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دموکراتیزاسیون یکی از مهم ترین وقایعی است که مسیر تغییرات اجتماعی بسیاری از جوامع را در قرن بیستم دگرگون کرده است. قرن بیستم، قرن ظهور امواج دموکراسی خواهی در جوامع متعدد است. جامعه ایران نیز در قرن بیستم، از این موج دموکراسی خواهی جهانی دور نبوده است و انقلاب اسلامی ایران یکی از امواج دموکراتیزاسیون در نظر گرفته می شود. پژوهش کنونی با تأکید بر برهه زمانی انقلابی (1342-1357) در تلاش است تا با تکیه بر مهم ترین مفاهیم گذار به دموکراسی، انقلاب ایران را مطالعه کند. مدل مفهومی پژوهش نیز، بر اساس نظریات هانتینگتن[1] (1396)، جیل[2] (1400)، تیلی[3] (1392) ترسیم و داده های تحقیق بر اساس آن تحلیل شد. روش مطالعه، نهادگرایی تاریخی و منابع پژوهش نیز، منابع تاریخی اولیه و ثانویه بوده اند. نتایج تحقیق نشان می دهد از سال 1342 و با افزایش فعالیت های نهاد روحانیت در عرصه مبارزه سیاسی و شکل گیری گروه های سیاسی زیرزمینی مارکسیستی، انقلاب ایران آغاز و در نهایت با از هم گسیختگی نخبگان، به فروپاشی دولت منجر شد. فرآیند انقلاب با هدف بازتعریف نهاد دولت بر اساس اصول دموکراتیک، ازطریق بسیج نارضایتی ها، اعتراضات مسالمت آمیز و تقویت جامعه مدنی تداوم یافت و با وجود اتخاذ سیاست فضای باز سیاسی در چند مرحله به وسیله دولت، شدت یافت. رخداد هفدهم شهریور و ناامیدی جامعه از مصالحه با دولت برای برقراری دموکراسی، بزنگاه تاریخی اصلی بود که در ماه های پایانی منتهی به انقلاب، مسیر بیان مطالبات دموکراتیک را تسریع کرد.   [1] Huntington [2] Gill [3] Tilly

Democratization and Revolution: Democratization Process during 1963-1979 in Iran

Introduction Democratization stands as one of the most momentous occurrences of the 20th century, profoundly shaping the trajectory of social change in numerous societies. Throughout this era, waves of democratization swept across different nations and Iran was not exempt from this transformative tide. Considering a pivotal part of this democratization movement, the 1979 Revolution in Iran served as the focal point for this research. The objective was to delve into key concepts within the democratization literature, specifically examining the revolutionary period spanning from 1963 to 1979. To accomplish this, the research drew upon the conceptual models presented by Samuel Huntington, Gream Gill, and Charles Tilly, using their frameworks as a basis for analyzing the research data. Employing the historical institutionalism method, the primary and secondary historical references served as the primary sources of data. The findings of this study elucidated that the activities of the Rouhaniat institution and the emergence of underground Marxist parties in 1963 marked the inception of the Islamic revolution, ultimately leading to the events of 1978. Despite the state's efforts to regulate the democratization process by creating political space, historical incidents like the episode of  September 8 and the society's disillusionment with the state played pivotal roles in accelerating the democratization process.     Materials and Methods Interpretation of the Islamic revolution in Iran is varied, encompassing Marxist, Islamic, and democratic perspectives. This research viewed the revolution of 1979 as a significant stride towards democratization in Iran. The historical institutionalism approach was employed to identify key historical factors and establish causal relationships between events. In this method, the researchers examined the chosen historical period to identify pivotal moments and trace the chain of events. Subsequently, the researchers elucidated the temporal and causal sequences that connected these events (Pierson, 2014: 227). To accomplish this, the research relied on a foundation of historical documents, including historical journals and books, as primary sources. Discussion of Results and Conclusion The research framework was rooted in concepts derived from theories on democratization processes. Charles Tilly's notion of mobilization of protesters finds support in the mosque networks and underground Marxist groups that facilitated a large-scale demonstration in 1979. Gream Geal's emphasis on civil society and the breakdown of elite unity was evident in historical actions, such as protest speeches and nationwide demonstrations in 1977. Indications of elite disunity included punishment of former political elites and the army's refusal to suppress the populace. Samuel Huntington's theory on the struggle to establish a new political order was reflected in the absence of nominations within the Rstakhis party and the demand for an Islamic republic. The process of democratization during this period originated from ideological disagreements between Islamic and underground Marxist groups and the state. In response, the state sought to suppress these dissenting actions by establishing its own party. Meanwhile, the society witnessed an increase in demonstrations and strengthening of civil society activities. However, the state also escalated violence against demonstrators, marking a pivotal historical moment known as the "Black Friday", which led to two subsequent significant events: widespread demonstrations and strikes. The persistence of street protests following these events ultimately culminated in the final stage of democratization characterized by the collapse of elite unity. Applying the historical institutionalism approach, the results demonstrated that after the incident of "Black Friday" in September 8th, 1978, the state responded with severe repression, using violence as a means to control the society. In turn, the society responded by intensifying its civil resistance, leading to a significant number of protests involving millions of participants and nationwide strikes. These events collectively formed a causal chain that played a central role in the process of the 1979 revolution.  
