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در استان ایلام، فرهنگ ایلی، طایفه ای و تنوع قومی در مشارکت سیاسی نقش تعیین کننده ای دارند و این موضوع در ده دوره انتخابات مجلس شورای اسلامی مشهود است. هدف اصلی پژوهش حاضر تبیین نقش سرمایه سیاسی اجتماعی در مشارکت سیاسی شهروندان ایلامی در انتخابات مجلس است. روش پژوهش از نوع پیمایش و ابزار جمع آوری اطلاعات، پرسشنامه است. با استفاده از فرمول کوکران از جامعه آماری ۴۱۰۹۴۹ نفری؛ تعداد ۳۸۴ نفر انتخاب و به روش نمونه گیری خوشه ای طبقه تصادفی اطلاعات جمع آوری شده است. یافته های پژوهش نشان می دهد بین مؤلفه های سرمایه سیاسی اجتماعی و مشارکت سیاسی شهروندان ایلامی رابطه معنا دار و مثبتی وجود دارد: اعتماد (763/0)، انسجام (654/0)، آگاهی (406/0) و تعلق طایفه ای ایلی (680/0). در مجموع ۴۲ درصد از تغییرات مشارکت سیاسی شهروندان ایلامی در انتخابات مجلس به وسیله سرمایه سیاسی اجتماعی تبیین می شود.

The role of socio-political capital in the political participation of the people of Ilam (Case study: Islamic Council elections)

Ilam province, like other provinces of the country after the revolution in the field of political participation, has undergone a traditional transition to open and democratic methods. Ilam is a society in transition from a traditional society to a modern society and is considered semi-traditional or semi-modern in terms of developmental context. The traditional structure, tribe and economic conditions and the existence of traditional reference patterns play an important and active role in leading citizens to political participation in it. Its cultural and social structure is tied to tribal culture, tribe and ethnic diversity and can be called a tribal treasure. Tribe, lineage, tribe, white beard and other traditional elements are rooted in the social structure of Ilam, which is reflected in the creation of a socio-political capital within the group and outside the group in political participation. Tribal Baft - Its tribes have had a greater impact on traditional cohesion and increased inclination to political competition, which is more evident in the elections to the Islamic Consultative Assembly. Accordingly, the main purpose of this study is to explain the effect of socio-political capital on the level of political participation among the citizens of Ilam province. The method of conducting the current research is a survey and the data collection tool is a questionnaire. Using Cochran's formula from the statistical population of 410949, a sample of 384 people was selected and selected by stratified cluster sampling. The results show that there is a significant and positive relationship between socio-political capital (0.589) and political participation of citizens. Also, there is a significant and positive relationship between the dimensions of socio-political capital, ie socio-political trust (0.763), socio-political cohesion (0.654), socio-political awareness (0.406) and tribal belonging (0.680) and political participation of citizens. has it. In total, 42% of the changes in the political participation of the citizens of Ilam are explained by socio-political capital.
