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دست نگاره ها مهم ترین ابزار بیان ایده، بازنمای ایده های ذهنی و تفکر طراحان معماری است. ارتقای دست نگاره ها، همواره موردتوجه متخصصان آموزش معماری هست. دست نگاره به قدرت شناختی طراح معماری در تفکر و پردازش شناختی وابسته است، لذا هدف از پژوهش حاضر بررسی رابطه دست نگاره ها ی مفهومی دانشجویان معماری بر اساس تفکر سیستمی و سبک های پردازش اطلاعات در فرایند طراحی بود. روش پژوهش ترکیبی کمی (توصیفی – همبستگی) و کیفی (تحلیل نمونه دست نگاره های دانشجویان) است. جامعه آماری پژوهش شامل کلیه دانشجویان دانشکده هنر و معماری دانشگاه های همدان بود. 162 دانشجو به عنوان نمونه به شیوه ی در دسترس و هدفمند انتخاب شدند و به پرسش نامه های تفکر سیستمی و سبک های پردازش اطلاعات پاسخ دادند. دست نگاره های مفهومی نیز توسط دو داور ارزیابی شدند. داده ها با روش آمار توصیفی و همبستگی پیرسون و تحلیل مسیر تحلیل شدند. نتایج نشان داد سبک پردازش تجربی توان پیش بینی دست نگاره های مفهومی را ندارد، ولی سبک پردازش عقلانی و تفکر سیستمی توان پیش بینی دست نگاره های مفهومی را دارند.

Analysis of Architectural students' Conceptual Sketches based on Systemic Thinking and Information Processing Styles in the Design Process

Sketches are one of the manifestations of architectural education and tell the designer's cognitive power. In other words, visual representations in the form of sketches are the most important means of expressing ideas and generating concepts for designers and architecture students. Examining the types and methods of drawing of design students shows that each of them uses a unique method and structure in drawing, and it is also a representation of mental ideas.Due to the wide use of hand-drawings in architecture, its growth and improvement are always the attention of designers. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to examine the factors related to it. Among the variables related to it is the cognitive power of the designer or architecture student in thinking and cognitive processing. Systemic thinking is a high-level thinking skill and one of the complex cognitive processes whose goal is to develop cognitive skills appropriate for the 21st century. Having systematic thinking along with understanding the relationships between social-environmental factors and variables gives students the power and the possibility to use learning opportunities optimally, therefore, students who have systemic thinking, the ability to understand the intricacies. In order to deal with it, it is necessary to examine the cognitive power of the designer or architecture student in thinking and cognitive processing. The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between architectural students' conceptual sketches based on systemic thinking and information processing styles in the design process. The research method is a combination of quantitative (descriptive-correlation) and qualitative (analyzing samples of students' Sketches). The statistical population of this research included all students of the Faculty of Art and Architecture of Hamedan Universities. 162 students were selected as a sample in an accessible and purposeful way and answered the questionnaires of systemic thinking and information processing styles. Conceptual sketches were also evaluated by two judges. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, skewness and skewness statistics) and inferential statistics (Pearson's correlation and path analysis). The results showed that experimental processing style cannot predict conceptual diagrams, but rationalist processing style and systemic thinking can predict conceptual diagrams. According to the findings of the research, the importance of rational information processing style in the design process was proved; Therefore, in this regard, it is suggested to teach this type of information processing style in addition to design education programs in order to optimize architectural education and train designers and promote conceptual sketches. In line with this research finding, which shows the importance of systemic thinking in the design process; It is suggested to teach this type of thinking and processing style in educational planning, and since thinking is a system of complex cognitive processes, it can be taught with suitable and competent curricula. By implementing curricula based on systemic thinking, students can be helped to become knowledgeable, self-directed and innovative people. Acquiring systemic thinking skills in universities can be the basis for the development of systemic thinking and the ability to understand complexity to provide training in people
