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طب دانشی است که به وسیله آن می توان بر کیفیات تن آدمی آگاهی یافت. معادل دقیق طب کلمه فیزیک است، ولی برای این که در سطح جهانی قابل درک باشد معادل «پزشکی» برای آن به کار رفته است. پزشکی با حالات مختلف بدن، سروکار دارد و بدین ترتیب شاخه ای از طبیعیات است. در کتاب مقدس زرتشتیان، اوستا از سه گروه درمانگری نام برده شده است؛ «کارد پزشکی(جراح)» (Av:karǝto-Baēšaza-)، «گیاه پزشکی» (Av:urvarō- Baēšaza-) و «مانسر پزشکی» (روان درمانگر، روان درمانی) (Av: maθrō- Baēšaza-). در این کتاب، «ثَریته» از خاندان «سام» (Av: Sāma-) نخستین پزشک است و «اهورامزدا کاردی» مرصع به او عنایت می کند تا با آن کارد عمل جراحی انجام دهد. از وضعیت پزشکی در دوران هخامنشیان و اشکانیان به واسطه نوشته های مورخان یونانی آگاهی هایی در دست است و از پزشکی دوره ساسانیان اطلاعات خوبی باقی مانده است. در این پژوهش به بخش مهمی از سهم ایرانیان باستان در گسترش و ارتقاء دانش بشری، یعنی به پزشکی و روش های بهداشتی و درمانی در ایران باستان پرداخته می شود. پرسش های برخاسته از این جستار چنین است که: سرمنشأ طب در ایران باستان از کجا بوده است؟ آیا طب در ایران باستان متأثر از تعلیمات دینی بوده؟ و رابطه فرهنگ و مداوا در ایران باستان به چه شکل و صورتی بوده است؟ فرضیات این پژوهش چنین خواهد بود که طب در ایران باستان متأثر از تمدن های باستانی نظیر یونان بوده است. طب در این دوران متأثر از دین زرتشتی و در ادوار بعد متأثر از اسلام بوده است و نحوه مداوا در هر جامعه متأثر از فرهنگ آن جامعه است. این پژوهش با روش توصیفی و تحلیلی انجام گرفته است. تا پیش از کنار رفتن پرده های تاریک تاریخ ایران باستان و اکتشافات جدید باستان شناسان در کهن جلگه بین النهرین و دره های نیل و سند و فلات ایران، اکثراً بر آن بودند که اندیشه های علمی از حکما و فلاسفه یونان سرچشمه گرفته، اما شواهد تاریخی نشان می دهد که با ظهور زرتشت ایرانیان، دور تازه ای از خلاقیت علمی خود را به نمایش گذاشتند و در این رابطه، مشخص ترین نمونه آن تأسیس «مکتب هگمتانه یا اکباتان» است.

The Study of the Status of Medicine Schools in Ancient Iran (Based on Sina Medical School of Iran: Hegmatane / Ekbatan School)

Medicine is a science by which one can gain knowledge about the qualities of the human body. The exact equivalent of the word Medicine is physic, but in order to be understood at the global level, the equivalent of Medicine is used for it. Three groups of therapists are mentioned in the Avesta Zoroastrian Bible, surgeon, herbalist and psychotherapist. In the Avesta, θarita of the Sam family is the first physician, and Ahura Mazda gives him a jeweled knife to perform surgery. There is information about the medical condition during the Achaemenid and Parthian eras through the writings of Greeks historians, and these is good information left from Sassanid era medicine. In the research, an important part of contribution of ancient Iranians in the expansion and improvement of medical knowledge and treatment methods in ancient Iran is discussed. The questions of this essay are, where did the origin of medicine in Iran come from? Has medicine in ancient Iran been affected by religious teachings? And what was the relationship between culture and medicine in ancient Iran? The hypotheses of the article are as follows: medicine in ancient Iran was influenced by ancient civilizations such as Greece. Medicine in this period was influenced by Zoroastrian religion and in later periods by Islam. This research was done with descriptive and analytical method. Until the new discoveries of archaeologists in Mesopotamia and Nile and Indus valleys and the Iranian plateau, they were mostly of the opinion that scientific ideas originated from Greek scholars and philosophers, but historical evidence shows that with the emergence of Zoroaster, Iranians started a new era of scientific creativity and the most obvious sample of that is the establishment of the Hegmatane school or Ekbatan. Keywords: Medicine, Ancient Iran, Treatment, Hygiene, Greece. Introduction The word "medicine "comes from Middle Persian. (Bizišk Nyberg, 1997), The assumed form of this word was in ancient Iran, which later became a physic. As for when Iranian medicine began, historians and orientalists believe that in ancient Iranian stories, the beginning and introduction of medicine was attributed to Jamshid, a mythical king, and He was the first person who taught people how to use medicine. Jamshid wanted to create a land for the people where no one would be hungry, thirsty, old or sick and to avoid death. After the Aryan tribes entered the land of Iran, they inherited the advanced medicine of Egypt and Babylon, which had entered Iran through the Assyrians, and with this experience, they became the owners of a special school called "Moghan". In the Avesta, the Zoroastrian Bible, three types of doctors are recognized; the one who heals with a knife (surgeon), the other one who treats with healing herbs (the herbalist) and the third one who heals with the divine word (Mobad). The most obvious aspect of the Avesta tradition in medicine is in the field of environmental health and disease prevention. Most of these customs and teachings included the principles that are the basis of today’s disinfection and prevention methods. Body, clothes, house and environment, water, wind, fire and soil and what is available to should be away from any pollution. Iranian medicine in different historical periods The medical history of Iran is limited to three periods due to the lack of written sources. - The first period: from the Avesta and pre-Avesta era to the golden age of the Medes and Achaemenids and until the rise of the Sassanids. Unfortunately, apart from short references in the Avesta and its continuation in some Pahlavi books and limited references in Greek sources, there are no other references from this long period; The most important scientific events of this era are the establishment of universities during the Median and Achaemenid kingdoms, which unfortunately, apart from scattered writings, there is no documented scientific evidence of scientific