
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


تجرید الاعتقاد نصیرالدین طوسی از مهم ترین متون آموزشی علم کلام است و شروح و حواشی بسیاری بر آن نگاشته شد. یکی از مهمترین شروح، شرح قوشچی و تعلیقات خفری بر این شرح است. علوی نیز سه شرح بر حاشیه خفری نگاشته است که حظیره الانس یکی از آن سه شرح است. پرسش اصلی این جستار این است: «رویکرد وجودی احمد علوی از برهان اثبات واجب خواجه در شرح حظیره الانس قرین توفیق بوده است؟» دستاوردهای این مقاله عبارتند از: یکم. علوی تلاش می کند تا برهان خواجه را برهانی لمّی و در مدار رویکرد وجودی و با نظر به وجود بداند؛ دوم. زمانی می توان از تفکیک وجود نفسی حدّ اکبر و وجود رابطی حدّ اکبر و در پی آن از عدم احتیاج اکبر در اصل وجود، و نیازمندی آن به علّت در کیفیتی از کیفیات و عرضی از اعراض حدّ اکبر سخن گفت که وجود محمولی غیر از واجب باشد. چون واجب همان طور که در مقام ذات، واجب است، در جمیع صفات و احوال، واجب است و حالت منتظره و نیازمندی ندارد؛ سوم. هرچند علوی در رساله حظیره الانس از نظر در وجود و موجود مطلق سخن می گوید و اظهار می کند که نظر به وجود، غیر از نظر در امکان است. اما آنچه در دستور کار او قرار گرفته است، موجودی است که به دو قسم واجب و ممکن، تفکیک شده است و تفکیک پذیری و انقسام، وصف امر ذهنی است، نه عینی.

A Critical Review of Ahmad Alavi's Existential Approach of Khajah's Proof of Obligatory Proof in the Description of Hazira al-Alans

Abstraction of faith is the pinnacle of the efforts of Shia theologians in bringing philosophy and theology closer together and the most important educational text of theology, which was written by Khwaja Nasir al-Din Tusi. Due to its importance and unique features, this work was noticed by Shia and Sunni thinkers and theologians from the very beginning, and many explanations and footnotes were written on it. One of the most important explanations is Qoshchi's explanation. Therefore, many, including Khafri, wrote a commentary on this description. Khafri's margin is dedicated to the topics of God knowledge (obligatory proof and obligatory attributes). Due to the importance of this margin, many commentaries and explanations were written on it. One of the most important of these interpretations is the work of Mir Seyyed Ahmad Alavi, the son-in-law and spiritual heir of Mir Damad. Alavi wrote three commentaries on Khafri's margin, and Hazira Elans is one of those three commentaries. The main question of this essay is: Has Ahmad Alavi's existential approach to the proof of obligatory proof of Khwajah in the description of Hazira Al-Anas Qurin been successful? The achievements of this article are: 1. Alavi tries to consider Khawaja's argument as a Lame argument and in the context of the existential approach and with regard to existence; Second. At one time, we can talk about the separation of the subjective existence of Hadad Akbar and the relational form of Hadad Akbar, and then the lack of need for Akbar in the essence of existence, and its necessity due to the quality of qualities and the symptoms of Hadad Akbar, that the existence of a predicate other than obligatory be Because it is obligatory in the same way that it is obligatory in the position of essence, it is obligatory in all attributes and conditions, and it does not have a waiting or needing state; Third. Alavi, however, in Hazira Elans' message, talks about the idea of existence and the absolute being and states that the idea of existence is different from the idea of possibility. But what is on his agenda is an entity that is divided into two types, obligatory and possible, and separation and division are subjective, not objective.
