Calligraphy in Islamic art is regarded as sacred due to its connection with the divine word. The Quran itself references the sanctity of the pen, the value of writing, and swears by them. Inscriptions are the only visual elements that directly carry meaning and hold significant importance in the architectural structures of the Islamic period in Iran from both visual and content perspectives. The aim of this paper is to achieve favorable results in response to the following questions: What were the goals and exp Study and Analysis of the Inscriptions Arrays of Imam Mosque in Tehran.ectations of the designers and writers in composing and designing the inscriptions? What elements and components shaped the themes of the mosque's inscriptions? The results of field and library studies indicate that the artists' goal in writing and designing the inscriptions was to create a building worthy of the Muslim community that would attract the attention of every viewer and provide spiritual tranquility. Additionally, the expectation of the designers and writers in composing these inscriptions was to immortalize their memory in the field of art and architecture. Based on the study and analysis of the inscriptions, it appears that most of the inscriptions in Imam (Shah) Mosque are derived from the Quran and contain poems praising FathAliShah, the names of Qajar kings, the names of artists, poets, and verses that indicate the date of the building's construction