Journal of Archaeology and Archaeometry
Journal of Archaeology and Archaeometry, Volume 3, Issue 3 - Serial Number 11, December 2024 (مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Calligraphy in Islamic art is regarded as sacred due to its connection with the divine word. The Quran itself references the sanctity of the pen, the value of writing, and swears by them. Inscriptions are the only visual elements that directly carry meaning and hold significant importance in the architectural structures of the Islamic period in Iran from both visual and content perspectives. The aim of this paper is to achieve favorable results in response to the following questions: What were the goals and exp Study and Analysis of the Inscriptions Arrays of Imam Mosque in Tehran.ectations of the designers and writers in composing and designing the inscriptions? What elements and components shaped the themes of the mosque's inscriptions? The results of field and library studies indicate that the artists' goal in writing and designing the inscriptions was to create a building worthy of the Muslim community that would attract the attention of every viewer and provide spiritual tranquility. Additionally, the expectation of the designers and writers in composing these inscriptions was to immortalize their memory in the field of art and architecture. Based on the study and analysis of the inscriptions, it appears that most of the inscriptions in Imam (Shah) Mosque are derived from the Quran and contain poems praising FathAliShah, the names of Qajar kings, the names of artists, poets, and verses that indicate the date of the building's construction
The Role of the Ambassadors of Iran and the Netherlands in the Formation and Consistency of Political-Economic Relations between the Two Countries in the Safavid Era(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
حوزههای تخصصی:
The Safavid era in Iran coincides with the growth of international trade relations and interaction with European East India companies. The Safavid kings wanted to establish relations with the East India Company, especially the Dutch East India Company, for various reasons. The Dutch were able to surpass their European counterparts in their dealings with the Safavid government by using economic, commercial and sometimes political initiatives, and what kept the Dutch ahead of their other European rivals was the commercial approach of the Dutch ambassadors and political representatives in their dealings with Iranian representatives and officials, the Dutch ambassadors and political representatives tried to spend on commercial activities and the opening of trade House in the ports of the Persian Gulf, so that they could monopolize the trade of the East. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to study the role of the ambassadors of Iran and the Netherlands in the formation and consistency of political-economic relations between the two countries. The research method in this article is descriptive-analytical. The findings of the research show that the expansion of Iran's foreign relations with the Dutch government during the reign of Shah Abbas and the gradual access of the political representatives of this government to Iran, led to the prosperity of Iran's foreign trade. Iran's geographical position, was a suitable arena in which ambassadors and businessmen of different countries could pursue their trade goals in the shortest time and at the lowest cost.
Archaeometric Study of Pottery Finds Obtained From the Surface Survey of Naderi Tepe (Southeast of Mashhad)(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Naderi Tepe is located in the southeast of Mashhad and is located next to a communication route. According to the typology, the wares of this site include the variety of species and the quantity of pottery pieces from the Chalcolithic to the historical period. During the study of this site, based on the obtained wares, 10 pieces of the sherds and two pieces of stone quern were analyzed by petrography and their thin sections were examined in order to find the minerals in them. The purpose of this experiment was to identify the components of each sherd, the difference in composition and materials between samples, determine the percentage of each composition, determine the temperature of pottery firing according to the available minerals, and investigate the origin of the raw materials that make up wares. In the laboratory, a thin section was prepared from the pottery and then studied with an optical microscope. The results of the studies show that the mineralogy of the sherds from the site shows the better quality and purer paste of the sherds produced from the middle Bronze Age to the end of this period, which shows the high skill of the potter in making and knowing the raw materials in the production of pottery. The results of this research can be the basis for the comparison of ware types in terms of construction techniques and compounds used in them in the surrounding areas, especially in the Mashhad Plain.
Tepe Hissar in the Fourth Millennium BCE(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
حوزههای تخصصی:
The fourth millennium BCE in northeastern Iran was marked by intricate interactions at both regional and trans-regional levels. During this time, Tepe Hissar’s inhabitants engaged in significant cultural exchanges involving pottery, figurines, and metal objects with various regions of central Iran. In the latter half of the millennium, these connections shifted towards northeastern Iran and the Gorgan Plain. Hissar became a hub for large-scale, centrally organized industries, particularly in metalworking and gemstone craftsmanship, such as lapis lazuli, which contributed to greater social stratification, evidenced by wealth accumulation in elite burials.New pottery chronologies offer a revised understanding of the cultural developments at the Hissar settlement and their social and cultural consequences, as seen in the material culture of settlements and burials. The primary goal of this research is to present the quantitative and qualitative changes in pottery and the influence of Tepe Hissar throughout the fourth millennium BCE. These changes indicate the formation of extensive internal and external cultural relationships, reflecting the cultural dynamism of Hissar during the fourth and third millennia BCE. It can likely be concluded that despite environmental heterogeneity in northeastern Iran, there were cultural homogeneities and similarities in this region. These can be observed in the resemblance of pottery styles and unified management techniques, which are attributed to cultural interactions between these communities within geographic and cultural frameworks.
Investigating and Analyzing the Indicators Affecting Smart Housing in Baghdad City(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
حوزههای تخصصی:
The purpose of this study is to investigate the position of urban planning indicators affecting smart housing in Baghdad. The method is descriptive-analytical in nature and applied in terms of purpose. Data collection has been done in library and field. The statistical population of the study was experts and experts in the field of housing in Baghdad, and 86 experts were selected as the sample size using the Delphi sampling method. The findings show that the information technology index with 22.78 and the index of intelligent systems with 15.79 had the highest and lowest level of intelligence of residential buildings. Also, the results of structural equations show that in the physical component between the criteria of the information technology index, the existence of a digital building map 0.307 and in the environmental component between the criteria of the energy consumption index, the use of new methods of energy dissipation with a 0.411 and in the physical component and the index of smart systems, the criterion of controlling equipment with mobile applications and tablets, have the most effect on the intelligence of residential buildings in Baghdad. in order to improve the quality of life of the residents, save energy consumption, and prevent accidents, the need for urban managers to pay attention to smart technology is essential.
Presenting the Design Model Based on the Knowledge of the Components Affecting the Sense of Belonging to Place in the Contemporary Houses of Tehran (Narmak 60s and 70s)(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
حوزههای تخصصی:
The objective of this research is to present a designing model based on cognition of effective components on the sense of belonging to place in contemporary houses in Tehran (Narmak 60s and 70s). The method of conducting the research was considered as a causal method in terms of practical purpose and in terms of implementation and analysis. Using the panel data (PD) method, the research was tested and analysed. The Hierarchical Multiple Regression (HMR) was used for the analysis of the data. Random selection method was employed to select individuals as research sample. The areas of sampling included 1. Houses in Central Narmak, 2. Houses in North part of Narmak and, 3. Houses in Western Narmak. Based on review of opinions and replies of the sample and on the obtained weights, it can be clearly seen that the criterion of concentration is in the first place, the criterion of spatial qualities, accessibility and permeability as the second important and influential criterion in the development and improvement of the recognition model of the components affecting the sense of belonging to the place and the criterion of the sense of physical belonging the place has been mentioned as the third important and influential criterion in the development and improvement of the recognition model of the components affecting the sense of belonging to the place.