
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


تصویرشناسی» که رویکردی در ادبیات تطبیقی است، با به کارگیری روشی میان رشته ای در پی شناخت فرهنگ، هویت و تصویر واقعی یک ملّت از نگاه دیگری است. یکی از متون مهمّ تاریخی قرن های سوم و چهارم مسالک و ممالک اصطخری، جغرافی دان و سفرنامه نویس آن دوران است. وی در اثرش به معرفی مناطق و اقوام مختلفی از ایران و کشورهای اسلامی پرداخته که یکی از آن ها سیستان است. ترجمه این کتاب در قرن ششم و هفتم به فارسی انجام شده که می توان آن را در قلمروی متون کهن نثر فارسی به شمار آورد. در این جستار در پی پاسخ به این پرسش ها هستیم که انواع تصاویر سیستان در المسالک و الممالک چگونه است و دیگر آن که اصطخری این تصاویر را چگونه قضاوت و روایت کرده و دلایل آن چیست؟ بر این اساس انواع تصاویر مرتبط به سیستان در اثر اصطخری بر پایه دانش تصویرشناسی و در هفت شاخصه فرهنگی، مذهبی، سیاسی، تاریخی، اقتصادی، معماری و جغرافیایی استخراج و طبقه بندی و تحلیل شد. نتایج تحقیق حاکی از آن است که در مجموع 159 تصویر مرتبط در سیستان در اثر اصطخری قابل شمارش است که از این میان تصاویر جغرافیایی با 46 درصد و تاریخی با 16 درصد بیش ترین نوع تصاویر را به خود اختصاص داده است. غلبه 60 درصدی تصاویر مثبت نیز نشانگر نگاه مثبت اصطخری به این قوم بوده و عواملی هم چون هدف تألیف اثر، تأثیرپذیری از آثار پیشین، زیست بوم، گرایش های ملّی _ مذهبی و ساختار جامعه عصر او در ارائه این تصاویر تأثیرگذار بوده است.

