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دو عنصر اصلی زیبایی یک اثر هنری، رنگ و تصویر است که در انتقال مفهوم به مخاطب تأثیر بسیاری دارد و  تحلیل مؤلّفه های آن می تواند معرّف کاربرد خاص شاعر از زبان و تمایز نوع ادبی اثر باشد؛ البته زیبایی در اینجا تنها استفاده از صنایع ادبی نیست؛ زیرا شعر بدون آنها نیز می تواند زیبا باشد. شاعر در اینجا به تقویت سایر ابزارهایی که در دست دارد می پردازد و از این طریق نبود زیبایی های شعری را جبران می کند. در این پژوهش به عوامل ساختاری و زیباشناسانه ای پرداخته می شود که نقش متفاوت و عمیق تری در تشخیص دادن نوع ادبی ایفا می کند؛ بنابراین سعی شده است از ذکر مطالب توصیفی که بارها بر روی آثار گوناگون ادبی انجام شده تا حدّ امکان پرهیز شود. آثار مدّنظر عبارت است از: داستان شیخ صنعان از عطار نیشابوری، داستان شاه و کنیزک از مولانا و منظومه سلامان و ابسال از جامی. دست آورد اصلی این تحقیق روشن کردن این مطلب است که مؤلّفه های بلاغی و زبانی در آثار عاشقانه رمزی، از سویی به تقویت بُعد غنایی آنها کمک می کند و از طرف دیگر در شکل گیری و گشایش هویت رمزها تأثیر شایانی دارد.  

The Structure of Images in Secret Love Poems

Color and image, which provide the main part of the beauty of an artwork, are effective in conveying the concept to the audience; therefore, the analysis of its components can be considered an indicator of the poet's special use of language and the distinction of the literary type of each work. Of course, beauty here is not only the use of literary arts. Poetry can also be beautiful without them. Here, the poet works on strengthening other tools in his hand and compensates for the lack of poetic beauty. In this study, structural and aesthetic factors are discussed, which play a different and deeper role in distinguishing the literary genre. Therefore, it has been tried to avoid as much as possible the mention of descriptive concepts that have been mentioned many times in various literary works. The considered works are the story of Sheikh Sanaan by Attar Nishaburi, the story of the Shah and the Maid of Rumi, and the poem Salaman and Absal by Jami. The main achievement of this research is to clarify the fact that the rhetorical and linguistic elements in Ramzi's romantic works, on the one hand, help to strengthen their lyrical dimension, and on the other hand, they have a great effect on the formation and opening of the identity of Ramzi.   Keywords: Code, Simile, Metaphor, Allusion, Love Poem, Secret Poem.   Introduction Poetic images, which are often formed based on external senses, serve as a tool that strengthens the meaning and adds to the power of the poem's sensory impact (Fatuhi, 2006, p. 420). One of the ways of conveying emotions and messages is through the poet's discoveries and intuitions. The research background about the place of images includes the book The Rhetoric of Image by Fatuhi (2006) and the book Imagination in Persian Poetry by Shafiei Kadkani (2012). However, in the current study, the structure of poetic images in some symbolic romance systems is examined through the lens of symbols, metaphors, and similes. These works include the story of Sheikh Sanan by Attar Nishaburi, the story of the Shah and the Maid of Rumi, and the poem Salaman and Absal by Jami. Structurally, in a lyrical text, the metaphorical pole of the language prevails over its figurative pole, and the origin of metaphors is often the poet's emotional experience. In lyrical narrative poems, the poet uses an introspective point of view, and the two emotional and poetic functions of language are the dominant functions in this type of literature (as cited in Zakeri Kish, 2012). In this study, the formal coordinates and images raised in this type of poetry have been discussed and the degree of affinity of each with the lyrical or mystical color of the works has been explained.   Materials and Methods In this research, the method of research is documentary in such a way that after studying the works from the lens of aesthetics, the images that on the one hand strengthen the lyrical side of the verses and, on the other hand, highlight their esoteric and mystical concepts have been studied and analyzed. In this study, the researcher has selected three stories of the Shah the Maid , Sheikh Sanan , and Salaman and Absal as examples and then identified and expressed the symbolic images in these works.   Research Findings The results of analyzing the above-mentioned three works are presented in Table 1. Table 1. Analysis of the Structure of Images in Secret Love Poems in the Three Works ( the Shah the Maid , Sheikh Sanan , Salaman and Absal ) Secret love poems Border images symbol Figurative, simile and metaphorical structure true meaning symbolic meaning       the Shah and the maid King Symbol of human reason and spirit the ruler Chicken life, wisdom like a donkey, wine maidservant A representative of the animal soul or a beginner seeker Hair, moon, candles Fire spiritual doctor The total wisdom or real guru Love, treasure Sunshine in the middle of the shadow, illusion, Mustafa (S), rain, father gold man The secret of the world and its relations stream Peacock, deer, fox, peal, rose         Sheikh Sanan Sheikh Sanan Adam or the seeker of God Youssef Tawfiq, dod, star, cloud, fire, sun, flood, wind, tablet, sun, flower Candle, shadow, sea Scared girl The symbol of Eve Sepehr, Tower, Sun, Lal, Musk, Arch, Moon, Fire, Narcissus, Zannar, Needle, Chah Simin,... Jesus (S), idol, heaven, disbelief, drop Mustafa The symbol of the perfect man - moon, dew       Salaman and Absal King First intellect or active intellect Gulban, begging, bud Gem, mystic heart Salaman The code of the speaking soul and the pure soul or Adam (S) Cedar, deer, moon, gem, musk umbrella, bell, letter bread, drunk, flower, shell, spear, badr, crescent, apple, Sar spring, sea, and... Mirror, John, Moon, Khushid, Chicken A year old sensual body Musk threshing, wire, cypress, game, Sarahi, bubble, light, ivory, sable, page flower, Nafeh, flower Nasrin, .... Shadow, chain, tone Hakim The code of upper grace or grace - nectar and wind Sea Animal lusts and carnal pleasures Dibai China, Dibai Nili, Gerdon Qaf to Qaf, mountain Vesper True lover and great perfections moon, sun Candle   Discussion of Results and Conclusion Based on the analysis of the structure of images in secret romantic poems, similes and metaphors in poems and stories have a new identity. One of the most important functions of simile and metaphor in poetry is to make the content of a work clearer. This function of simile in secret poems is of double importance because the simile has two dimensions: appearance and symbolism. Therefore, simile becomes a two-layered concept, and in this way, the main function of simile in such texts is to help decipher the content with the help of a prologue. In this case, and by making the audience aware of these hidden secrets, unlike pure lyrical poetry, similes and metaphors in symbolic poetry are effective in understanding the message before inducing an aesthetic feeling. Allusions are also used in secret love poems for two main purposes. First, they strengthen the lyrical side of the works, which ends with a few hints. Second, they refer to hints that, according to the content of each one, play a role in explaining the mystical or moral theme of the works. Based on this, the major contribution of allusions in symbolic poems is in the service of their symbolic and mystical meaning, and lyrical allusive anecdotes play a minor role in explaining the special language of these works.
