
The India-Pakistan conflict is one of the longest disputes in the Indian subcontinent, dating back to 1948. During this period, the dispute between the two countries has many times been to the brink of a war, and has led to it four times. The deterioration of the conflict required that several meas-ures be taken at various levels of diplomacy to resolve it. Simultaneously with the activities in the field of official diplomacy, and even at the time of the severance of official relations between the two countries, Track two activities have been running between the elites along the borders. The article will briefly review the most important activities of Track Two Diplomacy to resolve this dispute, one of the most important of which is the activities of the Pakistan-India Peoples' Forum for Peace and Democracy. This activity was successful to show a different dimension of the con-flict to public and elites along the borders, however, was not able to manifest long lasting peace. The most important achievement to be counted for PIPFPD is reducing the tensions, especially at the time of diplomatic deadlocks. The article answers to the question of why PIPFPD has failed to achieve some of its defined goals after nearly 25 years’ activity? Describing various aspects of the conflict, besides limitations PIPDPD has been faced, the article concludes that complexity of the dispute caused by the multiplicity of actors and interest which is affected by regional and interna-tional issues won’t let the conflict ripen. Sinceactors involved in the conflict don’t come to this logic that consensus over resolving dispute is more beneficial than continuing it.
