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تبعیت از شرایط اقلیمی و جغرافیایی در طراحی معماری به سازگاری انسان در محیط یاری می رساند و معماری مسکونی همواره تابع ویژگی های جغرافیایی بوده است. در خانه های تاریخی نیز تدابیری برای طراحی معماری هم ساز با اقلیم و جغرافیا اندیشیده شده است. در شهرستان آشتیان بناهای مسکونی ارزشمندی از عهد قاجاریه برجای مانده که سهم ناچیزی در پژوهش های باستان شناختی داشته اند. هدف از این پژوهش، مطالعه تأثیر اقلیم و جغرافیا بر خانه های قاجاریِ آشتیان و تبیین راهکارهای مقابله با اثرات سوء و بهره مندی از تأثیرات سودمند آب وهوایی و جغرافیایی است. پژوهش بر پایه این پرسش ها به انجام رسیده که، اقلیم و متغیرهای جغرافیایی چه تأثیری بر مکان گزینی و چیدمان خانه های قاجاری در فضای شهری آشتیان داشته است؟ نقشه، کالبد و اجزاء معماری خانه های قاجاریِ آشتیان از چه عوامل اقلیمی و جغرافیایی تأثیر پذیرفته است؟ فرضیه ها این است که، توپوگرافی ناحیه آشتیان، مسیل ها و نوع خاک در مکان گزینی خانه ها نقش داشته و نقشه، کالبد و اجزاء معماری خانه ها از عوامل اقلیمی، مانند: باد، زاویه و میزان تابش نور خورشید تأثیر پذیرفته است. روش گردآوری اطلاعات، میدانی و اسنادی است و ضمن بهره گیری از نرم افزارهای ArcGIS, Google Earth, WRPLOT, AutoCAD و SPSS، پژوهش به روش توصیفی-تحلیلی به انجام رسیده است. برپایه نتایج، معماران با درنظر گرفتن زاویه تابش خورشید، باد، دما و رطوبت، دست به ساخت بناها زده اند. آن ها، به نوع و رنگ مصالح، اندازه بازشوها و حیاط، اندازه و جهت قرارگیری اتاق ها توجه داشته اند و معماری هم ساز با اقلیم را ایجاد کرده اند؛ هم چنین برپایه مدل های نرم افزار طراحی گلباد WRPLOT، باد غالب منطقه در جهت های شرقی-غربی و غربی-شرقی شناسایی و تأثیر آن بر معماری تأیید شد. نتایج آزمون های هم بستگی کرامر و فی در SPSS نیز بیانگر هم بستگی «نوع زمین با طبقه اجتماعی ساکنان خانه ها»، «نوع زمین و خاک با وجود آب انبار» و «بیشینه سرعت باد با تعداد طبقات» است.

Principles of Climate Responsive Architecture in Qajarid Residential Architecture in Ashtian, Iran

Residential architecture as a living space for family members has been influenced by climatic and geographical conditions. Accordingly, some methods for designing climate-responsive architecture can be seen in historic houses of Iran, such as Ashtian. Therefore, this research aims to identify the influence of climate and geography on Qajarid residential architecture in Ashtian and to elucidate the strategies and measures employed by architects to mitigate negative effects and increase beneficial climatic and geographical influences. Questions are: What is the effect of climate and geographical features on the location and spatial distribution of Qajarid houses in the Ashtian? How did climatic and geographical factors affect the plan, form, and architectural features of Qajarid houses in Ashtian? Two hypotheses are: the topography of Ashtian, watercourses, and soil type have played a role in locating houses. Furthermore, the plan, form, and architectural features of the houses were influenced by climatic factors such as wind, angle and amount of sunlight, and temperature. ArcGIS, Google Earth, WRPLOT design software, AutoCAD, and SPSS software were used for data analysis. Based on the results, the architects were started the construction of the building by considering climatic factors such as sunlight angle, prevailing wind, temperature, and humidity. They have paid attention to the type and color of materials, size of windows and doors and courtyards, and size and location of rooms. Also, based on the models obtained from WRPLOT software, the dominant wind of the region in two directions east-west and west-east was identified and its effect on architecture was explained. The results of the analysis in SPSS also show the correlation between "type of land and social class of people", "type of land and soil with reservoirs", and "maximum wind speed and the number of floors". Keywords: Qajar Monuments, Climate-Responsive Architecture, Residential Architecture, Ashtian. Introduction Considering the geographical divisions of Iran, different architectural features have been formed in each geographical region (Memarian, 2012: 5). Although Qajarid architecture was influenced by modernism and non-Iranian patterns, climatic and environmental features have been among the most influential factors in Iranian architecture. It seems that architecture in Ashtian also has such characteristics. The development of the city of Ashtian during the Islamic era was due to its location in Iraq-e Ajam and the route of the pilgrimage to holy shrines of Iraq (Omidbeyki, 2015: 1). In the Qajar period, Ashtian was a place of residence for virtuous and pious people, writers, scholars, and politicians (Shirvani, 1897: 42), and various types of urban and suburban residential structures were built. This research aims to identify the influence of climate and geography on Qajarid residential architecture in Ashtian and to elucidate the strategies and measures employed by architects to mitigate undesirable effects and increase beneficial climatic and geographical influences. The study of these residential structures, with a focus on analyzing the role of geographical factors, provides insights into the interaction between the Qajar society and the specific climatic and environmental conditions of the region. There are two main questions in this research: What is the effect of climate and geographical features on the location and spatial distribution of Qajarid houses in the Ashtian? How did climatic and geographical factors affect the plan, body, and architectural features of Qajarid houses in Ashtian? Based on these questions, the following hypotheses have been proposed: the topography of Ashtian, watercourses, and soil type have played a role in locating houses. Furthermore, the plan, form, and architectural features of the houses were influenced by climatic factors such as wind, angle and amount of sunlight, and temperature. Discussion In this study, eight Qajarid residential buildings in Ashtian County - as a cold and dry region in the Markazi Province - were studied, which are: the houses of Mirza Hedayatullah, Mirza Hasan, Nuraee and Mo’tamed al-Ayalah, as