مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه
Language Achievement
حوزههای تخصصی:
Identity orientations refer to the relative importance that individuals place on various identity attributes or characteristics such as race, religion, culture and language when constructing their self-definitions (Chew, 2007; Cheek, 1989). Accordingly, the present study aims at identifying the impact of identity aspects on the Iranian learners' English language achievements at Shiraz University Language Center (SULC). Moreover, the study seeks for finding the impact of demographic factors on language achievement and aspects of identity among the Iranian EFL learners. To fulfill the objectives and find answers to the posed questions, a questionnaire representing aspects of identity and consisting of 45 items in the form of Likert Scale (personal: 10 items + social: 7 items + collective: 8 items + relational: 10 items + special: 10 items) was distributed among 180 language learners attending at SULC. Both descriptive statistics (Mean + SD) and inferential statistics (t-test + ANOVA+ Correlation + Multiple Regressions) were run on the data. The results demonstrated no significant relationship between language achievement and the aspects of identity; that is, none of the identity aspects is a predicting variable for language achievement in the Iranian context. Among the demographic factors, only gender can account for two aspects of identity, namely, personal and relational identities. Apparently, the results are local not universal.
Language Acquisition and English Achievement at Grade Four Senior High School(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
This study aimed to explore the relationship between language acquisition and grade four senior high school (G4SHS) students’ achievement in English as a foreign language (EFL). To this end the 41-item English Language Acquisition Scale (ELAS) designed by Khodadady and Younesi (2017) was administered to 518 G4SHS students. Also to find the probable relationship between ELAS, its latent variables and participant achievement in EFL classes in EFL classes 126 participants were randomly selected out of population to answer schema-based cloze multiple choice items test ( S- test) designed by Khodadady and Ghergloo ( 2013). To know which of the G4SHS students who took the ELAS took the S-Test as well the researcher was matched the codes of the ELAS S-test and ELTAS carefully. The results showed that the ELAS consists of five factors, i.e., Qualified, grammatization, Humanistic, Engagement and Orientation. Also the ELAS and its underlying factors show significant relationships with English achievement scores. The results of the study are discussed .
On the Development of a Model of Cultural Identity and Language Achievement among Iranian Advanced EFL Learners(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
international Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۷, Issue ۲۶, Summer ۲۰۱۹
حوزههای تخصصی:
Culture is an inseparable part of a language. In other words, mastering a language and being able to communicate through it inevitably entails integrating with the culture of the speakers of that language which is the reflection of people's identity. The aim of the present study was designing a model of Iranian cultural identity. Initially, to select a homogeneous sample of learners at the advanced level, 300 language learners at the advanced level took TOEFL and 180 learners were chosen as the participants of the study. The cultural identity model was designed by the use of interviews and literature review to come up with main components of cultural identity. Afterwards, participants were interviewed about their identity and four components comprising Iranian cultural identity were identified. The results of the factors analysis showed that raw data converged to a pattern with four components which fit the hypothesized model of cultural identity. Then, the cultural identity questionnaire was given to participants. The results of statistical analyses indicated that there was a significant negative relationship between cultural identity and language achievement of the participants.
An Investigation of the Effect of Bilingual Education on Language Achievement of Iranian Pre-intermediate EFL Learners
international Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۲, Issue ۷, Autumn ۲۰۱۴
30 - 36
حوزههای تخصصی:
The present study investigated the impact of bilingual education on language achievement of Iranian Pre-intermediate EFL learners. It actually used bilingual education through content- based methodology or subject matter such as math, science and reading. To this purpose, the researchers used 40 Pre-intermediate EFL participants who were studying English conversation at a private language institute in Sari. These learners were chosen and divided randomly into control and experimental groups. Both groups took the same test as a pretest. The experimental group had access to bilingual education methodology through math, science and reading, while in the control group, participants had no special treatment. They had just access to the conversation by the use of conversation methodology which was assigned by the institute curriculum. After nineteen sessions, the posttest was administrated to both control and experimental groups. Based on the obtained results, a significant difference was observed between the mean scores of the two groups on the posttest. In fact, the null-hypothesis was rejected as the experimental group performed significantly better on the posttest.
