مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه

Tehran City


Tourism Development in Historical Textures of Tehran City (Case Study: Hazrat Abdul Azim Shrine Area)

کلیدواژه‌ها: tourism development Historical texture Tehran City Hazrat Abdulazim Shrine

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۹۸ تعداد دانلود : ۱۱۲
An industrial city tourism that manages and sells various products and experiences for people who have a wide range of motivations, tendencies and cultural perspectives  and  engage in a dialectical interaction with the host community. The old and ancient texture of cities due to their existence and the presence of historical valuable elements, proper communication position, the main market of the city and its economic heart, and etc. have a unique value and place in the spatial and functional structure of the city. Historical textures with enduring cultural values are one of the most important fields of development for endogenous development. These textures have characteristics and properties such as: large number of buildings, spaces and memorabilia of the old texture so that old town is distinguished from the periphery and immediate parts of the city and surrounding areas. Among the different regions of the country, the area of the Holy Shrine of Abdulazim in Tehran is of the potential tourist areas due to its historical dating and the abundance of attractions, as well as the diversity in its texture. Therefore, the main goal of this research is development of tourism in the historical texture of the shrine of Hazrat Abdul Azim. Descriptive-analytical method was used in this applied-survey study. The analytical method of SWOT was used to answer research questions and to provide a strategy for tourism development. For this purpose, a list of strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities and threats was prepared adjusting the strategic factors in order to extract SWOT matrix and provide the approaches derived from these analyzes as solving strategies regarding strengthen of the range. In addition, it can be concluded with a systematic view over the weaknesses and strengths as well as the existing opportunities and threats, that there are more strengths and opportunities available in this field, which must be exploited using the strengths and existing opportunities. The results obtained from the evaluation of the factors affecting the tourism development of the historical texture of the Hazrat Abdul Azim Shrine using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) model showed that the importance of the AHP technique, 6 main criteria and 23 sub-criteria based on the calculation of the relative and final weights among the evaluated criteria, historical and cultural attractions have the highest significance with coefficient (0.199), respectively.

Determining the Influential Components on the Continuity of 'Iranian Architectural Identity' during the first Pahlavi Era (Case Study: The Selected Buildings in Tehran)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Identity of Iranian Architecture Continuation of Identity Architecture during the first Pahlavi era Tehran City Modern architecture

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۴۱۵ تعداد دانلود : ۲۸۰
Iranian architecture started to develop at the beginning of the Pahlavi era, and a historical gap happened between what was identified as traditional and contemporary architecture. Meanwhile, some efforts were made to establish a connection with the identity of Iranian architecture, which this confrontation has been extended up to now. This study aims to explain the factors affecting the continuity of architectural Identity to reconsider how the Identity of Iranian architecture started to extend and continue during the first Pahlavi era. The qualitative research method, an interpretive-historical type, was adopted for this study, and to deal with the Identity, library resources have been used to analyze the selected buildings in Tehran city as a case study by determining the relevant theoretical framework using the bibliographic research, and both field and visual interpretations. The continuity of Identity in architecture initiates through the objective encounter with the building's physical structure, through its physical characteristics and recognition. Then it will be realized by the audience's vision according to the thought processes and eventually by comprehension and cognition within the life current, events and determining its location. The Identity of Iranian architecture during the first Pahlavi era has been continued by reviving the nationalistic and ancient styles. This has influenced the idea of architecture relying on Iran's historical and cultural memory. Despite their representation in new functions, some of these identical concepts have continued. 

Explaining The Impact of Facade Architectural Components on the Visual Clutter (Case S tudy: Selected Facades of Tehran)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Urban Facade Visual clutter Facade Architectural Components Urban Facades Tehran City

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۶۹ تعداد دانلود : ۱۳۱
Nowadays, clutter and visual clutter have become common characteris tics of cities. The main cause of this confusion and visual clutter is the presence of urban facades with an abnormal appearance that s tands out in the city. Meanwhile, the firs t image seen of a building is its facade, which can play a role in creating the order or visual clutter. This heterogeneity is more apparent in the facades of Tehran city, especially in the vicinity of its main s treets, which have the mos t daily passers-by. However, what parts of the facade have caused visual clutter, and what was the mos t colorful visual part of the facade in this context? In the field of visual clutter, urban facades can be as effective as urban walls. Materials, colors, changing s tyles and contexts, different compositions of forms. These can be the factors that create and increase this visual clutter in monographs. In this research, by examining the three s treets that collect garbage in the areas that have had the highes t number of building permits issued in the las t ten years, single facades with visual clutter have been identified, and then by examining the components of these facades, the common characteris tics of each in terms of components have been identified. The composition of the facade was checked. This research shows that additions, materials, colors, and windows have the greates t impact on the visual clutter of urban facades in the examined samples.

Investigation the financing strategies of improvement and renovation projects of urban distressed areas(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)


کلیدواژه‌ها: urban distressed areas financing methods the process of improvement and renovation Tehran City

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۵۹ تعداد دانلود : ۶۵
The vast expanse of the urban distressed areas in the country and multiple damages that their inhabitants face on economic, social and cultural aspects remind the need for higher attention to these constructions. Meanwhile, Tehran's distressed areas with more than 3268 hectares (5.3% of the area of ​​Tehran) has a population of one million and three hundred thousand people in it, is one of the priorities of the improvement and renovations in the country. According to what most experts and researchers say one of the main obstacles to the process of improvement and renovation of the urban distressed areas, is the selection and use of appropriate methods of financing. Several methods of financing that have been raised to be used in the process of improvement and renovation, on one hand due to the variety they provide are an opportunity, and on the other hand face the managers and city decision-makers with some problems in the process of selection and utilization, because using any of the methods depends on several regional and local factors. In this regard and in order to facilitate the process of decision-making in the process of improvement and renovation of urban distressed areas, this research used a cross-sectional study and also investigated the evaluation criteria and different methods of financing the distressed areas and using the obtained field data from questionnaires distributed in two stages using ANOVA test, tested the research hypothesis in order to determine the best financing method according to the improvement and renovation process from the perspective of the tested criteria and in this way tried to compare the various methods of financing in order to take advantage of the process of improving and renovation of urban distressed areas in Tehran. In this regard and based on the obtained results three methods of repayment from the operation of the project, civic engagement (contract) -guaranteed and selling shares were identified as ways with the highest priority to utilize in the process of improvement and renovation of the urban distressed areas of Tehran.