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هجوم نیروی انگلیس، شوروی و آمریکا در شهریور 1320ش (آگوست 1941م) به ایران و استعفای رضاشاه موجب شد ایران وارد جنگ ناخواسته ای گردد، جنگی که تبعات مختلفی در زمینه های سیاسی، اقتصادی و اجتماعی داشت و اثر عملی خود را به سرعت در وجوه مختلف جامعه نشان داد. در این تحقیق، تسلط دول خارجی بر پست و تلگراف به عنوان نمونه ای از این تبعات ارزیابی و بررسی شده است. مقاله حاضر با روش توصیفی تحلیلی و با به کارگیری اسناد آرشیوی، در پی پاسخ به این پرسش است که حضور متفقین بر این وجه از سیستم ارتباطی کشور چه تأثیراتی داشت؟ براساس یافته های پژوهش، متفقین با انعقاد پیمان سه جانبه زمینه دخالت مستقیم خود را در امور مربوط به پست و تلگراف فراهم نمودند و این مداخله موجب اخلال در روند کار تاجران و بازرگانان، کاهش سطح خدمات وزارتخانه ها، ادارات و سازمان های مرتبط با امور اقتصادی و مالی، کاهش درآمد دولت ایران از بابت پرداخت های مردم برای هزینه های پستی و تلگرافی و در نهایت کاهش درآمد دولت از این منبع مهم اقتصادی گردید.

The Consequences of the Occupation of Iran in World War II on Postal and Telegraph Services

The invasion of British, Soviet, and American forces in September 1941 led to the abdication of Reza Shah, resulting in Iran’s involuntary entry into a war that had various implications in political, economic, and social aspects. According to Article B of the Tripartite Agreement, the Iranian government was obliged to place all its communication facilities, including telephone, telegraph, and wireless services, at the disposal of the Allies. Thus, throughout the war, the Allied powers took control of telegraph and postal services. Documents indicate that the unrestricted operation of the Allies in employing the postal and telegraph communication system facilitated their full-scale interference in Iranian domestic affairs, leading to the disruption of the economic system and incurring numerous damages in various sectors of the Iranian economy. This research evaluates and investigates foreign domination over the postal and telegraph systems as an example of these consequences.While in recent years, there has been a growing trend of examining World War II and investigating its causes, backgrounds, and outcomes, many documents and records related to Iran are still preserved in archival centers in the form of data, which can provide a clear narrative of Iran’s situation during and after the war. The present research aims to investigate the conditions of Iran in this period through the lens of the postal and telegraph situation, relying on the available documents in Iranian archival sources. This article seeks to answer the following questions: What were the effects of the Tripartite Agreement imposed on Iran, as a result of the occupation during World War II on the state of Iran's postal and telegraph services? What was the significance of interference in postal and telegraph services for the Allied governments? How did the Iranian government react to foreign interference? This research endeavors to provide clear answers to these questions by using documents and analyzing historical data. METHODOLOGY This article uses a descriptive-analytical approach. The subject is initially described comprehensively and then a historical analysis is conducted by utilizing the documents available in Iranian archives. Results and DiscussionFollowing the occupation of the country by foreign forces during World War II, internal affairs in Iran were severely disrupted, and as a result, key sectors of the economy such as agriculture, industry, railways, postal and telegraph services, and foreign trade suffered serious damage. These events took place due to the presence of Allied forces. The Allies, through interfering in various political, economic, and social spheres during the war, took control of the country's vital administrative arteries, not only causing disruptions but also inflicting significant financial losses. One of the important economic sectors of the country was the postal and telegraph communication system, which, albeit at great expense, arrived in Iran with British and Russian support and it was a significant source of government revenue. With the occupation of Iran, this source of income fell into the hands of the Allied powers, leading to a decrease in its revenue. Disruption in the operations of merchants and traders, who relied on the postal and telegraph system to conduct business within and outside Iran, resulted in their financial losses. Reduction in the level of services provided by ministries, departments, and organizations related to economic and financial matters, as well as the reduction in the government revenue due to people’s payments for postal and telegraph expenses, are among the consequences of Allied interference in this crucial communication sector. With the occupation of Iran, not only did the postal and telegraph lose its role as an income source, but significant financial burdens were also imposed on the Iranian people and government. ConclusionBased on the research findings, the Allies, using the Tripartite Agreement, laid the groundwork for their direct interference in postal and telegraph services. This led to disruptions in trade, a reduction in the level of services provided by ministries, departments, and organizations related to economic and financial matters, a decrease in Iranian government revenue due to people’s payments for postal and telegraph expenses, and ultimately, a reduction in government revenue from this important economic source. 