The Image of Sistan in Istakhri's Al-Masalik Wa'l-Mamalik

"Imageology", as an approach in literary and historical texts, and criticism, applies an interdisciplinary method to understand the culture, identity, and real image of a nation from the point of view of another. Al-Masalik Wa'l-Mamalik by Istakhri, a geographer and travelogue writer of the Persian region, is one of the important historical texts of the 3 rd and 4 th centuries AH. In his work, Istakhri introduces different regions and tribes of Iran and Islamic countries, one of which is Sistan and Sistanians. This research is an attempt to answer the following questions: what are the types of images of Sistan in Al-Masalik Wa'l-Mamalik , how did Istakhri judge and narrate these images, and what are the reasons for that? To that aim, all the images related to Sistan in Istakhri's book are extracted and classified into cultural, religious, political, historical, economic, architectural, and geographical indicators based on imagology. Also, Istakhrī's attitude in evaluation and to some extent his reasons for that were analyzed. The overall estimation of the images related to Sistan in Al-Masālik wa'l-Mamālik shows Istakhrī's positive view of this people and factors such as influence from previous books, ecology, national-religious tendencies and the structure of the society of his era was influential in presenting these images.  Introduction : Istakhri, a prominent geographer and cartographer of the 3 rd and 4 th centuries AH, is widely recognized as the leading Arab geographer and the first person to write a book in Arabic on geography after the rise of Islam. Istakhri distinguishes his approach to writing from other geographers of his time who categorized the world into seven regions. Instead, he divides the Islamic world into twenty regions and provides detailed descriptions of their routes, geography, culture, religion, and other characteristics. Additionally, there exists an ancient Persian translation of Istakhri's book from the 6 th and 7 th centuries AH, which enriches the Persian literary prose texts. In the field of literary and historical criticism of ancient texts, the approach "imageology" is applicable. This interdisciplinary method aims to understand the culture, identity, and image of a nation from various cultural, social, religious, and political viewpoints, from the perspective of "the other". This discipline reconstructs the intellectual and cultural context in which a text is produced by analyzing literary works and images. Sistan is one of the main regions that Istakhri introduces and describes in his work. In this study, our objective is to analyze and categorize the image of Sistan and its inhabitants during Istakhri's time from seven different perspectives comprising cultural, religious, political, historical, economic, architectural, and geographical. We will examine the positive, negative, and neutral images presented in Istakhri's work through the use of tables and diagrams. Method : The research methodology employed in this study is as follows: First, a comprehensive collection of images related to Sistan from Istakhri's book is extracted and, then, categorized and classified due to its statements and topics. Followed by that, the linguistic context of each statement and identify Istakhri's qualitative and statistical assessments of positive, negative, and neutral attitudes based on adjectives, adverbs, and linguistic context. Furthermore, the researchers have examined the reasons behind Istakhri's evaluative attitude towards different images of Sistan by referring to intertextual and intratextual documents. Results and Discussion : Images of Sistan in Istakhri’s Masālik al-Mamālik [Book of Roads and Kingdoms] 1.1. Cultural Images: Istakhri portrays 14 cultural images of the people of Sistan, among which 8 images are positive and 6 images are neutral. Interestingly, no negative images are presented, indicating Istakhri's positive perspective on the cultural characteristics of the people of Sistan. 1.2. Religious Images: Istakhri includes 3 religious images of the people of Sistan, in which 2 images are positive and 1 image is neutral. The scarcity of diverse religious images in Masālik al-Mamālik suggests that religious images were not a primary focus for Istakhri. 1.3. Political Images: There are five political images extracted from Istakhri's work, four of which are related to the Saffarid era. Although it is expected that Istakhri's book includes political images of Sistan, it appears that this aspect was not among his priorities. 1.4. Historical Images: Istakhri provides 19 historical images, of which 8 are positive and 11 are neutral. Except for one case, all these images are associated with the Saffarid era. The relatively high number of historical images compared to other categories highlights the significance of Sistan in the 4th century, primarily due to the influence of the Saffarid dynasty. The eleven neutral images reflect Istakhri's descriptive approach, seeking to minimize evaluative views in describing historical events. 1.5. Economic Images: All 26 economic images presented by Istakhri describes the economic situation in Sistan positively. The absence of negative or neutral images suggests the prosperous economic conditions of the region in the fourth century, likely attributed to the centralization of power in Sistan and the efficacy of the Saffarid dynasty in the area. 1.6. Architectural Images: Istakhri describes 11 positive images of the architectural landscape in Sistan, reflecting his positive attitude towards the region's architectural features. 1.7. Geographical Images: Istakhri provides 73 images within the geographic index, where 34 images are positive, 6 are negative, and 33 are neutral. Most of the images in the book pertaining to Sistan are geographical in nature, which is understandable given the book's subject matter. Conclusion : In total, Istakhri presents 159 images of Sistan, distributed among various categories. Geographical images represent 46% of the total, followed by historical (17%), economic (16%), cultural (9%), architectural (7%), political (3%), and religious (2%) images. The predominance of geographical images reflects the main purpose of Masalik Al-Mamalik to describe the geography of Istakhri's time. Conversely, the scarcity of political and religious images suggests that these aspects were not of utmost importance to Istakhri. Regarding Istakhri's evaluative attitudes, it is noteworthy that out of the 159 images of Sistan, 96 (60%) are positive, 59 (37%) are neutral, and only 6 (3%) are negative. This indicates Istakhri's overwhelmingly positive attitude and description of the Sistan region. The six negative images are also related to geographic aspects and are a result of climatic and natural conditions, not human intervention. The reasons for this evaluative attitude can be found in Istakhri's historical sources, such as the works of Jayhani and Ibn Hawqal, which also present positive images of Sistan. Other factors, including the purpose of writing the book, ecology, national-religious tendencies, and the social structure of Istakhri's era, have influenced the presentation of these images.  
