثار الباقیه بیرونی و جامع التواریخ رشیدی و شناسایی ذهنیت های تأثیرگذار در انتخاب موضوع نگاره های مرتبط با حضرت در دو نسخه است. پرسش ها عبارت اند از: 1. در نگاره های نسخه های خطی آثار الباقیه بیرونی و جامع التواریخ رشیدی، به کدام یک از ویژگی های شخصیتی حضرت علی(ع) توجه شده است؟ 2. انتخاب موضوع نگاره های مرتبط با حضرت علی(ع) در نسخه های آثار الباقیه بیرونی و جامع التواریخ رشیدی تابع چه ذهنیتی صورت گرفته است؟ در پژوهش پیش رو، اطلاعات کتابخانه ای، اسنادی و تصویری به شیوه توصیفی تحلیلی با رویکرد تطبیقی بررسی شده و نمونه ها شامل سه نگاره از نسخه آثار الباقیه بیرونی و دو نگاره از نسخه جامع التواریخ رشیدی به صورت هدفمند انتخاب شده است. نتایج نشان می دهد نگارگر در نسخه علمی تاریخی آثار الباقیه ، به ابعاد شخصیتی حضرت علی(ع) تأکید کرده، نظیر رزمنده بودن، خانواده دوستی، جانشینی پیامبر و به طورکلی عقاید شیعی و در نسخه جامع التواریخ رشیدی، نگارگر شخصیت حضرت علی(ع) را برجسته نکرده و دیدگاهی مستندگونه داشته است و شخصیت حضرت را به عنوان رزمنده ای در سپاه اسلام نشان داده است.  

Comparative Study of the Personality and Figure Representations of Imam Ali(AS) in the Manuscripts of the El-Âsârü' l-bâkiyye Birunî and the Jami' Al-Tawarikh Rashidi

    According to the verses of the Qur'an and Islamic traditions, Imam Ali(AS) has many virtues and Iranian painters, in different historical periods, have illustrated his image. In the Manuscripts of the el-Âsârü' l-bâkiyye Birunî and the Jami' al-tawarikh Rashidi belonging to the Ilkhanid period, drawings of him can be seen. Since Âsârü' l-bâkiyye Birunî and the Jami' al-tawarikh Rashidi have scientific-historical and historical content, respectively; various personalities of Imam Ali(AS) have been presented. The importance of this issue has necessitated the present research. The objectives of the research include recognizing the personality traits of Imam Ali(AS) in the Manuscripts of the el- Âsârü' l-bâkiyye Birunî and the Jami' al-tawarikh Rashidi and identifying the influential mentalities in choosing the subject of the drawings related to the Imam in two versions. The questions also include: 1- In the drawings of the manuscripts of the el- Âsârü' l-bâkiyye Birunî and the Jami' al-tawarikh Rashidi, which personality traits of Imam Ali(AS) have been discussed? 2- What is the mentality of choosing the subject of the paintings related to Imam Ali(AS) in the copies of the el- Âsârü' l-bâkiyye Birunî and the Jami' al-tawarikh Rashidi? In the research, library, documentary and pictorial information have been studied in a descriptive-analytical manner with a comparative approach and the samples include 3 drawings of Âsârü' l-bâkiyye Birunî and 2 drawings of the Jami' al-tawarikh Rashidi have been selected in a purposeful and non-probabilistic manner. In the three pictures examined from the manuscript of the Âsârü' l-bâkiyye Birunî, much attention has been paid to the discussion of the succession of Imam Ali(AS) and his children and the continuation of the path of Imamate by him.Imam Ali(AS) is depicted in one picture with his whole family and in another picture with his children. Imam Ali(AS) had a dignified and calm face in all three paintings, but he has the sword of Zulfiqar with him, and considering that the only armed person with a sword in the paintings of manuscript of the Âsârü' l-bâkiyye Birunî is Imam Ali(AS), it shows paying special attention to the painter has the aspect of warlike personality, courage and most importantly the cultural personality and position of Imam Ali(AS). The Ghadir Khumm incident is the most important event in the Shiite discourse, which is one of the drawings of the Âsârü' l-bâkiyye Birunî. On the day of Ghadir, the Prophet of Islam equated Ali(AS) with his power, personality and dignity, and by the command of God, introduced him as his successor and leader of the Muslims. A cloud can be seen above the head of the Holy Prophet(PBUH), which is called Arhas. Around the heads of all the persons in this painting, a golden halo is seen and it is not a sign of holiness and Imam Ali attracts attention with his Zulfiqar sword. Another image is dedicated to the Mobahela event. This event is very important for the Shiites because the Prophet(PBUH) chose Hazrat Fatima(PBUH) and Ali(AS) from among his companions and elders to face the Christians of Najran, who according to the Shiite discourse, the Ahl-e-Beit of the Prophet(PBUH) are known and from the Shiites' point of view, the event of Mobahela expresses the superior and valuable position of the family of infallibility and purity. In this picture, the Prophet(PBUH), Imam Ali(AS), Hazrat Fatima(PBUH), Hassan(AS) and Hussein(AS) are seen. A piece of cloud can be seen above the head of the Prophet (PBUH) which refers to the same subject of Erhas and this cloud is drawn on the head of 5 people and in a way emphasizes the concept of Ahl-e- Beit and velayat. In this painting, too, the halo of sanctity is seen around all people and is not a sign of sanctity. Double-edged sword of Imam Ali(AS) is illustrated in this painting and the cultural aspect of Imam Ali(AS) and his caliphate and guardianship is emphasized. The encounter of the messengers of the false prophet with the Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) is also the third image of the