
روش تفسیر اجتماعی مقام معظم رهبری به ایشان این توان را داده است تا دیدگاه ها و دستورات اجتماعیِ قرآن را بیشتر از دیگران موردتوجه قرار دهند. پژوهش پیشِ رو که به روش تحلیلی اسنادی، سامان یافته به بررسی تفسیر مقام معظم رهبری از آیه شصتم سوره احزاب و بازکاوی مفاد و سبک و سیاق اجتماعی پررنگ این آیه و تحلیل چگونگی دلالت آن بر جرم انگاری تنش آفرینی اجتماعی سلبریتی ها پرداخته است. از تفسیر مقام معظم رهبری از این آیه شریفه می توان این نکات را به دست آورد: 1. گناه اِرجاف به شایعه پراکنی اختصاص ندارد؛ 2. گناه اِرجاف به ساحت جنگ و جهاد اختصاص ندارد؛ 3. ارجاف، روش و شگرد دیرینه جبهه تبلیغاتی کافران علیه جبهه اسلام است؛ 4. برخی مصداق امروزینِ واژه قرآنی «المرجفون» به شمار می آیند؛ 5. گناه اِرجاف در جامعه جنبه حساس ضدّ امنیتی دارد؛ 6. آزادی بیان به معنای آزادی ارجاف نیست. توجه به مجموعه نکات پیش گفته، ما را به این نتیجه می رساند که تنها، تعمّق در همین آیه شریفه و توجه به تفسیر مقام معظم رهبری از آن کافی است تا مبانی حقوقی و قرآنیِ جرم انگاریِ برخی سلبریتی ها در ارجاف و تنش آفرینی در جامعه و ضرورت و چگونگی مقابله با این جرم به شکل منقّح بیان شود.

Analyzing the criminalization of creating social tension by celebrities based on perspective of the Supreme Leader on interpretation of the Holy Quran, 33: 60

The Supreme Leader's method of social interpretation has enabled him to pay more attention to the social views and commands of the Qur’an than other scholars. Then, one of the relatively new problems in our society is the phenomenon of celebrity worship syndrome. A celebrity is a well-known, popular, and beloved figure who is distinguished from others due to some advantages and characteristics and has been the focus and interest of a wide range of people in society with the help of mass media. The present study, which is organized using an analytical-documentary method, examines the Supreme Leader's interpretation of the verse 60 of Surah Al-Ahzab, and analyzes the content, style, and social context of this verse, and analyzes how it indicates the criminalization of social agitation of celebrities. In any case, by putting together the points derived from the interpretation of this noble verse, some of the legal and Qur’anic foundations for criminalizing the sin of some celebrities in spreading fear and creating tension in society through the dissemination of Irjaf (tension creating) at the community level can be expressed in a revised manner from the perspective of the Supreme Leader, as he has repeatedly drawn the attention of the country's judicial officials to this important point.From the Supreme Leader's interpretation of this holy verse, the following points can be obtained: 1. The sin of agitation and creating tension is not specific to spreading rumors; 2. The sin of agitation is not specific to the case of war and jihad; 3. Agitation is an ancient method and tactic of the infidels' propaganda front against the Islamic front; 4. Some celebrities are considered modern examples of the Qur’anic term "Al-Murjafoon" (agitators); 5. The sin of agitation in society has a sensitive anti-security aspect; 6. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of agitation. Considering the above points, we conclude that only delving into this holy verse and paying attention to the Supreme Leader’s interpretation of it is sufficient to express in a revised form the legal and Qur’anic foundations of criminalization of celebrities causing unrest and creating tension in society, and the necessity and method of confronting this crime. The final conclusion is that the country’s judicial system’s appeasement of some celebrities who have a dark history of fueling social tensions, is in no way consistent with the legal and Qur’anic foundations and the Supreme Leader’s perspective. Also, the return of such celebrities, who are a clear example of the Qur’anic term “al-Marjafoon,” to the national media and giving any kind of platform to them contradicts the teachings of the holy Qur’an. According to the Supreme Leader, in accordance with the verse 60 of Surah Al-Ahzab, such individuals must first receive serious and deterrent warnings from official and legal authorities, and in case of repetition, the relevant agencies are obliged to pursue their crime legally, politically, and legally.
