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بخش مهمی از تلاشهای مدیریت شهری در شهرهای با صبغه تاریخی، ارتقای وضعیت بافت فرسوده آنها است. باتوجه به اینکه درشهر مشهد 12.4%وسعت و 28% جمعیت درمحدوده بافت فرسوده اند ازاینرو مطالعه حاضر به دنبال آن است تا تصویری کامل از فعالیت5دوره شورای اسلامی شهرمشهد درخصوص بازآفرینی بافت فرسوده ارائه کند. شیوه مطالعه توصیفی-تحلیلی و بهره گیری از روشهای کمی-کیفی است. درگام اول بامطالعه منابع داخلی و لاتین، ابعاد اصلی بازآفرینی بافت فرسوده مشخص شد. در ادامه با مراجعه به آرشیو مصوبات شورا(شامل4530مصوبه وبررسی یکایک آنها)، اقدام به شناسایی مصوبات مرتبط با بافت فرسوده، شامل58مصوبه(1.28%کل مصوبات و میانگین11.6مصوبه برای هردوره) و ذخیره سازی آنها در پایگاه اکسل گردید. بااستفاده از روشهای آمار توصیفی، دسته بندی از داده ها صورت گرفت. در ادامه بابهره گیری از روش «تحلیل محتوا»(درقالب کدگذاری باز،محوری و انتخابی)، رویکردهای حاکم بر برنامه ریزی هر دوره و نهایتاً کل دوره ها درخصوص بازآفرینی بافت فرسوده شهرمشهد را روشن ساخت. نتایج در کدگذاری باز؛ شناسایی39موضوع کلیدی، درکدگذاری محوری؛9محورمهم و در کدگذاری انتخابی؛4مقوله مرکزی شامل:1)رویه های مرتبط بااجرا، مدیریت و نیروی انسانی2)زمینه های مالی و اقتصادی، 3)محوراصلی ارتقا و توانمندسازی و4)مدیریت زمین و کالبد بود. تفسیر اطلاعات، حاکی از تغییر در رویکردهای هر دوره شورا، در موضوعات گوناگون است. به عبارتی رویکرد منسجم و هماهنگ در تمامی ادوار در مواجهه با بافت فرسوده وجود ندارد. ازدیگرسو بااینکه سرفصلهای اقدامات مدیریت شهری(به استثنای محورمحیط زیست) در تطابق با بازافرینی پایدار است، اما ابعاد موردتاکید در هر بعد، تناسبی را با رویکردبازآفرینی پایدار نشان نمی دهد. در همین راستا پیشنهادهایی در قالب سه دوره کوتاه، میان و بلند مدت ارائه شده است.

Content analysis of Mashhad's Urban Management Actions in Regeneration its Old Texture During the Period of 1377-1400

An important part of the inefficiency of the urban space is its worn-out textures. Dilapidated fabric is the areas that are vulnerable due to physical wear and tear, lack of proper vehicle access, facilities, services and urban infrastructures and have a low spatial, environmental and economic value..An important part of the efforts of urban management in cities with a historical color is to improve the condition of their dilapidated fabric. Considering the variety of actions, it is necessary to avoid fragmented and everyday approaches in decisions in order to recreate. Considering that in Mashhad city, 12.4% of the area and 28% of the population are in worn-out fabric, therefore, the present study seeks to provide a complete picture of the activities of the 5-term Islamic Council of Mashhad regarding the regeneration of worn-out fabric.According to the purpose of the research, the study method is descriptive-analytical and using quantitative-qualitative methods. In the first step, by studying domestic and Latin sources, the main dimensions of the reconstruction of the worn texture were determined. Further, by referring to the archive of the council's approvals (including 4530 approvals and checking each one of them), identifying approvals related to worn out fabric, including 58 approvals (1.28% of all approvals and an average of 11.6 approvals for each period) and storing them It was entered in the Excel database. Using descriptive statistics methods, the data were categorized. Further, by using the content analysis method (in the form of open, central and selective coding), he clarified the approaches governing the planning of each course and finally the whole courses regarding the regeneration of the worn-out fabric of Mashhad.Results and Discussion: results in open coding; Identification of 39 key issues, in central coding; 9 important issues and in selective coding; 4 central categories including: 1) procedures related to implementation, management and human resources, 2) financial and economic fields, 3) the main axis of promotion and empowerment and 4) management of land and body. The interpretation of information indicates a change in the approaches of each period of the council in various issues. In other words, there is no coherent and coordinated approach in all eras in dealing with the worn texture. On the other hand, although the headings of urban management measures (with the exception of the environmental axis) are in accordance with sustainable regeneration, but the dimensions emphasized in each dimension do not show compatibility with the approach of sustainable regeneration.In this regard, suggestions have been presented in the form of three short, medium- and long-term periods. 1) Long-term recommendations: developing a general planning framework to shape and guide urban management measures and avoid personal and everyday views in order to improve the worn-out urban fabric. At the same time, with the end of each council's term, the direction of approaches and actions also changes, while the sustainable regeneration of the fabric is a long-term process. 2) Mid-term recommendations: paying attention to environmental approaches in order to improve the texture in urban management decisions. 3) Short-term recommendations: Avoiding a single look at worn-out tissues and assigning special programs for each area in the local decision-making authority based on local characteristics. More than being a platform for purposeful and coherent work and efforts, the worn-out fabric of Mashhad has been more of a platform for city officials and city council candidates to fill the list of slogans and text of political speeches. The continuous decrease of the population in this context indicates the lack of success in the planned programs. Of course, all of this issue is not related to the actions of the city administration and the city council, but without a doubt, the way of dealing with the city administration could have produced better results for it. Undoubtedly, if such a trend continues in the future, we cannot hope for success in improving the worn-out fabric of Mashhad. On the other hand, the adaptation of the activities carried out with sustainable regeneration criteria shows the least alignment in this regard, and this issue raises the need for special attention to the adopted approaches in this regard.The innovation aspect of the study is dedicated to the subject as well as the study method. So far, no research on this scale has reviewed the issue of worn-out urban fabric in a long period of time. In fact, this study shows a complete picture of the activity of more than two decades of urban management in a metropolis with a large area of dilapidated fabric and can provide a suitable basis for continuing studies in this regard. It is a beginning for such studies.
