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از آنجا که رسوبات منطقه سیستان از نوع رسوبی و ریزدانه است، این ذرات با وزش بادهای 120 روزه سیستان حرکت نموده، بستر بسیار مناسبی را برای حرکت ماسه های روان و طوفان های گردوخاک فراهم می سازد که پیامدهای آن، بروز آسیب های متنوع و هزینه های کلان می باشد. هدف این پژوهش، بررسی اثرات بادهای 120 روزه و طوفان های گردوغبار بر ابعاد مختلف زیست پذیری می باشد. پ ژوهش حاضر از نوع توصیفی تحلیلی است که دارای دو بخش عمده در مراحل اجرایی بوده است. بخش اول شامل مطالعات اسنادی جهت بررسی نظرات صاحب نظران و پیشینه و تهیه لیست شاخص ها و بخش دوم شامل مطالعات میدانی جهت تکمیل پرسشنامه های تحقیق بوده است. جامعه آماری این پژوهش شامل سرپرستان خانوارهای روستایی ساکن در شهرستان هیرمند است که بر اساس فرمول کوکران، 375 سرپرست خانوار به عنوان حجم نمونه در نظر گرفته شد. برای تجزیه وتحلیل اطلاعات از روش های آمار توصیفی و استنباطی، مدل VIKOR و نرم افزارهای ArcGIS و SPSS استفاده شده است. بر اساس نتایج پژوهش، از بین شاخص های مورد توجه، افزایش مشکلات تنفسی و چشمی و کاهش درآمد روستائیان در بخش کشاورزی به ترتیب با میانگین های 69/4 و 42/4، بیشترین میزان اثرپذیری از بادهای 120 روزه و طوفان های گردوغبار را به خود اختصاص می دهند. همچنین بر اساس نتایج آزمون رگرسیون، 1/93 درصد از تغییرات زیست پذیری ناشی از بادهای 120 روزه و طوفان های گردوغبار تبیین گردید. نتایج آزمون تحلیل واریانس در بررسی شدت اثرات بادهای 120 روزه و طوفان های گردوغبار بر مؤلفه های مختلف زیست پذیری نیز مؤید آن است که مؤلفه های «آسیب پذیری» و «کیفیت محیطی» بیشترین اثرپذیری را دارا می باشند.

Analysis of the effects of 120-day winds and dust storms on the livability of rural settlements (case study: Hirmand county)

1. Introduction120-day storms in Sistan in drought conditions with increased soil erosion and movement of quicksands, cause destruction of settlements and decrease in biodiversity, decrease in productivity of pastures and forests, increase in daily temperature, increase in evaporation from the earth's surface, decrease in soil fertility, increase in air pollution, increase The cost of living is continuously causing serious damage in different aspects of people's lives at the village level. In this regard, Hamoon Wetland plays an important role in reducing the dryness of the air and creating a favorable environment for the lives of the residents of Sistan region, and with the drying up of this wetland, the 120-day winds blow over the dry surface of the wetland with an increase in the concentration of dust in the sky and intrusion. Quick sands on the surface of the earth deprive people of any activity and create disturbances in the lives of the residents of the area. Based on this, with the spread of the effects of 120-day winds and dust storms, several changes will occur in different dimensions of Hirmand villages due to its location in the Sistan basin and its proximity to the Hamoon wetland, and the economic, social and physical systems of the villages will be severely affected. The result of all these problems is the formation of social economic inequality, the low quality of life and finally the drop in the livability level in these villages. Since the sediments of Sistan region are sedimentary and fine-grained, these particles move with the 120-day winds of Sistan, and provide a very suitable platform for the movement of quicksands and dust storms, the consequences of which cause various damages and huge costs. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effects of 120-day winds and dust storms on the livability of villages in Hirmand county.2. MethodologyThe statistical population of this research includes heads of rural households living in Hirmand county, based on Cochran's formula, 375 heads of households were considered as the sample size to complete the questionnaire. ArcGIS, SPSS, VIKOR model and stepwise regression tests and variance analysis with repeated measures were used for data analysis.3. Results and DiscussionThe results of the research on the distribution of villages based on the final results of the VIKOR model in calculating the overall results of the effects of 120-day winds and dust storms on the livability of the studied villages indicate that the villages with high impact intensity are mainly scattered in the northern half of Hirmand county, which is The reason for the droughts of recent decades and the lack of arrival of Hamoon wetlands from Afghanistan is the proximity of the above villages to the dry bed of Hamoon Wetland and the direction of the prevailing wind that blows from the north to the south and from the dry bed of Hamoon Wetland to the villages. In fact, wind is the main cause of destruction and erosion of the dry bed of Hamoon wetland and the main source of sediment collection in this county, which after traveling a distance, leaves its cargo and creates sandy unevenness. However, the presence of quicksands, the presence of wet agricultural lands prone to erosion, the presence of natural windbreaks (despite significant tree cover) or man-made windbreaks or mulching on the quicksands with petroleum compounds in the lands located in the northern parts of the villages play a major role in the intensity of the impact. 120-day winds and dust storms affect the livability of villages. Based on the results, 93% of the changes in the livability of the studied villages can be explained through the independent variables of interest. Also, the beta value of the standardized coefficients in the test showed that the environmental effects of 120-day winds and dust storms with a beta coefficient of 0.661 had the greatest impact on the livability of the villages of Hirmand county.4. ConclusionThe general summary of the descriptive findings of the research confirms that the livability of villages in Hirmand county is faced with a wide range of negative effects of wind and dust storms. In this regard, "the effects of 120-day winds" due to its effects in increasing soil erosion, movement of quicksands, accumulation of sands in lands and damage to reservoirs, canals and blockage of rural roads, reduction of horticultural and agricultural productions and reduction of income (due to Most of the loss of products occurs due to the strong shaking of agricultural and garden plants during strong winds, which sometimes reach a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour), with the "dust storm effects" that increase the air pollution load, increasing lung problems, eye and skin, reducing the level of health, increasing the cost of living and health care costs can be separated, it seems to be considered and logical measures. The results of the research on the distribution of villages according to the severity of the effects of 120-day winds and dust storms on their livability show that the most affected villages are mainly located in the northern half of the studied area, in the vicinity of the Hamoon dry wetland and the sedimentary lands of the wetland.
