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ترجمه را می توان پلی برای پیوند اندیشه ها و باورهای مردمان دو فرهنگ دانست. از دیرباز تاکنون آدمی در پرتو ترجمه با گفتارها، کردارها و دستاوردهای سرزمین های دیگر آشنا شده و از این رهگذر، بینش و نگرش خود را بارور کرده است. یکی از برجسته ترین نظریه های ترجمه که به سنجش سطح کیفی متون برگردان شده ادبی می پردازد و چهار سطح گوناگون را دربر می گیرد، نظریه کارمن گارسس (1994) است. پژوهش پیش رو که به روش توصیفی - تحلیلی است بر آن است تا برگردان عربی ایمان صالح با عنوان «أولئک الثلاثه والعشرون فتىً» از کتاب «آن بیست و سه نفر» نوشته احمد یوسف زاده را بر پایه سطح لغوی- معنایی الگوی ترجمه کارمن گارسس ارزیابی و برتری ها و کاستی های آن را بررسی کند. این پژوهش نشان می دهد که در این برگردان، بسط نحوی در پوشش مفاهیمی چون افزونی قید، صفت و ترکیب اضافی پدیدار شده و قبض نحوی در جلوه هایی مانند حذف صفت، مفعول، فعل و قید نمود یافته است. همچنین نشان می دهد که مترجم در فرآیند عام در برابر خاص از ابزارهایی مانند حذف صفت بهره گرفته و در فرآیند خاص در برابر عام با تکنیک بیان نوع در کنار جنس، دایره واژه را تنگ تر کرده است. یافته دیگر این پژوهش، آن است که ویژگی های مثبت، بخش چشم گیری را در این ترجمه به خود اختصاص داده و این برگردان از دو ویژگی کفایت و مقبولیت برخوردار شده و خرسندی خواننده را در پی داشته است.

A Survey of the Arabic Translation of the Book "Those 23 People" Written by Ahmad Yusefzadeh on the Basis of the Lexical-Semantic Level of the Translation model by Carman Graces

Translation can be used to connect the ideas and beliefs of people in two cultures. From time to time, Mankind has been aware of the words, deeds and achievements of other lands through translation, and hereby, he has fertilized his vision and attitude. One of the most prominent translation theories that deals with measuring the qualitative level of translated text in literature and covers four different levels is the Carman Garces' theory (1994). This research, which is descriptive-analytical, aims to evaluate the Arabic translation of Iman Saleh from the book "Those 23 People" written by Ahmad Yusefzadeh on the basis of the Lexical-Semantic level of the translation model by Carman Garces, and to examine its superiorities and characteristics. The research shows that in this translation, the syntactic expantion appears in the coverage of figures like an added adverb, added adjective. In addition, the syntactic reduction emerged in the concepts like the deletion of adjective, object, verb and adverb. It also shows that the translator has narrowed the word circle by using the tools such as deleting the adjective in the general process versus the particular, and applying the techniques like expressing the kind alongside the gender in the particular process versus the general. Another finding of this study is that it attributed the positive characteristics of the remarkable part in this translation to it, Furthermore, this translation pocesses the adequacy and acceptability, causing the reader’s satisfaction. Keywords: Translation Study, The book Those 23 People, Carman Garces, Lexical-Semantic Level. Introduction Translation can be considered a beneficial endeavor in the direction of overcoming linguistic barriers between different nations. Although this phenomenon has been an important tool for the transmission of  thought throughout history, the abundance of words and expressions in different cultures has always been one of the fundamental challenges facing translators. It can be clearly stated that the translator is a bridge of communication between people who do not share the same culture. In other words, he plays the role of a cultural mediator between different civilizations. Translation is an indispensable human necessity, because no nation, no matter how much it has achieved in terms of progress and culture, can dispense with the universal human heritage by relying solely on its own unique heritage. The need for translation has existed throughout history and across various cultures, manifesting in diverse forms. The efforts of translators to bridge linguistic barriers for audiences within the same culture have always been commendable. Examining and evaluating the work of other translators is a fundamental aspect of developing one's own skills and acquiring experience and expertise. In the process of rendering a text, translators often encounter phenomena such as augmentation, reduction, and other modifications, which serve as indicators of the translation's strength or weakness. Today, translation studies can be considered an interdisciplinary field that goes beyond merely do not assessing the accuracy or inaccuracy of a translation. Therefore, translation criticism, as a widely used field of translation studies, operates in all textual and extra-literary fields of a translated work. In addition, from the past to the present, various literary, religious and other texts have attracted the attention of those involved in the field of translation criticism; meaning that some have taken a critical approach to these translated texts and considered them to be subjective. One of the contemporary translation theories that has  attracted much attention and opened up new horizons is the translation theory of Ms. Carmen Garces. This theory, encompassing four levels, is considered one of the most prominent linguistic theories in assessing the quality of translations. It analyzes and evaluates the quality level of literary translation text. This paper aims to evaluate the Arabic translation of Ahmad Yousefzadeh's novel entitled "Those 23 People", using an analytical-descriptive approach and focusing on the lexical-semantic level of Garces' theory. Literature Review As far as the authors of this research have been able to find, no one has previously critically evaluated a topic with this title. However, there have been several studies on the critique and evaluation of Garcés' theory in relation to various texts. Some examples of these studies include: Rahimi Khuyaghani, M. (2018). Lexical criticism of the translation of the Holy Quran by Mousavi Garmaroodi based on the semantic-lexical level of Garcés. Journal of Quran and Hadith Translation Studies, Allameh Tabataba'i University, 4(7), 69-94. The author examined a number of words in Garmaroodi's translation of the Holy Quran based on the components of Garcés' theory and found that a significant portion of the components of the first level of Garcés' translation model are present in Garmaroodi's translation. Masoud Eghbali and Ebrahim Namdari. A Critical Review of the Translations of Surah Yusuf by Elahi Qomshe’i and Makarem Shirazi with an Emphasis on the Grammatical Level of Garcés' Translation . Journal of Quranic Linguistics, University of Isfahan, Spring and  Summer 1397, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 154-137. This study evaluates the translations of Surah Yusuf by Elahi Qomshe’i and Makarem Shirazi based on the components of Carmen Garcés' translation model at the grammatical level. The authors examine various grammatical evidences from the verses of Surah Yusuf and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the translations. Asghar Babazadeh Aghdam and Colleagues: Lexical-Grammatical Level of Expression Change Based on Carmen Garces' Model: A Case Study: Translation of Haddad Adel, Mo'ezi and Ansariyan, Volumes 29 and 30 of the Holy Quran. Journal of Translation Studies in Arabic Language and Literature, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Autumn and Winter 1398, Vol. 9, No. 21, pp. 279-306. The most important findings of this research are that based on Garces' model, only Mo'ezi's translation is literal, while Ansariyan and Haddad Adel's translations have been explained and expanded in meaning. Research Methodology This descriptive-analytical research aims to evaluate the Arabic translation of "Those 23 people" based on the lexical-semantic level of Carmen Garces' translation model and to examine its advantages and disadvantages. Conclusions In the explanation section, taking into account cultural differences, the translator has successfully completed the translation and has well-explained unfamiliar expressions and terms in footnotes, and has explained everything that was unfamiliar due to cultural differences for the Arabic-speaking. In this translation, various aspects of grammatical expansion and contraction are evident. Grammatical expansion is manifested in the coverage of concepts such as the addition of adverbs, adjectives, and adjectival phrases, while grammatical contraction is manifested in aspects such as the omission of adjectives, objects, verbs, and adverbs. .
