International Multidisciplinary Journal of Pure Life (IMJPL)

International Multidisciplinary Journal of Pure Life (IMJPL)

pure life, Volume 10, Issue 33, Winter 2023 (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)



The Educational Thoughts in Islam and Confucius School(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)


کلیدواژه‌ها: Educational Thoughts Islam School Confucius School

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۹۹ تعداد دانلود : ۹۳
SUBJECT AND OBJECTIVES : Education has a special place in the perspective of Islam and the school of Confucius. Although there are some differences in various areas in both schools, in terms of goals and motivations of education, the numbers of the audience and the methods of creating motivation, the two schools are significantly similar. It is through the comparison of the education in both schools that the reader will be enlighten to judge about the importance of education and acquire the deeper and reliable knowledge about both schools from the perspective of educational system. METHOD AND FINDING : The author first elaborates the different understandings and goals of the term education in both educational systems, then he begins the article with exploring the ways in which these two schools treat the educated audience, in order to provide readers with a deeper understanding of the differences in their educational ideas and goals; Finally, it elaborates the status of morality in the implementation of education. At the end, the following outcomes should be noted. Both schools of thought believe that not any science is not suitable for teaching. While Islam emphasizes that education is obligatory for every man and woman,the Confucian school, which according to history promotes the theory of “education without discrimination” believes that the content and method of education cannot be the same for everyone; but education should be designed based on the talent and interest of learners. CONCLUSION : Islam and the school of Confucius consider the study of thoughtless sciences to be worthless and harmful. They see asking questions as the key factor to awareness. However, addressing issues related to education in Islam and the Confucian school will lead to a better understanding of the various dimensions of education and consequently mutual understanding of Islamic civilization and Chinese educational culture.

Impact of Observance of Family Members' Rights on Strengthening Family Bonds from a Religious Perspective(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Family Members Rights Strengthening Family Bonds Religious Perspective

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۴۵ تعداد دانلود : ۹۹
SUBJECT AND OBJECTIVES : The present study aims at identifying the rights of family members based on religious sources and the impact of their observance on strengthening family bonds. METHOD AND FINDING : Using a descriptive-analytic methodology, this paper deduces the rights of family members and the impact of their observance on strengthening family bonds from family-related verses and traditions. The study shows that One of the factors responsible for stability, peacefulness and efficiency of a family is the respect its members show for each other’s rights. Most inconsistencies that jeopardize the familial efficiency are rooted in spouses not respecting each other’s rights and not giving honest appreciation to each other. Religious sources have considered rights for each one of family members including husband, wife, child, father and mother. Parallel to these rights, they have placed duties on each one of family members. Based on religious sources, it is the observance of rights together with performing duties that strengthen family bonds. CONCLUSION : One of the things that prevents family atmosphere from becoming cold saves family bonds from shattering is the couples' knowledge of their spousal rights, duties and obligations as well as the transparency of the mandatory and non-mandatory limits and expectations. That is, if, from the outset, the husband and wife are well aware of each other's rights and those of their children and set their expectations based on this knowledge, the family will be efficient.

Mystical Analysis of Dream and its Effects in the Holy Quran(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Dream origin of dream effects of dream mysticism

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۵۳ تعداد دانلود : ۱۱۳
SUBJECT AND OBJECTIVES : The Holy Quran has always been an inexhaustible source of divine wisdom and knowledge that Muslim philosophers and mystics picked up and demonstrated through research and analysis. Among the important Quranic topics dealt with by Muslim mystics, headed by Ibn Arabi, is the true dream, as the Almighty Lord in His Holy Book, singled out several verses for it, so that Surat Joseph had topped the Holy Quran with the subject of the true vision and its interpretation. METHOD AND FINDING : In this research, we sought, by following the descriptive analytical method of the dream Quranic verses, based on a mystical viewpoint, to know its origin which has two dimensions, one existential and the other cognitive, as well as clarifying its effects on humans life. CONCLUSION : Based on this study, we concluded that the origin of the dream in the Holy Quran is mystically linked to the discontiguous world of imagination on one hand, and the world of contiguous world of imagination on the other hand, connecting this with the position of man and what he perceives from the presence of imagination, which is an independent presence in which meanings and spirits appear in forms. In addition, revealing the importance of the true dream in terms of predicting future events, and the position of the dream interpreter in regard to realizing the dream in the world of visibility.

