نویسندگان: مجید بزرگمهری

کلید واژه ها: Islam Daesh Salafism Wahabism

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دریافت مقاله   تعداد دانلود  :  ۳۲۷


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ISIL or ISIS is a Sunni extremist group. It follows an extreme interpretation of Islam, promotes religious violence, and regards those who do not agree with its interpretations as infidels or apostates. ISIL's ideology originates in the branch of modern Islam that aims to return to the early days of Islam, rejecting later ""innovations"" in the religion which it believes corrupt its original spirit. It condemns later caliphates and the Ottoman Empire for deviating from what it calls pure Islam and hence has been attempting to establish its own caliphate According to some observers, ISIL emerged from the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood, the first post-Ottoman Islamist group dating back to the late 1920s in Egypt. It adheres to global jihadist principles and follows the hard-line ideology of al-Qaeda and many other modern-day jihadist groups However, other sources trace the group's roots not to the Islamism of the Muslim Brotherhood and the more mainstream jihadism of al-Qaeda, but to Wahhabism As the major question, I try to analyze the Ideological roots of the violent activities by the Daesh. What religious principles do justify these violent behaviors? Based on a general view, if these violent activities are authorized by the Muslim elite in the world? Are the interpretations offered by these groups are skeptical?
