مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه



The Ineffective Role of the United States in the Syrian-Israeli Peace Process During the 1990s(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۴۷۹ تعداد دانلود : ۲۶۴
The end of Cold War created a unique opportunity for both the Arabs and Israelis to end their animosity and for the United States to play an important role to bring them to peace negotiations. Therefore, during the 1990s, the U.S. facilitated several rounds of talks between Syria and Israel, but the negotiations complicated gradually. The talks were stalled over the fact that Israel did not want to withdraw from the Golan Heights prior to concluding security arrangements and normalization of relations with Syria. There were variety of reasons that prevented Syria and Israel from reaching a peace agreement. Besides, unresolved issues such as the Golan Heights, the biased role of the United States in the Syrian-Israeli talks left the process at an intractable impasse. The fact that the U.S. had strategic relations with Israel and due to the increasing power of the Zionist lobby in the U.S. Congress, Washington failed to be an honest broker. Both Syrian and Israeli inflexibility, mutual mistrust and suspicious along with tentative and conditional nature of talks were proved hindrances. The U.S. could play an active role through urging both Damascus and Tel Aviv to comply with the basic and logical needs of peace, pushing the Israelis to withdraw from the Syrian territory, urging the Syrians to moderate their positions-allowing new demarcation of border-strengthening confidence-building measures between the parties and assuring them that peace will provide their basic needs, and in no way will the conflict be settled at the expense of either’s interests.

The Confrontation between US-Turkey's Strategic Interests in Northern Syria and Iran's Foreign Policy(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Strategic Confrontation Syria Turkey United States

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۳۴ تعداد دانلود : ۱۸۶
The beginning of the political crisis in Syria, each regional and trans-regional actors have adopted different policies based on their interests and goals in relation to this country. Syria is an exceptional issue for countries in the region and the world's powers like the United States of America, and any transformation in that form might have a fundamental impact on the interests of each of these regional and global powers. Turkey as a regional power and the United States has always been present in the Syrian crisis as a regional power based on its interests. But the United' support of the present groups in Syria has sought to fight ISIS extremists, which Turkey has called for terrorist groups to reduce the US and Turkey relations. The present study was conducted using descriptive-analytic method and using documentation sources to provide a theoretical framework, the question of why Turkey is against United States about the Syrian Kurdish issue? This study investigates the presence of United States in Syria and the support of Kurdish groups, as well as the reaction that Turkey and Iran have been involved in. The findings of this article indicate that the United States support the Kurdish groups in northern Syria has led to conflict of interest between the two countries.

Iran and Russia's great power Role (with emphasis on the Syrian crisis)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Iran Hedging Strategy Holistic Alliance Russia great power Syria

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۲۹ تعداد دانلود : ۱۷۰
Russia's involvement in the Syrian crisis has changed from a limited action to a fundamental strategy. Russia, which was ousted from the club of great powers after the collapse of the Soviet Union, was looking for an opportunity to return. Restoring the position of "great power" is Putin's main idea based on the identity and historical foundations of the Russians. In this regard, the Syrian crisis has been a turning point in the process of reviving the position of Russia's great power. Accordingly, the main question of the article is: "What role has Iran played in restoring Russia's great power position, especially in the Syrian crisis?" The hypothesis is formulated as follows: "During the Syrian crisis, Russia has used a hedging strategy in the Middle East. Russia's special relationship with Iran in the Syrian crisis has been Russia's relative advantage, which has played a significant role in restoring Russia's status as a great power. Russia implemented a hedging strategy with a holistic alliance". The data of this article are collected from new and comprehensive sources and processed in a descriptive-analytical method.

انتهاکات داعش للقوانین الدولیه واحتمال مسؤولیه الحکومه السوریه تجاهها(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۶۲ تعداد دانلود : ۵۶
إن داعش فی سوریا قد ارتکبت عملیات إرهابیه تم تصنیفها ضمن جرائم الحرب وجرائم ضد الإنسانیه وجرائم الإباده الجماعیه. ولکن القضیه لدینا هی إذا ما کانت أفعال داعش کجماعه متمرده فاشله تُنسب إلی الحکومه السوریه أم لا. تظهر الدراسه أن الأعمال الإجرامیه وغیر الحکومیه لداعش لا تُنسب للحکومه السوریه وبذلک الحکومه السوریه غیر مسؤوله دولیاً عنها. لکن بشکل استثنائی، فی حال فشل الحکومه السوریه أو تقصیرها فی قمع ومحاکمه داعش أو منح العفو لأعضائها، یمکن أن یُنسب سلوکهم إلی الحکومه السوریه ویمکن نسب الأعمال الاقتصادیه و الإداریه و القضائیه التی قام بفعلها تنظیم داعش علی الأراضی الواقعه تحت سیطرته فی سوریا فی هذه المده إلی الحکومه السوریه فی حال تحققت شروط الماده التاسعه من مواد المسؤولیه الدولیه. القضیه الأساسیه هی أنها بالنظر إلی الإطاحه بما یسمی بحکومه داعش وعدم وجود الدوله الإسلامیه فی العراق والشام، ما هی السلطه المسؤوله عن الأعمال المخالفه للقانون الدولی التی ارتکبتها تلک الحکومه التی نسبت نفسها بنفسها خلال حیاتها؟ لذلک فالمسأله المطروحه هی المسؤولیه الدولیه لحکومه داعش التی لم تعد موجوده، لکن المسؤولیه الجنائیه لأعضاء داعش هی قضیه أخری ولیست موضوع هذا البحث. وکُتبت العدید من الأبحاث حول المسؤولیه الجنائیه، لکن قضیه المسؤولیه الدولیه بسبب الأعمال غیر القانونیه لداعش لم تحظ باهتمام خاص.