The Position of Intellect in the Fundamentals of Ethics Epistemology in the Thought of Sheikh Saduq(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Intellect Rational Good and Bad Ethics Epistemology Sheikh Saduq

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۴۹ تعداد دانلود : ۱۲۰
SUBJECT AND OBJECTIVES : Companying with revelation and other human faculties like sense and heart, Intellect is the perceptive faculty as one of the most significant fundaments of human Ma'rifat (recognition). It is important to know the position of Intellect in the epistemic geometry of Islam, especially Islamic ethics which lead human truth. In order to realize Intellect and its position among fundamentals of epistemology, the view of some precedent scholars like Sheikh Saduq is prominent since the proximity of his age to the presence of infallible Imams and finding minor occultation era. METHOD AND FINDING : Aiding a descriptive-analytical method, we seek for the position of intellect as one of epistemological fundamentals of ethics and their rank of influence on ethical Ma'rifat based on theological thoughts of Sheikh Saduq. We have defined Intellect from the perspective of epistemology as the source of knowledge. Then, we have dealt with the types of Intellect, including theoretical and practical ones, and finding the particular type considered in epistemology. CONCLUSION : Even though, Sheikh Saduq is counted as a textualist thinker but intellect in his thought is considered as an independent source in the scope of intellectual problems, which authenticates the other sources of recognition. Intellect is also mentioned as the primary source of recognition, and in company with revelation is known as the main causes of recognition.

Quantum Fluctuation and Critical Analysis of the Physical Approach to the Creatio ex Nihilo of the Universe(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Big-Bang Creatio-ex-Nihilo quantum fluctuation Tryon-Vilenkin Model Hawking-Hartle model

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۷۶ تعداد دانلود : ۱۰۶
SUBJECT AND OBJECTIVES : The Big Bang theory and the standard cosmological models based on it imply the world’s temporal finitude. The temporally finite universe, most physicists believe, must have been created out of nothing. In order to avoid the theological and metaphysical implications of such an idea, the most important scenarios that have been proposed are: (1) The universe is not temporally finite, but rather is pre-eternal; (2) The creation of the universe out of nothing can be explained purely physically; (3) There is no correlation between the temporal finitude of the universe and having a temporal beginning, so the universe always existed; (4) The creation of the universe as a brute fact is a spontaneous uncaused origination ex nihilo. METHOD AND FINDING : In this essay, I aim to discuss and criticize scenario (2). To reach this aim, two important physical models, i.e: The Tryon-Vilenkin and Hawking-Hartle models, which have been formulated based on quantum fluctuation, will be explained. It will be shown that they are indeed explaining the creation of the universe, not out of nothing, but from something. CONCLUSION : No physical theory can ever explain the creation of the universe out of nothing by appealing to the physical phenomena or the laws of nature. The outcome of the paper is that creatio ex nihilo of the universe out of nothing can only be explained metaphysically by appealing to some external causes.

De-Militarization of Language in Arabic Grammar Books and its Impact on Human Life(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: De-militarization of Language Arabic Grammar Books human life

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۶۹ تعداد دانلود : ۱۱۶
SUBJECT AND OBJECTIVES : Sibawayh, a leading grammarian in 8th Century used first time violent words and phrases such as “Izhaba, waqtala and wazrib” meaning “Go, and killed and hit”, and “Yazhabu, Yazribu, Yaqtilu and Yuzrib” meaning “He is going, hitting, killing and being hit” in his book “Al-Kitaab”. Since then, these types of words and phrases are being used in almost all the books of Arabic grammar. This article examines the concept and roots of militarization of textbooks and the effects of these words and phrases on human life and society. METHOD AND FINDING : In this research, content analysis has been used to quantify and analyze the presence of specific words and phrases used in Arabic grammar books, based on the psychology of words and human behavior. The words being used in our daily communication shapes human aura which has radiations that effects on emotional and physical state. A word, phrases and sentences carry not only meaning; but psychological effects, responsible to develop human Aura that influence human brain and personality. CONCLUSION : These words and phrases effect on human brain which leads people towards anxiety and irritability, consequently reduce human cooperation and collaboration in a significant manner. The nature of human thoughts depends on the words and phrases being used or heard and finally develop human aura that creates positive and negative energy in human. This research confirms adverse impact of negatives words and phrases on human life.


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