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نگرش مبلغان دینی درباره پیامک و وبلاگ و میزان استفاده آنها(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: اینترنت نگرش وبلاگ پیامک مبلغان دینی

حوزه های تخصصی:
  1. حوزه‌های تخصصی علوم اجتماعی جامعه شناسی جامعه شناسی دین
  2. حوزه‌های تخصصی علوم اجتماعی ارتباطات مطالعات فضای مجازی، جهانی شدن و تکنولوژی های نوین ارتباطاتی مطالعات فضای مجازی
تعداد بازدید : ۱۳۳۳ تعداد دانلود : ۵۸۷
این پژوهش با هدف سنجش نگرش مبلغان دینی درباره وبلاگ، پیامک و میزان استفاده آنها از این دو فناوری انجام شده است. حوزه­های ارسالی پیامک و هدف از ایجاد وبلاگ از سوی آنها نیز مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. بدین منظور از نظریه رسانه دینی که به غایات دینی توجه دارد، استفاده شده که مراد از رسانه دینی بهره گیری از رسانه ها در جهت تحقق اهداف، غایات و آرمان های دینی است. با توجه به قابلیت این دو ابزار ارتباطی از جهت سهولت استفاده، هزینه کم، سهولت دسترسی به جمع کثیری از مخاطبان و کاربرد آنها در ترویج آموزه­های دینی این پژوهش انجام شده است. جامعه آماری پژوهش 220 مبلغ دینی ایرانی و خارجی زن و مرد ساکن در استان قم است که براساس نمونه­گیری تصادفی انتخاب شده­اند. در این پژوهش از ابزار پرسش­نامه استفاده شده و داده­ها با نرم­افزار علوم اجتماعی پردازش شده است. یافته­های پژوهش بر نگرش مثبت مبلغان درباره کاربرد وبلاگ و پیامک در ترویج آموزه­های دینی دلالت دارد. همچنین مطابق یافته­ها، انگیزه اکثر مبلغان از تهیه وبلاگ در ابتدا، انتشار افکار مذهبی و در مرحله بعد، اشاعه دین و آموزه­های آن در سطح جهانی است. همچنین متغیر جنسیت در نگرش درباره وبلاگ و پیامک تأثیر نداشت. بررسی متغیر سن نشان داد که هرچه سن مبلغان دینی پایین­تر باشد، نگرش آنها نسبت به کارایی پیامک و استفاده از آن در زمینه موضوعات دینی مثبت­تر است. همچنین مطابق یافته­ها، میان مبلغانی که وبلاگ داشتند و مبلغانی که نداشتند، تفاوت نگرشی مثبت و منفی معناداری مشاهده نشد.

An Introspective Analysis of EAP Researchers’ Perceived Academic Writing Competence: The Case of Research Articles(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۴۲۰ تعداد دانلود : ۳۱۴
Over the last decades, there has been a plethora of interest in possible challenges encountered by researchers while publishing research articles (RAs) in various disciplines for English for academic purposes (EAP).Given this, this study aimed to examine how a sampled number of EAPIranian researchers perceive the competence of academic RA writing, the major reasons for RA rejection, and difficulties the authors face in writing up publishable RAs. Data for this study came from an examination of rejection emails and follow-up interviews with a number of Iranian EAP researchers who have published in highly prestigious journals. Analysis of the data resulted in 545 codes, 40 subcategories, and six core categories. The main categories included the potential reasons of RA rejection; the authors’ challenges in RA writing; RA linguistic features; RA stylistic features; essential elements of writing RA sections; and the features of RA citation and referencing.Pedagogical implications are discussed.

Classroom Climate, Academic Self-Concept, Learning Self-regulation, and Academic Identity Status among EFL Students: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach


کلید واژه ها: classroom climate academic self-concept learning self-regulation academic identity status Structural Equation Modeling