manuscript of the Âsârü' l-bâkiyye Birunî and refers to a man in Yemen who is known as Musaylima Kazzab. In his letter to the Holy Prophet(PBUH), he claimed to be a prophet and considered himself a partner in the rule and rule of the Holy Prophet(PBUH). This picture shows the scene of the messengers of the false prophet facing the Holy Prophet(PBUH). In this work, the cloud above the head of the Prophet(PBUH) refers to Erhas like the previous two paintings, and Imam Ali(AS), Imam Hassan(AS) and Imam Hussein(AS) are depicted in the painting, and Imam Ali(AS) being in the center of the box shows the importance of his role. In this work, halos around the head, like other paintings, are not a sign of sanctity. The presence of Hassanein(AS) in the middle of the box and between Imam Ali(AS) and the Prophet shows the importance of the successor of the Prophet and the continuation of the path of Imamate. Also, the only armed person in the work is Imam Ali (AS) who accompanied dobble edged Zulfiqar is depicted by the painter. Also, in the manuscripts of the Jami' al-tawarikh Rashidi, there is no holy halo around the heads of people and it seems that the personality of the Prophet(PBUH) was more important than Imam Ali(AS) to the painter. In fact, the character of Imam Ali(AS) is not more prominent than other people depicted in the paintings and is only shown as a brave warrior and in the service of the Islamic Army, and Shiite orientation , directional look and Shiite history can not be deduced from it. the first picture which has been dedicated to the subject of sending Imam Ali(AS) and Hazrat Hamza to the mission of the Battle of Badr by the Prophet(PBUH) is one of the most important and influential wars in the history of Islam. This war was the first one between the Muslims and the infidels of Quraysh that took place in the second year after Hijra and is known as the Battle of Badr. Based on the text of the painting, the painter describes the moment when seems that the person sitting in the center of the image and pointing to the people present on the left side of the image is the Prophet (PBUH). The three men are talking to the Prophet (PBUH) and the older person in the center of the stage is apparently Obaid. On the right of the image, two people on horseback are probably Hamza and Imam Ali(AS). Imam Ali (AS), like the other people in the picture, has a spear in his hand and according to the narration of the book, he has volunteered for war. In this picture, the figures of the people and horses of the two people on the right are larger than the others, and thus they are distinguished from the rest of the Prophet's troops; but the painter did not emphasize the outstanding of the Prophet(PBUH) in this painting and the halo around the head of any person is not seen and in the portraits of the soldiers there is no prominent state. The second image also refers to the battle of Badr, and this image shows the battle between Ansar and Quraysh. The painter has shown the courage and bravery of these warriors by depicting Hamza, Ali(AS) and Obaida. The figure riding a horse in the middle of the painting is Imam Ali(AS) and is depicted with full military clothes and tools, killing the person in front of the image. Here, the sword of Imam Ali(AS) is more visible than other weapons of the warriors and shows the importance of the sword-wielding power of Imam Ali(AS). A noteworthy point in the painting is the lack of double-edged sword of Imam Ali(AS). But the Hazrat is splitting one of the enemies of Islam into two, and the state of the characters and the horses is illustrated in such a way that it seems that the defeated enemy is escaping from Imam Ali(AS) on horseback. Because the riders are not face to face and the enemy is sitting on the horse in the opposite position, which is a bit irrational. In general, the results show that in the manuscript of the Âsârü' l-bâkiyye, Imam Ali(AS), his successors, guardians, his children and the continuation of the path of Imamate, as well as the personality of Imam Ali(AS)'s family man have also been discussed and Imam Ali(AS) has not been distinguished from others in the manuscript of the Jami' al-Tavarikh Rashidi, and the painter has portrayed Imam Ali(AS) as one of the brave and capable warriors of the Islamic Army. Also, the painters of these manuscripts have paid special attention to Shiite themes in the Historical-scientific manuscript of Âsârü' l-bâkiyye. Therefore, the family of Imam Ali (AS) and the discussion of his successor and guardianship have been given more importance and the aspect of warfare and his cultural personality can also be seen in these paintings. It should be noted that according to the text of manuscript of Âsârü' l-bâkiyye Birunî, the painter has considered events such as Ghadir Khumm, Mubahila and the occurrence of the Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) and the messengers of the false prophet, While the painter in the historical manuscript of the Jami' al-Tawarikh, based on the historical text, has had a documentary view of events and has paid more attention to the fighting character of Imam Ali(AS) and there is no sign of highlighting his character in the paintings.      