The Relationship Between Attitude Towards Communicative Language Learning and English Language Achievement among Ethiopian EFL Learners(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۶, Issue ۲۱, Spring ۲۰۱۸
11 - 19
حوزههای تخصصی:
The attitude one has towards language learning determines the success or failure of learning the language. To this effect, this study aimed to explore EFL learners’ attitudes towards communicative language learning and the relationship between learners’ attitudes and English language achievement. To address these objectives, the study adopted a survey research design. Two hundred seventeen grade 11 students were selected through simple random sampling technique. Attitude questionnaire, achievement test and interview were tools of data collection. In order to verify students’ attitudes towards communicative language learning, the mean score obtained from attitude scale and qualitative descriptions of the interview data were utilized. To address the relationship between students’ attitudes to communicative language learning and English language achievement, and to decide the predictive power of attitude on learners’ English language achievement, Pearson correlation and regression were applied respectively. In addition, t-test was used to investigate if gender caused attitude difference or not. The findings indicated positive attitude towards communicative language learning. In addition, it was found that attitude to communicative language learning significantly predicted achievement scores of the students. Furthermore, gender was not found to be a determining factor in the attitude towards communicative language learning.
Teachers’ burnout and students’ language achievement during COVID-19 pandemic: A case of online education(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
The present study was an attempt to investigate the relationship between teachers’ sense of burnout and students’ language achievement in their online classes. To this end, 40 male and female English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers and 100 EFL learners were randomly selected from both public schools and private language institutes. The Oxford Placement Test (OPT) and MBI-ES questionnaire were employed as the instruments of the present study. The researcher distributed MBI-ES questionnaire among the teacher participants and also used OPT test and gave it to 100 students of each class in order to measure their achievement and their language performance. The present study used Pearson correlation in order to find the correlation between the aforementioned variables. Then, after collecting the data about the two above-mentioned variables, the results revealed that there is no significant relationship between teachers’ sense of burnout and students’ language achievement during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Decoding the Significance of Digital Literacies among EFL Learners: A Probe into the Consequences on Technostress, Foreign Language Anxiety, Academic Enjoyment, and Language Achievement(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Applied Research on English Language, V. ۱۳, N. ۴ , ۲۰۲۴
101 - 128
حوزههای تخصصی:
Feeling anxiety and technostress can have harmful effects on EFL learners' language learning. On the other hand, having high academic enjoyment (AE) can generate positive impacts on English language learning. Concerning the psychological variables' role in English language learning, this investigation inspected the effects of digital literacy (DL) on technostress, foreign language anxiety (FLA), AE, and language achievement. To meet this objective, 70 intermediate subjects were selected and divided into an experimental group (EG) and a control group (CG). Next, the pre-tests of technostress, FLA, AE, and language learning achievement were administered to both groups. After that, the EG was taught the coursebook using technology. DL was also focused on it, and the students were trained to apply technology when learning new English materials. On the other hand, the same lessons were taught to the CG applying a traditional method. After teaching all classes, the mentioned scales were administered as the posttests of the study. The results of the One-way ANCOVA test indicated that the EG outdid the CG in the four posttests, implying that using DL reduced the anxiety and technostress of the EG but increased their AE. The ramifications of this investigation can inspire both EFL learners and educators to apply digital tools and technology in English learning and teaching.
Contributions of Achievement Emotions to Male and Female EFL Learners’ Language Achievement(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
In keeping with Control-Value Theory (CVT), learners’ achievement emotions and language achievement can affect e ach other. The flexibility of learners in academic settings can be a refugee from academic difficulties, and protect learners from discouragement after a negative emotional experience about achievement. Review of the literature proved the existence of several studies that have been conducted to support this theory. In this study, the possible contributions of eight achievement emotions (pride, hope, enjoyment, shame, anxiety, boredom, anger, and hopelessness) to language achievement in EFL context were examined to see if there was a relationship between them and learners’ language achievement. Accordingly, 279 advanced EFL learners (148 male and 131 female) of Iran Language Institute (ILI) took part. The Achievement Emotions Questionnaire (AEQ) was used to collect the data about the learners’ emotions and participants’ Grade Point Average (GPA) as evidence for their language achievement was employed to see how much of their achievement emotions could be contributed to their language achievement. The results of multiple linear regression revealed that enjoyment, hope, and anxiety were the three significant emotion factors predicting EFL learners’ language achievement and among them anxiety was the strongest predictor. In addition, based on the results of the independent-samples t-test, there was a statistically significant difference between the female and male learners’ achievement emotions scores. The learners’ emotions in language classes can be dealt with so that they can experience a better language learning experience. The findings are beneficial for EFL teachers, learners, and course designers.