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۸۷ تعداد دانلود : ۱۹۵
Practical improvements in students’ overall success can be made if we take into account the contribution of learning environments to learners’ various attributes that would greatly affect their academic selves. This study aimed at scrutinizing the possible associations among Iranian EFL students’ perceived classroom climate, academic self-concept, learning self-regulation, and academic identity status. 420 university students were asked to fill out College and University Classroom Environment Inventory (CUCEI), Academic Self-Concept (ASC) Scale, Learning Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ-L), and Academic Identity Status (AIS) Questionnaire. Using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and based on its several goodness-of-fit criteria, the proposed model of the possible interactions of the main variables was confirmed. Furthermore, classroom climate was correlated positively with subscales of learning self-regulation and academic self-concept and negatively with academic identity status. Besides significant correlations among study variables, the final model also revealed some intra-scales associations. Multiple regression analysis also indicated some significant predictions. The findings could provide classroom instructors and university syllabus designers with implications so that they can plan the EFL environments and class activities taking into consideration students’ various academic characteristics. This involves their status of self-concept, identity, and regulation to help them achieve highly recognized long-term academic objectives.

Students’ Perceived Classroom Climate and Their Achievement Goal Orientations in an Iranian EFL Context

کلید واژه ها: classroom climate students’ perceptions achievement goal orientations Gender EFL Iranian high schools

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۶۵ تعداد دانلود : ۱۷۰
Classroom climate has been demonstrated to associate with individuals’ various attributes and outcomes. Recent research has also confirmed students’ goal orientations deserving to be recognized as a significant achievement-related outcome. In this line, the current study intended to examine the relationship between Iranian EFL students’ perceptions of their classroom environment and their achievement goal orientations. The study also aimed to see whether different genders held different perceptions concerning the main study variables. To accomplish this aim, 570 high school students were randomly recruited and the two scales of students’ perceived climate questionnaire (WIHIC) and achievement goal orientation questionnaire (AGQ) were applied. The results indicated that learners held distinct perceptions of classroom climate and different goal orientations with gender having a significant influence on some of their components. Furthermore, correlations were obtained among diverse factors of the study scales. The findings provide implications for understanding the EFL learners’ perceived classroom climate and their achievement goals and hence planning the learning environments taking into account the students' goal orientations and the significant role of gender.

The Effect of Using Gaming Techniques on Students' Oral Language Abilities in EFL Online Classes: An Action Research

کلید واژه ها: Action Research English Online Classes Oral Language Abilities Sentence Expanding Games

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۲۳ تعداد دانلود : ۱۳۵
Speaking and listening are essential language skills used as a measure for evaluating the students’ proficiency level. These skills receive more importance in the Iranian new educational curriculum by the publication of new English book series. However, as noticed in some of the classes, the purpose of mastering oral language abilities is not efficiently fulfilled. Accordingly, the present collaborative action research aimed to firstly identify the reasons underlying students’ inability to perform oral skills in order to do the online activities in classes and secondly provide some suggestions to solve the existing problem. The study was conducted in a junior high school in Marand, Iran. The participants included 36 female 9th-grade students, who met on the Shad application and were selected based on convenience sampling. Class observations, interviews, and students’ performance in language tasks were used to collect the required data. Gaming was implemented as the selected solution in a separate class planned for focused speaking and listening activities. More specifically, sentence-expanding games on different levels (adding words to a simple sentence to expand it and also adding sentences to the initiating sentence and making a short story) were used as the main methods in these sessions. The findings from the descriptive statistics indicated an improvement in students’ motivation and engagement in speaking activities, as well as their accuracy in making sentences. They also showed positive attitudes toward the use of these game-based tasks in EFL classes. The study provides practical implications for materials developers and language teachers.

On the Improvement of EFL Students' Virtual Interaction via Game-based Tasks

کلید واژه ها: Action Research EFL students Game-Based Tasks online classes Virtual Interaction

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۵ تعداد دانلود : ۵
The role of games in improving EFL students’ motivation to participate in interactive practices has been highly emphasized in past research. Although Iranian students are reluctant to interact in online language classes, the current study explored the impact of using game-based tasks on Iranian students' virtual interaction in EFL classes. The subjects included 35 female students in the seventh grade of a junior high school in Tabriz, Iran were selected by convenience sampling method. Classroom Action Research was conducted in four stages: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Innovative game-based activities, such as Roleplay, This or That, Café Owner, and Let's Make Salad were used to improve students’ interaction. Interviews, tests, and class observations were used to collect and triangulate the data. In this study, descriptive statistics were used to analyze the obtained data. The findings revealed that the use of games could improve students’ interaction in online language classes. The results can yield useful implications for language teachers and materials developers in increasing EFL students' virtual interaction through different game-based techniques.

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