specializations and how to teach in these universities. The second period: It is the Sassanid era, fortunately, the works left from this period are not complete, but they sufficiently represent the medical knowledge of Iranians. The establishment of Jundishapur Hospital is one of the important events in the medical history of Iran, and especially the "Anoushirvan" period, which historian’s call this period "Scientific and Literary Revolution of Ancient Iran", many authors and researchers have praised in their books show the genius of Iranians in this period. Jundishapur played an important role in the history of Iranian medicine; It is said that the initial establishment of this city dates back to the time before the arrival of the Aryans and was later rebuilt by Shapur. His primary goal of this renovation was to create a place to settle Roman and Greek captives and use their expertise. The third period: It is the Islamic period when many scientists emerged from Iran, and without a doubt, the Iran of the Islamic period cannot be compared to any other period. In this period, with the disappearance of class differences and the possibility of education for different strata of society, as well as the developments that appeared in calligraphy, Iranians surpassed the whole world in various scientific fields. During this period, great Iranian scientists such as Ibn Sina and Razi created a great revolution in medical knowledge with their genius, which has aroused the wonder and admiration of the world to this day, and the human society has been influenced and borrowed from Iranian knowledge. Hegmatane Medical School / Ekbatan The first cultural institution that was established in the Mede era in the Hegmetane throne was Maghan Madhe Seminary, or as it is called today, the Iranian Academy of Sciences in ancient times. It was one of the great Maghans of ancient Iran in the Mede era, "Sina" was one of the most prominent Zoroasters. ; ``Sina’’, the son of Ahom Setut, came from Khwarazm or Sogd along with a number of Zoroastrian converts in the direction of Hegmatana in the early 6th century BC during the time of Ho and Kashtra to spread the religion to the kings of the Medes. Sinai is considered one of the ancient Iranian spiritual magnates and the head of Iran’s medical lineage. The Greek school of Hippocratic medicine has greatly benefited from the Sinai School of medicine in Iran. The members of Hamadan Sinai Academy were hundreds of Sinai graduates who were always engaged in studying and researching there. The Greeks called it the school of the Ekbatan century. "Plutarch mentioned Akbatan as the spiritual center of ancient Iran and the residence of Mughan. He entered the school and personally observed It has been said that fields such as wisdom, astronomy, medicine and geography were taught there. Conclusion Until the dark curtains of ancient history were removed and the new discoveries of archaeologists in the ancient Mesopotamian plain, the Nile-Sand valleys and the Iranian plateau, most of them believed that scientific ideas originated from Greek sages and philosophers. Historical evidence shows that with the emergence of Zoroaster, Iranians displayed a new round of their scientific creativity, and in this regard, the most specific example is the establishment of the Hegmatane school or Akbatan; The university that housed a collection of scientists of that time is called Hegmatan, which means the center of scientists, and there was an association with the membership of 100 scientists. The indisputable value of a university with that size at the end of the 8th century BC is a clear sign of scientific progress and the influence of Iranians on the knowledge of mankind. In the Avesta, as the root of all diseases is from the devil, Ahura Mazda is introduced as a god who is the source of all It is knowledge and it transmits its knowledge to the faithful and chosen people with grace. There is no doubt that the prophets played an essential role in the development of human societies with their divine knowledge. Medical knowledge is one of the characteristics of most prophets, Zoroaster is also one of these prophets. Zoroastrian teachings, unlike the ancient religions that consider the heart as the organ of thinking, recognizes the mind as the organ of thinking, the poems of the Gathas above all reveal the wisdom of Zoroaster in guiding the society to knowledge and truth and achieving spiritual perfection in the Gathas to acquire knowledge. And knowledge and its dissemination are emphasized and in general, man is called to rationalism. The above material shows that the ancient Iranians were the source and origin of the greatest service to human sciences and knowledge with their belief in human ethics and virtues and with good thinking, uprightness of speech and uprightness of action. Although the occurrence of wars and the invasion of foreign nations to this land, including the extinction of the Achaemenid dynasty by Alexander the Great and then the Seleucid dynasty by the Greeks in Iran, destroyed the cultural prosperity of Iran compared to the past era, and educational places were destroyed and books and scientific documents were destroyed. It was lost and destroyed and created many shortcomings, but in the end it has not been able to prevent the message of genius and knowledge of ancient Iranians from reaching the future generations. Also, the inseparable connection between medicine and religious teachings during the Sassanid era caused the commitment of doctors of that period to ethics and spirituality, and made them a worthy model for other sections of the society, as the religion of men. The progress of Sasanian medical science was such that patients from other nations were brought to Sasanian medical centers and were treated; so the hypothesis of the relationship between religion and medicine in ancient Iran is confirmed.
