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دوره پهلوی دوم سرآغاز فراگیر شدن جنبش مدرن و تغییر شکل در سبک های معماری و ارائه الگوهای نوین در آن بوده است. این امر سبب شده است که بناهای معماری شاخص و برجسته ای خصوصا در معماری مسکونی طراحی و اجرا شوند که پس از گذشت چند دهه از اجرای آن ها، هنوز دارای جذابیت های کالبدی، معنایی و عملکردی باشند. در همین راستا، این پژوهش در پی بررسی خوانش ادراکات شهروندان تهرانی از این بناها با در نظر گرفتن عوامل دلبستگی مکانی و بر مبنای عناصر هویتی توسط شهروندان با استفاده از روش پیمایش پرسشنامه ای و مدلسازی معادلات ساختاری بوده است. خوانش ادراکات شهروندان تهرانی از سه مجتمع مسکونی اکباتان، بهجت آباد و اسکان نشان دادند که که مرحله اول خوانش این بناها، ویژگی های عملکردی آنان است که این امر موجب اثرگذاری بر عامل وابستگی مکانی در تصورات ذهنی افراد شده و در درجات بعدی به شکل گیری هویت و دلبستگی مکانی منجر شده است.

The Study of Place Attachment Perception based on Identity Elements of Residential Building of the Pahlavi II Period between Citizens of Tehran

Today, with the rise of technology and the dramatic increase in mass communication, human definitions of psychological and cognitive issues have largely changed hands. Spatial identity is one of these concepts related to environmental sciences, particularly architecture and urban planning. The role of emotions and semantic relationships in shaping spatial identity is discussed and the effects of these include the creation of self-esteem and a sense of community. The identity of a place that has gradually developed over time will create an inextricable link between one's feelings and personal characteristics with the place in which one lives. The Second Pahlavi period was the beginning of the modern movement and the transformation of architectural styles into modern styles and presenting new patterns in it. This has led to the design and implementation of prominent and prominent architectural monuments, especially in residential architecture, which still has physical, semantic, and functional attractions after decades of implementation. In this regard and expressing the importance of spatial identity, this study seeks to read the citizens' mental perceptions of their spatial attachment based on the identity elements of the second Pahlavi era residential architecture. The main purpose of this research is to find out the mechanism and mechanisms that characterize the identity of the Pahlavi era residential architecture in the mind of today's citizens of Tehran. In other words, extracting the most critical mental paths of identity structures from these structures using structural equation modeling techniques is considered. To achieve this, the conceptual model of how to understand spatial attachment and spatial identity is explained and defined using a review of research literature and then by using a questionnaire survey method and equation modeling software. Structurally, this model has been examined. The method of this research is descriptive-analytical, which is the main purpose of the analysis, investigation of the mechanism, and mechanism of formation of attachment to residential buildings of the second Pahlavi period. Data collection was done through both documentary and quantitative survey, using a questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics of the present study were used by SPSS and Smartpls software using structural equation modeling. The results showed that the most critical path in shaping the factors related to spatial attachment in the buildings under consideration is in terms of perceptions of Tehranian citizens, the path of functional perceptions of Pahlavi architecture-spatial dependence-spatial identity-spatial attachment. Moreover, based on these findings, it seems that the first step in understanding the monuments in question is their functional properties, which in turn will influence the place-dependency factor in their mental imagery, and later stages of formation. Identity and place attachment lead. Therefore, it seems that efficiency and performance and meeting the expectations and needs of these buildings are the most important factors in creating the related variables of identity and attachment in citizens. The second path that has led to the formation and creation of spatial attachment in Tehranian citizens in the buildings under study is the semantic path of Pahlavi architecture-cultural capital-social understanding of Pahlavi architecture-spatial identity-spatial attachment.
