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از منظر آیت الله خامنه ای یکی از مهم ترین آرمان های انقلاب اسلامی، تشکیل دولت اسلامی است؛ اما هنوز در معنای حقیقی شکل نگرفته است؛ زیرا چالش ها و آسیب هایی، فراروی تحقق دولت اسلامی است که یکی از این آسیب ها مربوط به کارگزاران نظام اسلامی است. کارگزاران از ارکان اصلی دولت اسلامی می باشند و رفتار نامطلوب کارگزاران می تواند آسیب جدی به نظام و دولت اسلامی وارد نماید. بر این اساس، آسیب شناسی کارگزاران در تحقق دولت اسلامی از منظر آیت الله خامنه ای به عنوان یکی از تأثیرگذارترین صاحب نظران مسلمان شیعه می تواند الگوی نظری و عملی برای عملکرد کارگزاران باشد و از سوی دیگر ایشان، رهبر جامعه ایران هستند و نظرات ایشان، نسبت به هر فرد دیگری می تواند در امور مربوط به دولت تأثیرگذار باشد. بنابراین این پژوهش با روش تحلیل محتوای کیفی، به دنبال پاسخگویی به این پرسش است که از منظر آیت الله خامنه ای، چه آسیب هایی در خصوص کارگزاران منجر به تعویق تحقق دولت اسلامی شده است؟ یافته های این پژوهش نشان داد، آسیب های کارگزاران که تحقق دولت اسلامی را به تعویق انداخته، شامل پیروی از هوای نفس، یاس و ناامیدی، ترجیح رضایت مردم به جای رضایت خدا، تحجر و مقدس نمایی، تجددگرایی افراطی، غفلت از مسائل فرهنگی، تجمل گرایی، سکولاریسم، فساد، خلف وعده به مردم، عدالت گریزی، قانون گریزی، سلطه جویی، جناح گرایی افراطی، تفرقه افکنی و وابستگی به بیگانگان است و راهکار ایشان برای رفع این آسیب ها، الگو گیری از دولت نبوی و علوی است.

The Pathology of the Role of Agents in the Realization of the Islamic State from the Perspective of Ayatollah Khamenei

IntroductionAfter the victory of the Islamic Revolution in February 1978, the Islamic Republic was founded on two core principles: divine sovereignty and popular sovereignty. One of the most important ideals of the Revolution was to establish an Islamic state that would implement the laws and rules of Islam. Such a state would not only manage the everyday affairs of the people but also guide society towards spiritual perfection and closeness to God. However, despite the efforts made over the years, a true Islamic state has yet to be fully realized. This is largely due to various challenges and the damage faced by the Islamic State, one of which is linked to its agents. It is thus essential to identify the vices in the personal and behavioral characteristics of agents. These agents are essential pillars of the Islamic state, playing a vital role in the political system’s stability and efficiency, and in achieving the government’s objectives. Throughout history, however, the agents have faced numerous challenges and vices that have threatened not only their individual and collective lives but also the survival and continuity of the political system itself. Religious teachings consistently emphasize the importance of the health and competence of agents of the Islamic state, warning that the mismanagement of such officials is one of the key factors in the collapse of political systems. In this context, Ayatollah Khamenei’s insights into the vices of agents are particularly valuable. As both the leading Shia thinker in the Islamic world and the Supreme Leader of Iranian society, his views are crucial in identifying the vices of the state officials and offering solutions for preventing or addressing them. In this line, the present study intended to identify and analyze the vices of agents of the Islamic system, which in turn have contributed to the delay in the realization of the Islamic state. Relying on Ayatollah Khamenei’s views, the study aimed to address the following question: What vices have been inflicted upon agents that have led to the delay in the realization of the Islamic state?Materials and MethodsThe current study employed a qualitative content analysis method. The data was collected from various sources, including books, articles, and the Official Website of the Office for the Preservation and Publication of the Works of the Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei (www. khamenei. ir).Results and DiscussionFrom Ayatollah Khamenei’s perspective, the most significant challenges and vices experienced by agents that could delay the realization of the Islamic state include the following: the whims of the self, despair and hopelessness, prioritization of people’s satisfaction over God’s, dogmatism and sanctification, extreme modernism, neglect of cultural issues, indulgence in luxury, secularism, corruption, broken promises to the people, evasion of justice and the law, dominance, extreme factionalism, divisiveness, and dependence on foreign influences. According to Ayatollah Khamenei, the most important vices are the evasion of justice and indulgence in luxury. To remedy the vices, he proposed to follow the model set by the Prophetic (Nabawi) and the Alevi government.ConclusionIf state officials lack integrity and competence, the resulting damage will permeate Islamic society, leading it astray from the right path. Therefore, the negative characteristics among agents of the Islamic State may cause serious and irreparable damage to the system, delaying or even preventing the realization of the Islamic State. Ayatollah Khamenei’s views on the shortcomings and vices of state officials and the methods to prevent or address them provide valuable guidelines. These insights can help ensure the moral integrity of agents and contribute to the realization of the Islamic state. 