well as Mustofi Al-Mamalek (Agha) castle in Ashtian city, Abdulazim Gharib house in Garekan village and two feudal castles in Ja’farabad village (Figs 2-9). Based on the Google Earth photos, the Qajarid houses in Ashtian have been located in the middle of the southern slope of the mountain. Because the northern slopes of the mountains are in shadow and colder (Ghobadian, 2018, 101-102), While the southern slope is sunny and has better conditions for residence and other activities. Watercourses are usually threatened during floods and pose a threat to settlements (Negarsh, 2003: 137). The topographic analysis of the watercourses and hazardous slopes around the studied buildings indicates that less attention has been paid to the issue of watercourses in Ja’farabad, Garekan, and Ashtian. Furthermore, the city of Ashtian is located on QT2 soils, Ja’farabad on QT1 soils, and Garekan on MS and MQ soils (Figure 10). Based on this, the lands of Ashtian and Ja’farabad are relatively homogeneous in terms of resistance and provide relatively favorable conditions for construction. However, Garekan lands are weaker for building construction. In Addition, a very strong fault called "Talkhab" extends northwest to southeast, passes 12 kilometers southwest of Ashtian and 4 kilometers northeast of Ja’farabad (Fig 11). Historical reports also indicate destructive earthquakes in the years 855 AD, 958 AD, 1177 AD, 1316 AD, 1495 AD, and 1962 AD in this area (Ghodrati et al., 2010: 184). Therefore, the location selection of houses in the cities of Ashtian, Ja’farabad, and Garekan has been carried out without considering the earthquake hazard. The most prominent architectural features of cold and mountainous regions include small and confined urban and rural spaces, compact structures with interconnected buildings, narrow streets with limited width. Furthermore, Attention is given to solar orientation (Ghobadian, 2018: 99). The urban spaces in Ashtian are also small and confined, with a compact urban fabric (Figure 12), as well as Garekan and Ja’farabad. The main streets and thoroughfares are also narrow and have limited width. The study of the influence of the angle of solar radiation on the monuments of Ashtian for 11 AM at the beginning of each season showed that the difference in the angle of solar radiation between summer and winter in these regions is more than 35 degrees (Table 1). For this reason, a porch has been built in the north face of some houses, including Mo’tamed al-Ayalah, Nuraee, and Ja’farabad castles. The roof of these porches was like a canopy, and it protected the openings from the hot summer sun. But in winter, the slanting sunlight penetrated the into the interior spaces. Also, the orientation of the axis of the house plans in the east-west axis made the sunlight to be received more in the cold winter mornings in the southern facades. In these buildings, the percentage of open space or courtyard area compared to the total building area is less than 35 percent. This is because in areas where the temperature is cold or very cold for most days of the year, most daily activities take place indoors. In the buildings of Ashtian, small openings were used to prevent heat exchange between the interior and exterior of the building. In the design of these openings, in addition to light, ventilation and the utilization of pleasant winds or prevention of unpleasant winds have also been taken into consideration. The output of modeling in WRPLOT software indicated that the prevailing wind in this city is predominantly east-west and west-east (Figure 13). The outputs of the SPSS also showed the following - A relationship between the type of land and the social class of the people living in the house: political people and officials have chosen areas with more suitable soil. - A relationship between the type of land and soil with the presence of a water reservoir in the building: all Qajarid buildings in Ashtian city had water reservoirs. However the residents of Ja’farabad did not need a water reservoir. Because the underground water and the aqueducts were rich. Conclusion The study of Qajarid houses in the city of Ashtian has shown that some geographical and climatic factors have influenced the location, plan, structure, and architectural elements of these houses. However, architects have also overlooked some climatic and geographical variables in the location, design, and construction of these houses. In response to the first question, it should be noted that although these houses have been strategically and intelligently located in the southern foothills to easily capture sunlight and solar energy, they are all exposed to the risk of floods from the north and northeast along the watercourse. Nevertheless, the principles of urban space design and construction in mountainous and cold regions have been maximally observed in the city of Ashtian, and the analysis of the urban fabric and space in Ashtian indicates narrow streets and the integration of architectural units for better adaptation to the climate. Regarding the second question, this study has shown that the principles of design and construction of residential spaces, including plan, structure, architectural elements, and materials, have largely obeyed climatic and geographical factors such as the direction and intensity of sunlight, the prevailing wind direction, and the temperature in summer and winter. For example, the roofs of the buildings are flat, and the windows are small and proportionate to the direction of the sun and the prevailing winds of the region. The positioning of the windows facilitated the absorption of solar heat in winter and ventilation in summer. Small central courtyards and open spaces have been built in accordance with the climate of Ashtian. The number of floors in these houses corresponds to the intensity and speed of the wind, and the presence of architectural spaces with specific functions, such as water reservoirs, depends on the type of soil and the geographical characteristics of the region.
