
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


توسعه یکی از مهم ترین مباحث نظام حکمرانی است. از عمده ابزارهایی که در فهم رشد یک کشور و در سنجش رویه سیاست گذاری ها می توان به کار گرفت، بررسی کیفی شاخصه های معطوف به توسعه ملی است. توسعه فرهنگی نیز به عنوان یکی از سه ضلع اصلی توسعه سرزمینی، همواره ظرف استحقاق و پیش نیاز بایسته در ایجاد توسعه سیاسی اقتصادی کشورها محسوب شده است در بررسی این موضوع که برای شناخت راه عبور از موانع توسعه در ایران اقدامی ضروری به شمار می رود، هدف ما از پیگیری این تحقیق دستیابی اجمالی به ارزیابی مستندی از تصمیمات اتخاذ شده در توسعه فرهنگی معاصر با روند کاوی از نظام های سیاسی اخیر است؛ بنابراین برای دو بازه متوالی از تاریخ ایران را لحاظ کرده و دوران تثبیت پهلوی دوم و جمهوری اسلامی را به عنوان مورد پژوهش خود برگزیده ایم. پس از آنکه پنج شاخصه: «راهبرد و رویه ؛ تعاون و آگاهی؛ صنعت و هنر؛ خلق و باور و تبلیغ و رسانه» را در آزمون دو حکومت مورد تحقیق قراردادیم؛ دریافتیم که هرچند به لحاظ ایده سیاسی تفاوتی ماهوی میان ج.ا و رژیم پهلوی حاکم است، اما جز مؤلفه: «ادبیات و معماری» ج.ا در دیگر بخش ها رویکردی رو به رشد یا دست کم برابر را نسبت به اقدامات صورت گرفته در توسعه فرهنگی پهلوی دوم، نشان داده است.

A comparative study of the cultural development of Pahlavi II and the Islamic Republic (looking at the era of stability: 1332-1357 and 1368-1401)

Development is one of the most important topics of the governance system.One of the main tools that can be used in understanding the growth of a country and in measuring the policy making process is the qualitative examination of indicators aimed at national development.Cultural development, as one of the three main aspects of territorial development, has always been considered as a necessary and necessary prerequisite for the political and economic development of countries. Our goal of this research is to achieve a brief evaluation of the decisions taken in the contemporary cultural development with the process of exploring the recent political systems.Therefore, we have considered Iran's history for two consecutive periods and have chosen Pahlavi II and the Islamic Republic as our study.After five indicators: "strategy and procedure"; cooperation and awareness; Industry and art; Creation, Belief, Propaganda, and Media" were investigated in the test of two regimes;We found out that although there is a substantial difference between J.A. and the ruling Pahlavi regime in terms of political ideas, but except for the component: "Literature and Architecture", J.A. has a growing or at least equal approach to the measures taken in cultural development in other sectors. The second side has shown.Culture, as the breathing space of a society, is an artefact of a set of elements that shape the mental inductions and behavioral characteristics of the people of a land over many years. The cultural body of any country is the output of temporal-spatial developments governing the men and women of that ecosystem at the intersection of climatic hazards, material blessings, human relations and values and norms established in moral conflicts. From the middle of the Qajar period, Iran witnessed the emergence of cultural and behavioral changes in the inner layers of its identity, by being immersed in the relations of the modern sphere. From the very beginning, the encounter with new technologies and street attractions of Farang people stole the hearts of intellectuals and quickly convinced them that for the prosperity of Iran, they should give in to the cultural transformation of the country. Rather, they should enjoy the dream of more facilities, services and amenities, law and order, and better awareness. This event intensified from the political and economic side after the 1999 coup. From 1306, Reza Khan began to create a judicial system, country divisions and new administrative rules. "Establishing a university and sending students abroad, attracting European advisors in the administration of internal affairs, creating an army and trained military forces, expanding highways, equipping several central cities with the intention of multiplying urbanization and limiting rural and nomadic life" were among them.Such unilateral actions gradually changed the national culture and customary norms. With the requirement to wear a uniform from 1307 and the introduction of the mandatory hijab from 1314 following the limitation of religious propaganda and the economic weakening of religious institutions, the expression of spirituality decreased. After that, with the developmentist literature of Parsons, under the pretext of "expanding the scientific approach, fighting superstitions, meritocracy, specialization, centralization, expediency, elite selection and the creation of a systematic bureaucracy", the cultural development of Iran is synonymous with emptying the national identity and becoming more and more similar to The life of Europeans started. Therefore, denouncing religion and mocking the tradition was recognized as a sign of apostasy. With the spread of the translated works of the intellectuals and the partial implementation of the orders of the British, French and Russian graduates; Fascination with laicity, secularism and relativism became the religion of Islam and exposed the indigenous culture to suicide and eclecticism between traditional and modern aspects.The process of cultural development, passing through two decades of Pahlavi's first efforts under the influence of Turkey's dependent development model, begins with the establishment of Mohammad Reza. The cultural development of Pahlavi II started in the forties and its preparations were planned after the August 28 coup. On the other hand, with the occurrence of the Islamic Revolution, the basic policies of the country underwent transformation and the schema of cultural identity and view of progress changed. Mass media and cultural propaganda and international impositions intensified and made Iran enter another space. The investigation of the country's cultural policies in two consecutive periods was investigated in this article in order to find out what line the cultural development process of contemporary Iran has taken. On the other hand, considering the indicators of development in Western classical formats is not in our nature; Because it cannot provide a model that fits Iranian cultural and ecological signs. But it is necessary to take into consideration the commonalities by extracting the indicators of cultural development in the West and combining them efficiently with the Iranian development model, so that through their rational selection, a comparative approach can be obtained to measure the country's cultural situation; Therefore, in the present study, the efforts of the researchers are focused on exploring the cultural development process of the country during the periods of stability of Pahlavi II and the Islamic Republic. This statement should be organized in a way that can expose the cultural policies of the country to a critical description and a brief but scientific comparison through a precise tool.
