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«الفرج بعد الشده» از جمله آثار روایی است که بخش بزرگی از فرهنگ و ادب عامه کهن را نمایندگی می کند. این کتاب که در سده هفتم توسط دهستانی به فارسی برگردانده شده، مشتمل بر حکایت های عامه بسیاری است در قالب 14 باب که در آن بیش از 200 سرگذشت زندگی انسان های گرفتار در قالب داستان با مضامینی اخلاقی به تصویر کشیده شده است که در مهلکه های زندگی هر یک با توکل به خدا رستگار شده اند. یکی از الگوهای مناسب نقد ترجمه، الگوی کاتارینا رایس است که کمتر مورد توجه ترجمه شناسان قرار گرفته است. با توجه به جامعیت تکنیک های نقد ترجمه در الگوی کاتارینا رایس نسبت به سایر الگوهای ترجمه، پژوهش حاضر می تواند به عنوان نمونه و الگویی مناسب توسط علاقه مندان به حوزه نقد ترجمه در زبان و ادبیات عربی به کار گرفته شود. پژوهش پیش رو کوشیده ضمن کاربست الگوی رایس در متن عربی، تحلیلی کلی از ترجمه فارسی کتاب الفرج بعد الشده از دو منظر زبان شناختی و فرازبانی ارائه کند. با توجه به گستردگی حجم کتاب، باب اول آن به عنوان پیکره پژوهش انتخاب و با روش توصیفی- تحلیلی بررسی شد. برآیند پژوهش نشان داد که دهستانی بر اساس الگوی رایس، ترجمه ای اقتباسی ارائه داده است. در عوامل زبان شناختی، مترجم به واسطه تغییرات معنایی، کاربست ساختارهای دقیق دستوری متناسب با معیارهای زبان مقصد و عناصر سبکی شاخص به بسندگی و تعادل معنایی در متن مقصد دست یافته است. علاوه بر این، در بررسی عوامل فرازبانی با واکاوی موقعیت و موضوع ادای سخن، توجه به زمان و مکان و سنجش ابزارهای معنایی جهت انعکاس تداعی های عاطفی، مشخص شد دهستانی ضمن اینکه محتوامحوری را نقش غالب زبان مقصد در نظر گرفته در ارائه تعادل معنایی تا حدی پیش رفته که ترجمه او در زبان مقصد از جایگاه و اثرگذاری بیشتری نسبت به زبان مبدأ برخوردار شده است.

Analysis of the Farsi translation of the book Al-Faraj Bad al-Shedda based on the model of Katharina Reiss

The book Al-Faraj  Bad al-Shedda is one of the narrative works that revives a large part of ancient popular culture and literature In this book, more than two hundred life stories of people caught in problems are depicted in the form of stories. These people have been saved by trusting God in facing the problems of life. One of the appropriate models of translation criticism is Katarina Reiss's model, which has received less attention from researchers. Considering the comprehensiveness of translation criticism techniques in Katarina Reiss's model compared to other translation models, the present study can be used as a suitable example and model by researchers in the field of translation criticism in Arabic language and literature. This research tries to provide a general analysis of the Persian translation of the book Al-Faraj Bad al-Shedda from two linguistic and meta-linguistic perspectives by using Reiss's model in the Arabic text. Because the difference in the structure of the two languages is significant and this issue can be useful in translation research and linguistic studies. Key words : Translation, Model of Katharina Reiss, Al-Faraj  Bad al-Shedda, Ghazi Tanukhi, Dehestani. Introduction The field of translation between Persian and Arabic languages has been very prosperous for a long time. The translation of literary texts, such as Al-Faraj  Bad al-Shedda, has been one of the most dynamic literary trends in ancient times. Many works in different genres and subjects have been translated from Arabic to Persian and from Persian to Arabic, and some of them have been very influential from a literary point of view. The book Al-Faraj  Bad al-Shedda, is one of the prominent Arabic works written by Qazi Tanukhi, a writer of the 4th century of Hijri. Hossein Dehestani translated the book Al-Faraj  Bad al-Shedda, in the 7th century.  Katharina Reiss is a well-known German translator who is known as a role-oriented translator and the creator of the "text type in translation" theory. This research tries to answer the following questions by criticizing the translation of Al-Faraj Bad al-Shedda, relying on Katarina Reiss's model: Are the methods proposed in Katarina Reiss's model suitable for criticizing the translation of Al-Faraj Bad al-Shedda, if the answer is positive, what are the reasons for the usefulness of these methods? How is Dehestani translation criticized and evaluated based on Katarina Reiss's linguistic and meta-linguistic factors. Literature Review Few researches have been done about the Katarina Reiss model in Iran, including: The article " Reiss's Pioneering Model for Translation Criticism" written by Alireza Khanjan, who tried to introduce Kathrina Reiss's model. The article "Examination of Literary Translation Challenges" written by Ali Ganjian Khanari, who introduced the first part of Reiss's model, i.e. the type of text, in this article and it has shown the characteristics of literary texts and the challenges and problems that the translator faces in translating this type of texts. About the Katharina Reiss model in Arabic language, a few researches have been done, including: The article "Measurement and evaluation of Katarina Reiss's translation model" written by Leila Alam, who started the discussion with an introduction of criticism and translation, and continued to introduce the category of "text type" and the division of the text based on the role of language, and at the end of her discussion has finished with the criteria of translation criticism. But this research criticized the translation of the first chapter of the book "Al-Farj after Al-Shada" based on Katharina Reiss's model and it is new both in the theoretical approach and in the text of the research. Research Methodology Considering the volume of the book, its first chapter was selected and analyzed by descriptive-analytical method. Conclusion From what came in this research, the following results are obtained: Based on the balance in the type of text presented in Katharina Reiss's model, it can be said that Dehestani has disturbed this balance in determining the "dominant role". Reiss believes that a text may have different roles and what is the criterion is the dominant role. based on Katarina Reiss's model, Dehestani has presented an adapted translation. He has achieved semantic sufficiency and balance in his translation by means of semantic changes, the use of precise grammatical structures in accordance with the criteria of the target language, and significant stylistic elements. The methods proposed in Katharina Reiss's model are suitable for criticizing the translation of the book "Al-Faraj Bad al-Shedda" because in this model, Reiss directs the critic to a targeted criticism to examine and judge the literary work in terms of content, style, and sometimes from an aesthetic perspective. Relying on the two linguistic and meta-linguistic components mentioned in Reiss's model, the reasons that caused the translator to achieve semantic imbalance in his translation were criticized and his performance was comprehensively evaluated. in the linguistic component, the translator has disturbed the semantic balance due to the semantic changes and grammatical changes of the source language, the use of unique stylistic elements and the criteria of the target language, and the construction of the target text is broken. on the other hand, in the evaluation of the meta-linguistic components, the gaps in the situation and the topic of speech have been well filled by the translator and by being influenced by temporal and spatial elements, he changed the form of the original text in favor of the target language and removed the cultural gaps between the two cultures.    
