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از موضوعات موردتوجه قرآن حکیم، سنت های تاریخی و اجتماعی است. یعنی مجموعه ای از قوانین الهی که بر جهان هستی اعم از جهان خلقت، جهان تاریخی و جهان تمدنی حاکم است. در این میان آنچه کمتر موردتوجه قرارگرفته است کشف و به کارگیری سنت های مؤثر در پیدایی و پایایی تمدن است. این سنت ها می تواند در برنامه ریزی های بلندمدت، میان مدت و کوتاه مدت و حتی در تحلیل رویدادهای تاریخی و تمدنی کاربرد داشته باشد. این نوشتار با استفاده از روش تفسیری، در برداشت از آیات و توصیفی- تحلیلی، در برداشت های تاریخی و با رویکردی تمدنی، درصدد پاسخ به این پرسش است که سنت های مؤثر در پیدایی، پایایی تمدن ها، از منظر قرآن چیست؟ یافته ها حکایت از آن دارد که سنت هایی مانند: امداد، ارسال رسولان، پیروزی حق بر باطل، پایداری و استقامت، تقوای اجتماعی و استغفار نقش بی بدیلی در پیدایی و مانایی تمدن ها  دارند.

civilizations from the perspective of the Qur'an

Purpose: what has received less attention is the discovery and application of effective traditions in the establishment and durability of civilization. These traditions can be used in long-term, medium-term and short-term planning and even in the analysis of historical and civilizational event. Methodology: Using the interpretation method, in the interpretation of the verses and descriptive analysis, in the historical perceptions and with a civilizational approach. The civilizational approach, or the civilizational view, extends to the research data set, therefore, the verses and traditions are also looked at with this view. Findings: he findings of this research indicate that the six traditions of relief, sending messengers, the victory of right over wrong, stability and perseverance , piety , and retraction have an essential role in the durability and development of civilizations. Of course, the meaning of piety in this research is social piety.   Therefore, its effects such as learning knowledge from God, providing sustenance from an unknown or uncalculated way, giving the ability to distinguish falsehood from truth, making things easier, and showing the way out of problems are considered at the level of civilization. Conclusion: God has governed the world, history and society with laws, civilization is also a level of society that happens on the bed of history, therefore the laws that govern history and society govern it. Achieving the rules governing civilization, especially the traditions governing the establishment and durability of civilization, is a very practical issue. The Qur'an has enumerated some of the traditions governing the establishment and durability of civilization. In this article, the six traditions of relief, sending messengers, the victory of right over wrong, stability and perseverance , piety , and retraction were considered and analyzed with a civilizational approach. The function of humans causes the use and flow of traditions in the context of history. Therefore, man is able to create the subject of traditions with his actions, and by creating the subject, the ground for creating the tradition and its predicate is provided. The realization of these traditions is able to create and maintain the civilization culture, civilization systems, help to make civilization matters easier, rule meritocracy, Facilitate the revealed knowledge necessary for human movement and the application of human reason and experience, improve the economy in uncalculated ways, and make the front of the right victorious. Any tradition that shows the factors of degeneration and stagnation of societies and civilizations, doing the opposite can be considered as a factor of establishment and durability and even the progress of civilization and in some way indicates establishment and durability. It is suggested that each of these traditions be studied on a case-by-case basis and how they are realized in civilization components with historical adaptations as human experiences. What is important is to achieve the logic of generalizing individual data to social affairs, which makes such a thing difficult due to the habit of minds to individual perceptions of revealed knowledge.
